Showing posts with label treasures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasures. Show all posts

June 4, 2012

Experiencing God and find gems here

The watchman found gems in these old books. They answered his many questions. he recommends them to those who need spiritual breakthrough! You will find what you seek.

Excerpts from Your Power in the Holy Spirit, “Consciousness of God” (John G. Lake):  “And I saw that the purpose of Jesus was to produce in the souls and bodies and spirits of man such a consciousness of the living, triune God that man became a king, a living king. I saw the dignity, I saw the power, I saw the manifestation of Spirit that Jesus purposed should be evident in the life of the person who has been really baptized into Godburied in Him, inducted into God, inducted into the nature of God the Father, into the nature of God the Son, into the nature of God the Holy Spirit.”
Christianity is all contained in two letters: B-E. Not performing acts, but being the thing that God purposed.”
Excerpts from Holy Spirit Revivals, “My doctrinal Education” (Charles Finney): “The power to work miracles and the gifts of tongues were given as signs to attest the reality of their divine commission. But the baptism (of the Holy Spirit) itself was a divine purifying, an anointing bestowing on them a divine illumination and filling them with faith, love, peace, and power so that their words were made sharp in the hearts of God’s enemies, living and powerful, like a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).”
“Revivals of religion are sometimes accused of making people mad. But the fact is, men are naturally mad on the subject of religion, and revivals restore them rather making them mad.”
“Sunday morning I arose and left my lodgings in the hotel. In order to get alone, where I could let out my voice as well as my heart, I went up into the woods at some distance from the village and remained for a considerable time in prayer. However, I did not find relief, so I went up a second time; but the load upon my mind increased, and I did not find relief. I went up a third time, and then the answer came. I found that it was time for the meeting and went immediately to the schoolhouse. It was packed to its utmost capacity.”
Excerpts from Experiencing God’s Power, “Spiritual Warfare” (Derek Prince): “The warfare is in the spiritual realm; therefore, the weapons are spiritual and appropriate to the realm of the warfare. Theses weapons will be my main theme in the two following sections, “Our Defensive Armor” and “Weapons of Attack”. It is tremendously that we understand where the battle is taking place. ..We absolutely must understand that the battlefield is in the realm of the mind. “
“Satan deliberately and systematically builds strongholds in peoples’ minds. These strongholds and fortresses resist the truth of the Gospel and the Word of God and prevent people from being able to receive the message of the Gospel. What kind of strongholds does the Bible indicate? These are prejudices and preconception.”
“Prejudice is being down on what you are not up on.” “Almost anything about which religious people have not heard, they view with intense fear and suspicion.” “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up!”
“Peoples are driven by their prejudices and preconceptions, often to their own destruction.” “The only way to deliver such people is to use our spiritual weapons and break down the strongholds in their minds.”
Excerpts from Experiencing God’s Presence, “The Presence of the Holy Spirit” (Charles Finney): “Why do many people no have the Spirit? It may be that they live a hypocrite life.” “Others are so frivolous that the Spirit will not dwell with them.” ” Others are so proud that they cannot have the Spirit.” “Some are so worldly minded that they cannot have the Spirit.”
“I never knew a person who was filled with the Spirit who was not called eccentric. The reason is that these people are unlike other people. They act under different influences, take different views, are moved by different motives, and are led by a different Spirit. You are to expect such remarks.”
“If you have the Spirit of God, you must make up your mind to accept experiencing opposition, both in the church and the world.” “If the church, sinners, and the Devil oppose you, there will be One with Whom you will have peace.” “Our peace toward God will flow like a river. You also have peace of conscience if you are led by the Spirit.” “Your conscience will be calm, quiet, and unruffled as a lake in summer.”
“If you are filled with the Spirit, you will be useful.”
You will be calm under affliction.” (You will not find yourself distressed, annoyed, or worried when people speak against you).
Indeed, the watchman found a lot of treasures in them!

August 13, 2011

Revised Chap.70: Prosper through The Seed and Water from Heaven (Fresh revelation – where is the money?)

When the global governments go bankrupt, where is the nations’ wealth? Having spent his entire working life in the strategic management of the economy of the world, the watchman cannot help but ponder on this pertinent issue.

Where is the money?

Here is a clue: Isaiah 33:6, 16-17.

Isaiah 33:6 (NKJV)

6 Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times,

And the strength of salvation;

The fear of the LORD is His treasure.

Isaiah 33:16-17

16 He will dwell on high;

His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks;

Bread will be given him,

His water will be sure.

The Land of the Majestic King

17 Your eyes will see the King in His beauty;

They will see the land that is very far off.

