Showing posts with label tongue-speaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tongue-speaking. Show all posts

May 15, 2016

Pentecost Day on May 15, 2016

Pentecost is a prominent feast in the calendar of Ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Law on Sinai, and also later in the Christian liturgical year commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the remaining eleven disciples of Christ (Judas had hanged himself) after the Resurrection of Jesus. It is also called Whit Sunday, Whitsun, or Whit, especially in the United Kingdom, where the following Monday was traditionally a holiday. Pentecost, meaning “fiftieth day”, is celebrated seven weeks (50 days) after Easter Sunday, hence its name.
As recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, it was on the 50th day after Easter that the apostles were praying together and the Holy Spirit descended on them. They received the “gift of tongues” – the ability to speak in other languages – and immediately began to preach about Jesus Christ to Jewish people from all over the world who flocked to Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot.
Christian Pentecost became not only a commemoration of the Holy Spirit’s visit but also marks the birth of the Christian Church.
While not all Christians will recognize the Pentecost religious holiday as a holy day on May 15 this year, it generally is honored in liturgical churches whose congregations are Protestant, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox and Charismatic — and of course, Pentecostal.
Pentecost is recorded in the New Testament book known as The Acts of the Apostles. Chapter 2 begins, “And when the day of Pentecost had come, [the first followers of Jesus] were all together in one place” (2:1). All of a sudden, a sound came from heaven, like a strong wind, filling the house where the people had gathered. Something like tongues of fire rested on their heads. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak” (2:4).
Bible verses related to Pentecost include: Acts 2:1 — When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. John 14:26 — But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Titus 3:5 — He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2: 14-16 — Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!” Acts 2: 42-47 — They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
(above quoted from various internet sources)

April 15, 2016

progress to be made in hearing God

This is a pertinent issue for every Christian. Progress to be made to hear God. When I read through some of my old blogs I realize the length, breadth, height, and depth I have gone since then. My old blogs of walking by the Spirit reflected what I went through during a time of change, from not knowing God the Holy Spirit to discovering and encountering God in the Spirit. Those were days of wonders. When I read some of my blogs now I find that I have nothing much to say of my own experience except in the words of God. The words of God are my daily experience. My wonders. My signs. Do I still see visions? Do I still talk to God and receive His replies? Do I open the Bible and often see the exact words He uses to answer me? Do I still receive confirmations? Do I still see His words come to pass? Are my prayers still being answered and requests granted? Do I still pray in new tongues? Am I hearing God’s yes or no clearly? can I still have regular conversation with the Lord? Have I received more new light in understanding His words? The answer to all the aforementioned questions is “YES”. Then why am I not sharing them with my readers? Because now I know they are for me for a purpose. All I need to do is to listen and follow.
I would encourage you to ask the Lord too for His specific guidance. Read His words, pray in tongues, ask, and listen and/or read His words again for confirmation. Always wait for His replies. I have a sharing about speaking in tongues or praying in tongues. One recent day I was walking on the treadmill and broke out in tongues. I prayed for sometime and worshiped in the spirit, singing songs in tongues. Then I realized I was praying in a tongue which I had never heard or prayed or spoken before. It just appeared and came out from me. I knew it’s a new tongue. I continued to let it flow out like what Jesus said, “rivers of living water will flow from within them. ” (John 7:38-39) another occasion I was woken to pray in tongues for my nation. After I prayed I asked the Lord about my own near future direction and I asked for a vision. The vision came. I asked further what it meant and heard the Lord telling me what to do next and when it would take place. So I recorded for my future reference.

January 24, 2011

Holy Spirit Practical

One important the watchman has learned about the Holy Spirit is that practice in hearing the Holy Spirit is essential for all believers. How to hear the Holy Spirit? This is a question with unlimited answers. Each week he has asked a different member to give a testimony to his class on how the individual hears the Holy Spirit. Based on their sharings he has noted the rich varieties of experiences each individual has encountered in their journey in the Holy Spirit.

For example, in one case the believer has started by reading the Bible and related books hungrily after he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Then he started manifesting one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophecy. He took the courage and gave the word of prophecy faithfully and received more as he obeyed the Lord. He spent much time before the Lord and praying in the Spirit. He also took part in the worship ministry.

