Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts

July 9, 2009



Romans 12

A Living Sacrifice to God

1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

3 Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. 4 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, 5 so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

6 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. 7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. 8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. 15 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!

17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

19 Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,

“I will take revenge;

I will pay them back,”

Says the Lord.

20 Instead,

“If your enemies are hungry, feed them.

If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap

burning coals of shame on their heads.”

21 Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

June 30, 2009

day 117: Holy Spirit, fire of God

One of my latest favorite songs is, “Holy Spirit, fire of God, fill this temple of Yours. We are waiting for You Lord, to fill all of our hearts. Holy Spirit fire of God, come and fill this whole world. Holy Spirit fire of God, come and fill our hearts.”

John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would come and baptize the believers with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11)

Every believer receives the Holy Spirit when he believes in Jesus and makes a commitment to follow Jesus. Before Jesus left this earth He promised to send the Holy Spirit in His place to every believer. The Holy Spirit in us is a guarantee and identity that we are the children of God and belong to Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives a lot of supernatural gifts to believers and the gifts will help them live and serve God in supernatural power and in truth. But not all believers believe in or have made use of these gifts.

What has happened to me and my family recently is directly linked to the Holy Spirit. An old acquaintance of ours met us and exclaimed that we look so different now compared to what he has seen before. “You both look so well and happy, so… (he ran out of words) what has happened?” He was expecting us to say we have just struck the first prize of the national lottery or something. To his disappointment, we merely smiled and thanked him and said we were just happy in Christ. How not be overjoyed, knowing that the Holy Spirit is real and does work in us? How not to shine in light when we know for sure that the God who is light is shinning in us? How not to look contented and fulfilled when the God who is love has filled us to the brim?

We are not newly converted Christians. Both of us have gone through more than twenty five years of solid Bible teaching in traditional evangelical churches. But this is the first time we know our God is real not only in head knowledge but also in our spirits. When one knows the supernatural God truly lives, and He is a good God, one cannot help but be overjoyed, because all that He has promised is true too. Both of us have been driven to read the Bible with fresh interest and zeal to know Him more. The words of God are alive in our lives. We are no longer spiritual orphans. We need no longer fear the unknown out there and beyond, this life or next or forever.

Every morning we wake to expect God talking to us and walking with us the whole day. Every night we go to bed secured in the arms of God. Sometimes we soar on His wings too. Many times we stand on high grounds with Him looking at the world out there with a totally elevated perspective of life.

Our combined economics, management, health psychology, wellness, counseling and medical professional training and experiences had never given us such security and rest before. The natural can never compare with the supernatural. This is all I can say in mere words.

Believe me, it is worth the effort to seek God and ask to be Spirit-filled and continue to abide in Christ by living in the Spirit as commanded by Jesus. If you are a Christian, do not forget to put on your whole armor of God daily: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the readiness of the gospel of peace on your feet, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, and praying in the Spirit without ceasing. You can note that all these relate to Jesus.

AAA Jack

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