To find out more, do read the following revised (August 2011) version of the blog…
"Chapter 70 (revised August 2011): Prosper through The Seed (Word of God) and Water from Heaven (the Holy Spirit)"
Hearing the Holy Spirit is of utmost importance for end times survival and wellness. This blog was originally written in Feb. 2010. At that time the watchman received warning in his spirit that shaking would come to big cities and apparently well developed economy. He had spoken and indeed written to warn some. But not all were able to unentangle themselves from the world economy as easily as he did. So here it is again one and half years later. (August 2011 – in the midst of the economy storm…)


One day Jack was strongly urged in the spirit to do a search on all the verses about the rich provision of God. What was revealed has transformed his whole perspective about the blessings of God. He discovered that indeed God has supplied seeds and ensure material security and provision growth for all God’s children.

He is overjoyed to see how God provides the seeds for the sowers and food for them as well. The Lord supplies the resources he needs, ensures the right circumstances and environments and produces the abundant end results / fruits and profits of his labor/investment.

However, there is one crucial key: the whole operation process requires

read on

October 19, 2010

End Times Church Countdown: the qualifications of a watchman/intercessor

Today the watchman discovered the most amazing set of requirements for a watchman/intercessor! He was asked to read 1 Cor.1:18-31 and 2:1-16. Prior to this, he has recently been praying for more fellow ‘workers’ (watchmen). He has occasionally the alarming thought that there would not be enough time to train up watchmen and the urgency of a non-reversible countdown has been ticking…

The qualifications for a suitable watchman reads like this list: 1. not wise; 2. not wealthy; 3. not powerful; 4. ‘counted as nothing at all’.
It however dawned on him that this list is meant for the world to behold. This is exactly like the list that the Lord Jesus Himself has carried. He was not a prestigious Pharisee or Sadducee or one of the highly qualified, well educated, rich and powerful counselors in the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem (social, political and religious power center). In the eyes of the world He was just an unknown faceless man from outside Jerusalem, from an unknown village occupied by considerable Gentiles.
What other better qualifications can a watchman/intercessor have? Indeed this is a wonderful list. He suddenly sees light blazing through the dark tunnel of unregenerate, backslider or stagnated churches. There is adequate supply of qualified watchmen/intercessors for every church! He thus speaks to those churches (which have woken up from their slumber) as follows:
There is no time to train new ones if you have not already done so over the past decades. Too late now as the bodies and minds of modern people had been captured by the fast paced digital ruler of this world. In any case your ‘strange children’ would not become suitable watchman material instantly.
Where do your badly needed watchmen/intercessors come from? Your backyard, church.
Yes, there is a small group of remnants in every church who have long passed retirement age, forgotten by the younger generation leaders and members. They are the old faithful, having decades of their lives cleansed and soaked daily in the blood of the Lamb, their spirits steeply submerged in the Word of God, their minds conditioned and tuned only to ancient hymns powerfully inspired by the Holy Spirit, their lifestyle consisting of consistent and persistent prayers day in day out practically all their lives.
O, church, bring the ancient watchmen back to your main sheepfold! These are your end times warriors! They are the true overcomer recorded in the Book of Revelations: 12:11 “And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
For those churches which have been faithfully praying and interceding, you will be doubly blessed with more! The lord Jesus has personally promised, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. ” (Matt.25:29)
For churches who have never had such treasures in their vault, you just have to fast and pray and repent (as in the case of Esther) before the Lord (Matt.25:29b-30 “But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away30 Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’”). Pray that the merciful Lord parachute one or two out of pure grace (undeserved favor) into your midst before the time runs out..
1 Cor.1:30 God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. 31 Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”
26 Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. 27 Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 29 As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
I Cor.2:1 When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. 4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. 13 When we tell you these things,.., we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.14.., for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. 15 Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. 16 ForWho can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

March 3, 2010

Chapter Seventy-Eight: "For then, you shall make your way prosperous"

Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action Two: Read the Bible and believe every word of God by faith and act on them.

Seeking God will lead you to hear God more clearly. Often God speaks through His word. Jack has never heard audible voice of God. He saw words (verses from the Bible) either in his heart or as he read the Bible, certain word stepped out and caught his attention and he knew they were meant for him in that occasion. It is therefore essential to read the Bible with a heart to hear God. He also tries to keep the word of God in his heart. He normally prays for the Holy Spirit to work on him as he reads and reveal to him his future, and the work of the hands of God.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to our remembrance all things Jesus has said to us. (John 14:26) The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, and He will tell us things to come. (John 16:13) Jesus further promised: “All that belongs to the Father (God) is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” (John 16:15) Wow!

In End-Time every Christian would want to know what belongs to God and how to take hold of them to survive. He who knows the word of God will be guided by the Holy Spirit in him. The word is like a road map to treasures. Without the word of God, one has no direction, no resources (to produce physical supplies), and no weapon for the Spirit to work on (the word of God is the sword of the Spirit).

Joshua 1:8 “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” it is God’s command to read the Bible and meditate in it and act on it. The promise of God comes from the word.