Over many years of faithful walking in the Holy Spirit and storing the Word in his heart, he was led by the Lord to do prayer drive and other related spiritual warfare ministry. One day as he was in his usual kneeling position before the Lord, praying, he heard one unusual word very clearly. He prayed with that word. The next day the whole country and a neighbouring country had a major power failure which lasted seven days! He subsequently found out that the strange word given by the Holy Spirit was the name of the strongman of the land.

The believer continues to pray daily and carry out his ministry before the Lord and has received more revelations as he moved forward by faith. He has vivid dreams and carefully records them. He also has other gifts of the Holy Spirit.

A number of the verses from the Lord aptly describe his spiritual encounter:

Mark 4:24-25

24 Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. 25 For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

Matthew 25:29

29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

Acts 5:32

32 And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”

John 14:15-18

Jesus Promises Another Helper

15 “If you love Me, keep[a] My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

a.John 14:15 NU-Text reads you will keep.

May 26, 2010

Chapter Ninety-six: more on manifestations of The Holy Spirit

As Jack continued to seek God and wait upon the Lord, he brought the class to ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit by faith based on the following verses:
1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
Romans 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;
Galatians 3:5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?—
For the first lesson on this subject, the class practiced their faith by asking the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself through His gifts as described in 1 Cor. 12:8, "for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit". The class then divided into two persons per team and took turn to practice the gifts.
The goal of the class was to edify and encourage each other to build up the body of Christ in the most holy faith. The participants were encouraged to pray in the Spirit while waiting upon the Lord to reveal His word of knowledge and word of wisdom. Where they did not receive any specific revelation in the form of Bible verses, they could follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to speak words of comfort and encouragement.
At the end of the practice of faith in action, there were some encouraging feedback. The Holy Spirit responded to their prayers and revealed His knowledge and wisdom to the encouragement and edification of the participants. Some participants were able to receive verses from each other which confirmed their specific situations.
The exercise helped the participants to experience the faithfulness of God and the reality of God's words.
Personally, Jack has been blessed with a family who share the same zeal in seeking God and wanting to know God and His will with the heart to obey. When they gather together, they could pray and intercede together. They prayed in the Spirit and listened to the still small voice. Recently they met and prayed for a number of people (mostly family members not present) and it turned out to be a Spirit-filled meaningful session.
They took turn to name someone to be prayed for. Then they prayed in the Spirit. When the prayers in tongues stopped they took turn to report what they had seen or heard from the Holy Spirit and what they were led to pray for, or what Bible verses they saw. There were four participants. Each one saw a different mode of presentation of the same message! For example, one saw a verse, another saw a vision, yet another sang a hymn, and another received word of knowledge. When they compared notes they found that the same message was imparted to them. They continued to intercede for people in need as well. It was a wonderful time interceding as led by the same Holy Spirit in them.