The word of God is God’s will. Know His word means know His will and the promises therein. For example, when you know that God declared Himself in the Bible verse in Exodus 15:26 as “I am the Lord who heals you”, you are assured of God’s will for you to be healed from sickness. You can then act on it by faith to get well supernaturally (without reliance on medicine which you will not have access without the chip at End-Time). You will have faith if you have read that three million Israelite who believed this verse indeed enjoyed divine health! You will have faith when you know and believe that Jesus had born your sickness on the cross, as the Bible declared, “By His stripes you were healed.” (1Peter 2:24)

Jesus left a very important command (key to End-Time survival) to His followers. “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” (John 15:7)

Jack prays that all who read this blog will be stirred by the Holy Spirit to read God’s word fervently, meditate in it day and night and practice acting on them. You will definitely need this for all your supplies at End-Time.

The Holy Spirit says, "For then, you shall make your way prosperous!"

(Indeed, this is what Jack has experienced!)

November 2, 2009


Academics Blogs

It was indeed a joyous day for Jack. He has been praying to God to reveal to him whether the visions he saw were of the Holy Spirit or otherwise. Sunday morning he decided to go to a former church after a lapse of six months. He prayed that he would hear a fresh instruction from the Holy Spirit. The sermon was on Joseph. The pastor shared the usual teaching on how we need to be God-focused even during unfair treatment, adversities and great sufferings, thereby looking through God’s perspectives and not blaming self or others.

Jack read the Bible passages which the pastor did not preach on during the sermon and the following verse attracted him and he duly highlighted it:
“And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God and God will shortly bring it to pass.” (Genesis 41:32)

Jack had been looking for this verse for sometime as he had earlier heard the teaching that God would let us have two (repeated) reports so as to confirm that the report is from Him. When he read this verse he knew this was the answer and fresh revelation the Holy Spirit has given to him in response to his quest.

In the evening he went to attend a worship service at the Prayer House. He went early thinking that there would be Bible study. However, when he reached there he found out that they had a prayer meeting before the worship service instead. He was asked to join in the prayers in Spirit (in tongues) which he did. They prayed for about an hour plus.
Toward the end of the prayers, Jack saw visions, in answer to his earlier prayers (at home) that he be told of his future (ministry, relationship, finances) and things to come concerning other children of God and the work of God’s hands (Isaiah 45:11).

He saw Jesus giving different things to different people who serve in key positions in the Prayer House (small keys, a big key and a trumpet-the type used by a Levite), thus dispelling his speculations earlier on. Then he saw Jesus coming to him with a lamp (the type used by traveler). He thought of the verse in Psalm 119:105 (“Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”). But it did not answer his prayer.
However, immediately after that he was with Jesus standing on shore and watching a ship sailing in. The ship was large with many sails, like the type used by the Spanish to travel round the world seeking for gold and treasures. After that he saw a laborer close up carrying a huge cargo on his shoulder, coming on shore (followed by others). The laborer was oriental, like a Chinese. Jack thought he was carrying a big fish but could not see clearly the cargo. But then he saw a lot of open boxes at the feet of Jesus with heaps of gold, precious stones and other treasures inside them. The verse that came to Jack’s mind was a verse about the treasures of the sea being given to Christians, but he wasn’t sure where it located in the Bible.

At the end of the prayer session the leader closed in her closing prayer proclaiming that God is our light. So it did confirm the vision of Jesus carrying a lamp seen by Jack earlier.

On Monday morning, Jack decided to record down his precious day’s (Sunday’s) visions and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal more about their meanings and also confirm to him that they are from God. After recording, he read the November 1st (which was Sunday’s passage) passage in “My utmost for His highest” (a little booklet he used for quiet time meditation). To his surprise, the writer ended his passage with this exhortation (from God): “Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine!”

When he read the Bible verse on “Arise and shine” in Isaiah 60, he had a bigger shock. The followings are verses 1 and 5 respectively:

V1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” (Confirming the vision he saw of Jesus carrying a lamp).

V5 “Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy; because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.” (Confirming the vision he saw of the ship coming in from the sea with treasures being laid down at the feet of Jesus).

The vision of the lamp and the ship and treasure was one. The confirmation came from the Bible Isaiah 60:1-5. God also used the prayer leader and the writer of “My utmost for His highest” to confirm His revelation. As a bonus, God used this vision to explain and prove how things work regarding vision from Him.

The above event was significant as the Holy Spirit has illustrated to Jack the meaning of the verse he pondered upon during the Sunday morning sermon time, that God would repeat twice for things established by God and which He would shortly bring to pass.

Jack was elated as he was assured of hearing from God and more discerning in the Spirit. This is God’s wonderful way of answering his prayers! Whilst he rejoiced, his prayer partner told him that her prayer was answered too, as this morning she was praying that he be more joyous in the Lord and her prayer was answered instantly!!!

WOW! What a discovery! That God is real and in our midst and answers our prayers!


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