May 13, 2010

Chapter Ninety-Four: More on Prophetic Acts and Faith in Action

The more Jack reads about the prophetic acts carried out without fail, birthing miraculous results in the Bible, the more he is convinced that this is an important end times survival key.
The historical events and requirements agree what he has been learning, teaching and practicing with amazing results. The combination of four main ingredients are required for every prophetic act:
1. Faith
2. The word of God
3. The Holy Spirit (presence of God)
4. Praying in the Spirit
Doing prophetic acts requires supernatural mindset. Only a person who is led by the Holy Spirit (under the anointing of the Holy Spirit) can boldly carry out the assignment which may seem unnatural to those of the flesh and not of the Spirit. A believer may worry, there may not be enough Biblical prophetic acts to go around for end times. When one encounters a tough situation and runs out of prophetic acts, what then?
So Jack has been reading the Bible with this concern in mind. Having carried out one in which he was greatly edified, he too wonders where would the next one be? However, the more he reads the more he understands how amazing and limitless the Holy Spirit works. There is indeed a rich source of miraculous supplies that cover practically every aspect of life in this world in the Bible, for example, food and drink, healing and deliverance, safety and protection, health, comfort, wealth and prosperity. There are even big battles won without human efforts. Indeed, there are so many that he just does not know what to enact next with his class!
He needs not worry about not having enough prophetic acts to act on at all. What he needs to do is to continue to seek God, through worship, prayers, reading God’s words and living by the Spirit, abiding in Christ. Of these requirements, he finds that he needs to spend more effort in memorizing God’s words as well as practicing faith in action to build faith.
Worshiping God and praying in the Spirit can be done anytime. He does them in the car, in the garden, in the room, in his office, in church, and anywhere. But reading the word of God requires a place and a dedicated time. So he makes sure he has these set up in his daily life schedule. In addition, reading Bible can be done during all fillers’ time as well. Instead of reading something else or chatting on the phone or on internet, just pick up the Bible and read. When he has acquired the habit not taking lunch he uses the time to read God’s words and pray as well. It is often a rewarding time.
Practicing faith in action remains the toughest part. When he first started he had no clue. He merely carried out God’s words by faith. Later he was able to listen to the Holy Spirit more and more and his assignment becomes easy and enjoyable. He enjoys most the company of the presence of God.
It is rewarding to be a teacher of faith in action. He gets to practice what he teaches and witnesses miracles. Deep in his heart he knows he is not the real teacher. The real teacher is the Holy Spirit Himself. Otherwise, the words are mere utterances and could not cause any ripples in the deepest part of the soul.
How does he prepare for the faith in action class?
The following is based on his own experience as led by the Holy Spirit.
After reading and re-reading the lesson, he meditates on the verses. Then he spends a number of days fasting lunches to sharpen his spiritual discernment. He prays a lot in the Spirit. He prays that the Holy Spirit intercede for him and give him dreams, visions, signs and words in the Bible to guide him. Often he receives the answers.
He prays for the class. He asks that the Holy Spirit prepares them according to their needs and His plan for them.
On the day of the class, he fasts the two main meals. He maintains his spiritual alertness. Fasting and praying in the Spirit raise his faith level and enable him to receive fresh revelations and prophecies. It is truly wonderful and beneficial. He believes in the power of God’s words and had experienced the reality of them.
So it is a wonderful life even when preparing for end times.

March 9, 2010

Chapter Eighty-three: the Holy Spirit said, "watchman, rise up and go into the garden!"

A supernatural Christian seeks God constantly. That is his normal way of life. Seeking God means meeting Him, seeing His glory, worshiping Him, being in awe of Him. It also includes seeking to hear God and obey Him (in practice). 
Jack was woken at 5 am for a number of consecutive days the minute he recovered from his mouth situation. He sometimes felt reluctant to get up and went back to sleep. This morning he was woken by the Holy Spirit, "Arise, go into the garden!"

He was surprised. But a vision of Abraham standing under the starry sky meditating and interceding came to his mind instantly. So he changed into his protective track suits and sports shoes and went downstairs. It was his habit to first seek guidance from the Bible. There were about four Bibles in front of him and he happened to pick up a Chinese one. The pages turned to psalms 96-100, mainly exalting God and declaring His might and His reign over the earth (all nations). After reading the Chinese verses, he picked up his usual NKJV thinking to find the same psalms so he could read them in the garden. But the Holy Spirit showed him another verse, at Ezekiel 23:30, "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."

This was the verse that he had heard a number of times recently from various sources. But he never managed to find its Bible location until this morning! He also read Ezekiel 22:26 about the priests who failed to keep their duties. He realized the seriousness of the situation. So he went into the garden, but the Holy Spirit prompted him to take the Chinese Bible instead of the NKJV to proclaim the psalms aloud. He obeyed.

There was no star and it was still dark except for the street lights. He duly read the psalms proclaiming to the land the glory and might of God. Then he prayed in tongues. He was not sure what to pray then. After sometime, he was told to walk round his own garden, on the stone steps that he used to pave the pathway. So he walked and prayed in tongue. It dawned on him that he was being asked to claim the city for God in a prophetic way, using his own garden. So he claimed as he walked and prayed for the city.

But he could not find many words as the city has increased its wickedness and defilement by idolatry (including Christian churches not separating themselves form the worldly way, as priests being warned in Ezekiel 22:26). "O Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us!" That was all he cried. Then another prayer lines rose from the last verse from Jonah (4:11), "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hands and their left -and much livestock?"

After he walked the stone steps and along the boundary of the whole garden, he paused at the top step and continued praying in tongues and worshiping God. He could sense the oppression in the air. The sky was like bronze and the earth like iron (Deut.28:23). He was a a loss as to how long he should continue (apparently in vain). But the Holy Spirit prompted, "Take up the hose and spray water on your ground, every corner and let the Holy Spirit rain upon this land." Jack obeyed.

As he watered his garden, he sang praises and welcomed the Holy Spirit rain. As he continued to pray in tongues he felt elated. His burden and heavy load were all cast down. The blanket of darkness lifted and the blue sky appeared! The grass glistened with moisture and the trees came alive.

All in all, it has been a wonderful early morning with God in the garden. It reminds him of how God used to visit men in the Garden of Eden. He really feels honored and touched that such a great God wants to meet with and talk with His people, even him. He certainly looks forward eagerly to more of these meetings!

p/s: The supernatural rain has come around 3pm! It was unlike any other previous heavy rain. It came in dense form, intermittently spraying the ground (like God watering His garden) thus making sure every inch of the land was quenched. There was no waste. When Jack drove in the street he saw pools of clear water gathered by the road side nourishing the trees and the roads and trees were all washed clean and looked new and shinny. The rain fell on the whole city just as the Holy Spirit had said so.

(When he read Ezekiel again he discovered that in 22:24  the Lord ordered the Prophet to say to the land, 'You are a land that has had no rain or showers in the day of wrath.' So, when Holy Spirit brought forth the rain, it meant that the Lord has heard the prayers for the land from His children!)

March 5, 2010

Chapter Eighty: "Sons of God are led by the Spirit"

Living and walking according to the Holy Spirit is no simple task. It takes practice. As Jack has experienced, often one is not sure whether he is walking by the Spirit or not. This applies especially to those who are very proud of their own mind and the work of their mind. For example, he is trained in using his mind to collect data, organize and analyse them. He uses such skill over a lot of things, including his social and religous life. There are advantages to use such skill efficiently and effectively. On the other hand, such skill is not applicable in God's matters.

Living by the Spirit requires learning entirely new living principles and skill, centered on God's word, faith and the Holy Spirit.
Some of the practical spiritual living examples are: Believe in divine healing and divine health. Proclaim God's word by faith on all aspects of life. Take up your legal authority as a son of God and use the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by faith. Cast out your unbelief (worldliness). Align your desire with the will of God. Fast and pray to subject your body and soul (mind and emotion) to the control of your spirit (which is to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ Himself)!

There is no way one can suddenly acquire the principles and living skill of the Spirit at End-Time. You just have to prepare now. For family (with or without children) it will be essential to start learning as a family unit. You will need each other to sustain the new living which is entirely different from the living you use to know and live. Father (or mother, in the case of single mother) needs to be responsible for your whole household's spiritual life.

1. You need to practice living by faith. For example, you need to practice praying the word of God by faith now, believing in the power of the name of Jesus Christ and take authority over the headache instead of reaching for the painkillers. You need to build up the faith practice until you can take authority over more serious chronic diseases. You will find that you save a lot of money and worries that way (even if end time does not come during your lifetime)!

2. You need to become a word person and household. Everyone reads the Bible and memorize God's word. Jack has done this through systematically using Scripture Memory Cards in (various topics) his younger days. Now he just uses the Bible. Both works. You can store a lot of word for future use. Do not underestimate your children. They are led by the Spirit too. Follow the instruction given to Joshua (Joshua 1:8).

3. You need to become a worshipful person and household. Lead your children to worship and praise God. Take Holy Communion as a family unit (and also a body of Christ). This is a must! As you praise and worship God, the war is won as the battle belongs to the Lord. Sometimes Jack is travelling alone in hostile places and he continues to worship God on his own. This is the best weapon against the enemy. He has seen visions of many angels following a worship leader as the leader led the worship singing spiritual songs. On another worship occasion he saw vision of a senior intercessor wearing the coat of a general-commander! (She is an elderly grandma who sings off-key).

4.  You need to become a prayerful person and household. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Listen to your own prayer and ask yourself whether that is the prayer of a Spirit led person. Lead your household to pray in the Spirit. Practice interceding for other Christians (as required in activating the full armor of God).

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." (Romans 8:14)

Remember: Faith + the Word of God + the Holy Spirit + Practice living by faith in the Spirit = keys to your survival.

Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Praying always in the Spirit, being watchful to this end"

End-Time Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action Three: Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Practice by faith praying in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a command from the Holy Spirit who is your commander in spiritual warfare. This is part of your full armor of God for spiritual warfare. Only then you will be able to stay alert (watchful) and be persistent to intercede for Christians (including your own household and others) everywhere. You will definitely need this weapon in the spiritual warfare ahead.
There are three preconditions:
First, the Holy Spirit comes and convicts you of sin, of righteousness and judgment. (John 16:8) you need to repent and turn to Jesus and be born of the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3-8).  Receive power from the Holy Spirit by faith as a son of God. Jesus said the Father in heaven is pleased to give the Holy Spirit to those (of His children) who ask Him! (Luke 11:13) So all you need to do is ask in Jesus name and you will receive. (John 14:13-14) Jesus also promised that He will pray the Father to give the Holy Spirit the Helper to us. (John 14:16)

Second: In Romans 8, the Holy Spirit gave these instructions: You need to practice living in the Spirit and walking according to the Spirit. Your mind must be set on things of the Spirit. Otherwise, your mind will be against God. There is no option. Only the person led by the Spirit is a son of God. The spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. (Romans 8:1-17)

Third: The Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us according to the will of God. (Romans 8:27)
Praying in the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for you even before End-Time. Jude 1:20 "But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." You need to be strong and courageous. Pray in the Spirit builds holiness and faith.

God's Holy Spirit intercedes for us, He guides us in our prayers, He helps us in our weakness. When you pray in the Spirit, God's Holy Spirit guides you, He leads you in prayer. It can be done through speaking in tongues, but it can also be done through speaking your own language. But how do you know you are praying in the power of the Holy Spirit if you are speaking your own language? This is something serious to ponder upon. Remember what the Bible says about our lawless and rebellious unbelieving minds.

The apostle Paul explains praying in tongues this way: 1 Cor 14:2 "For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries." 1 Cor 14:14-19 "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind."

What to do if you do not feel like praying or feel that it seems futile listening to your own empty repetitive babbling?

Ps 37:7 "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him." Hos 12:6 "Wait for your God always.". Singing praise songs to God and worshipping out loud will also invite God's Spirit. You will be filled with God's presence and a desire to pray. God's Holy Spirit has come into you to fan your heart into action, make you become aware of God's presence! You will find your prayer life transformed, with joy and power in your prayer.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) When the Holy Spirit guides you in using your prayers to edify yourself, to build up holy faith and as a weapon in the full armor of God, interceding for yourself and other Christians, you can be assured that it will manifest power, love and sound mind!

For the fearful Christians who fear that they may be exposed to demons instead of the Holy Spirit, a further assurance is from 1 John 4:4 "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." The Holy Spirit is in you if you are a child of God. He guides you into all truth and the truth will set you free. (These are the promises from Jesus Himself!).

January 11, 2010


Jack told a friend (a construction work site supervisor who had been seeking to be filled by the Holy Spirit) that the New Year series of sermons would be on getting to know more about the Holy Spirit and suggested that he attends the Prayer House worship service on the second Sunday morning. During the worship, Jack heard a loud noise which sounded as though a tractor was running at full force toward the main entrance of the building. He also heard sizzling sound like something burning. In his mind he was reminded of Nehemiah and the re-building of the Jerusalem walls (wherein half the men had to be on guard against the enemy). So he went out and investigated.

He went to the front entrance and found that it was peaceful and calm. He noted nothing unusual. So he walked round the building to the backyard. There he discovered that the neighbor property was under re-construction and workmen were working with tractor and welding tools. The worksite was separated from the church building by a chain-link fence. There was no protective temporary fencing for security.

So he prayed in the spirit as he walked round the whole church compound, for God’s protection. When he reached the front entrance he looked at the wide open gate and decided to close it. After that he returned to the worship service. Shortly after that he noted that his friend’s seat was vacant. However after a while he saw the friend returning. After the service he was engaged elsewhere and did not notice that the friend had left.

In the evening due to his fever he thought of not attending the evening service which sermon would be a continuation of the morning’s sermon. However as he lied on his bed the power blacked out and he was unable to rest further. So he decided to go to the evening service. He was surprised to see his friend there as well.

After the service he asked the friend whether the worship services benefitted him. The friend told him that that morning he wanted to leave for his worksite as a new project was being launched but he could not get out as he thought the gate was locked (unaware that Jack was the one who closed it shortly before he wanted to leave). So he thought he better stayed back for the whole service as God probably wanted him to stay. After the end of the service he rushed to his worksite but while driving, he found tears gushing out and he also burst out speaking in tongue (praying in the spirit) for the first time in his life! He had to stop the car by the road side s he could not drive on.

That morning’s sermon was on how the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. The preacher told them that when the conviction comes, tears will flow. At the same time the Holy Spirit would also comfort. How true it had turned out to be for the friend. He was beaming all over that evening despite his red and swollen eyes. His face was radiant and the light of Christ was on him. It was indeed a most blessed start for him for this New Year.

January 11, 2010

November 12, 2009


When Jack told the Holy Spirit he was sorry for not listening and also for not obeying the Holy Spirit’s instructions, he did not expect the Holy Spirit to be so quick in responding. Jack has been listening to teachings and reading books on the subject of prophetic functions that one may be called to carry out, either for specific occasions or as an ongoing role.

He was very interested as he occasionally felt he could be doing something of this nature (not the ongoing type). He has read some very relevant books lately on this topic. Prophets, Healers and the Emerging Church by John and Paula Sandford, and Authority In Prayer by Dutch Sheets are two examples.

He summarizes below the 12 major functions of the prophet as taught by John Sandford and places his own remarks in brackets:
1. Blessing: pronounce blessing and enable God’s blessing. (He was suddenly called to pronounce blessing for someone).
2. Healing. (He was suddenly asked to do this on one occasion within the same week as above).
3. Pronounce judgment.
4. Warn of impending judgment or tragedy.
5. Protect or rescue. (In his intercessions he carried out this function).
6. Give direction, guidance or confirmation. (He was called to do this when being asked to pray for two different persons within the last month).
7. Rebuke, reprove or correct.
8. Edify, teach and interpret dreams and visions. (He thought he was called to do this in his writings).
9. Equip the saints for ministry. (Same as above)
10. Work for unity.
11. Call for intercession and repentance. (He has been praying for others on this line).
12. Express and model God’s love in Christ.

However, except for one case where there was an immediate result, there was no way he could know of the other outcome if any. He merely obeyed and did not jump to any conclusion. Today’s teaching from Oswald Chambers reminds that we have to learn that the aim in life is God’s, not ours. God has taken us up into His purpose by the Holy Spirit.

Sandford wrote that no one in his right mind should want to be a prophet. No prophet becomes a prophet by his or her own choice. Jack was fully aware that what he experienced did not mean that he was called to be a prophet or that he was necessarily carrying out prophetic functions. On the other hand, why was he given the opportunity to experience them? Today something happened to reveal more about God.

This morning Jack reviewed his previous days’ activities and thanked the Holy Spirit for being a good teacher and a personal spiritual tutor for him. He had nothing specific to pray for so he prayed in tongue generally for the bulk of the morning. What happened after that and through out the remains of the day was unbelievable.

Towards noon time, Jack received an urgent intercession call. As the matter involved the lives of people (strangers in a very far off land) in danger, he took Holy Communion for them. When he started to intercede he couldn’t as he did not know how. He asked the Holy Spirit to help him. He waited and nothing came to his mind or heart. So he decided to finish his own chores and take a bath instead. After that he quieted down and continued to pray in tongue and began to see a clear picture and a sentence (of three words) describing the scene, in his mind. He saw what he had to intercede. So he obeyed. It was indeed a spiritual breakthrough as he would never have thought of that aspect with his mind.

Later he was led to sing a hymn, “It is well with my soul”, for those people in captive. Then he was told to take a break. He continued with other chores while praying in the Spirit all the time. He then read the Dutch Sheets’ book and was led to use Psalm 24 to pronounce the arrival of the King of glory and that all gates are to open. So he stood up and obeyed. After that he discovered a song bursting forth in his heart and it was “Majesty” (written by Jack Hayford)!

The whole day was thus spent learning from the Holy Spirit. He was led by his Spiritual Tutor to worship and intercede like never before. He was led to practice the priestly intercessory function as well as using the authority of the King (Jesus) to proclaim and pronounce (as taught by Sheets). He was also able to practice some of the prophetic functions described by Sandford.

At the end of the day, he concluded that the whole episode was part of an answer to his prayer of wanting to know more about God. The whole intercession event was another demonstration by God of the readiness of the Holy Spirit and how He could communicate with us the minute we are willing to listen and obey. It was like sitting in a classroom learning an intensive course with a lot of practical!

Another wonderful and meaningful day of living in the Spirit!

October 31, 2009


Religion Blogs

When Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit some speak or sing in an unknown language. How do we know if they are filled by the Holy Spirit and that the tongues (unknown language) are from God? This is a commonly asked question. Lately Jack has been pondering on this question. It is common prior a Christian meeting that all are asked to pray in the Spirit (i.e. speak in tongues) to prepare oneself. Speaking in tongues edifies the speaker. To some this is a wonderful experience. For those who would like to have the same experience and thereby draw closer to God in the Spirit, the answer to this question is essential.

Last night when the Bible teacher asked if all the attendees could speak in tongues, one of the participants wanted to know how she knew the tongue she spoke was not made up by her. The teacher asked her to ask the Holy Spirit. Another lady said she could not speak in tongues but she wanted to do so. So the teacher asked all to lay hand on her and pray for her to be Spirit-filled and receive the gift. All prayed fervently for her and indeed after awhile she did speak in tongues.

Jack tried to recall how he first had the experience. He and his prayer partner were praying and both wanted to pray in the Spirit as instructed by Paul the Apostle as the last item on the full armor of God. They prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to teach them (by the simple faith of a child). When they opened their mouths and tried to utter sounds, they started making terrible sounding baby gibberish noises. But the two of them persisted and ignored the sounds. Whilst both started together by faith, they produced very different noises. The partner’s tongue was like repetitive monosyllables. Jack’s tongue was quite complicated with variations.

When they continued after sometime, they each developed their own distinct tongues. Someone told them that the prayer partner’s tongue was like engaging in specific spiritual warfare. Jack’s tongue which was like train moving was various intercessions. When he sang in the Spirit he was said to be worshipping. Indeed he felt that he was. He could not simply decide he wanted to sing and worship God or intercede. Many times he wanted to intercede but ended up singing and praising God in the Spirit. The unknown language switched to understandable words and sentences at intervals. The flow between the unknown sounds and the audible words was natural and smooth. He felt comfortable and at ease.

Jack was a shy and reserved man and did not normally like to display his new-found singing skill. However when he prayed in tongues he often switched to singing in the Spirit as led by the Spirit and was not self-conscious anymore. He knew he was led to do an important mission and he merely obeyed.

This happened even when he prayed in public. (He certainly felt embarrassed after the event. However, he was comforted when he believed that the spiritual songs had served a specific purpose of God).

What sort of a character sings in the Spirit? Jack tried to analyze. He could not find a perfect answer. On the other hand when he compared himself with the prayer partner he realized that their major difference was their temperament. She was more an efficient, methodical and scientific person. He was more an artistic and spiritually sensitive person. However they were both rational and trained to use a lot of their mental faculties in their respective profession.

Did their tongues manifest what was in their respective spirits? The warring and the creative? Did their tongues reflect what their respective temperament could best detect in the Holy Spirit’s respective instructions (which were in tune with their characters)? He had no answer.

Was his tongue from God? Jack was quite sure on this. He knew he could never produce such varieties of sounds and music as he had never had any formal training in fine art and music. He was by profession in the business management line. His second profession was in the health psychology and wellness promotion line. When he sang he knew those songs sounded very nice to listen to (at least to him) and he felt he was joyously praising God and thanking God.

Someone may argue that his tongue could have come from the second heaven (i.e. counterfeit spiritual sources) and not God. But Jack knew that he was drawn nearer to God and Jesus like never before. He took Holy Communion daily, remained in the Covenant (instituted by Jesus through shedding His blood on the cross, and having His body broken and hung on the cross) and kept himself covered under the blood of the Lamb. He read God’s word like never before with fresh revelations. He lived a more focused life giving top priority to fulfilling the eternal goal set by God.

Power from the second heaven (counterfeiter) would draw people away from Jesus and the cross. They would be drawn to the world instead. In the temptation of Jesus the devil offered Him the world and all its power. That was what the counterfeiter (who was the ruler of the world) could do. But Jesus had chosen the cross and all the power that comes thereof.

Therefore the distinction should be whether tongue speaking makes one draw nearer to Jesus and the message of the cross or closer to the world and its ways. The apostle John told us not to love the world and warned that the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, are not of God. They are of the world. Does your speaking in tongue makes you continue in these “attractions” or worse increasing your interests in them?

Jesus told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. Does speaking in tongues makes you deny yourself more and more? One consolation is that as Jesus has promised, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues help our faith to rise in the spirit.

P/s: Please be assured that speaking in tongue is only one way of the Spirit in you manifesting its power. There are many other ways. There is no condemnation for those who do not speak in tongue.


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