Showing posts with label healing ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing ministry. Show all posts

February 3, 2018

a powerful testimony of an ordinary man who heard God and followed for fifty years…

“When Andrew first went on television, the Gospel Truth broadcast only had 3 percent coverage in the United States. Now, with recent additions to ministry coverage, the program reaches a potential 3.2 billion people worldwide. By God’s grace, the Gospel is going farther and deeper than ever before!…”
“It all began when Andrew was born again at just eight years old. Although he avoided the rebellious phase often associated with adolescence, he believed that through his own righteousness, he could develop a relationship with the Lord. But then, on a Saturday night in 1968, everything changed. Andrew realized he had fallen into the bondage of legalism and began confessing his self-righteousness, expecting the wrath of God to fall. Instead of wrath, however, God’s presence flooded him with love. “God’s love consumed me,” he says. “When I was at my worst, God’s love was the strongest.” This encounter changed his life forever and motivated him to follow God’s leading in his life. He decided to leave college, even though that meant losing his student deferment. Drafted into the Army and shipped to Vietnam, he served as a chaplain’s assistant. Despite how difficult and dangerous things were on the front lines, God used that time to ground Andrew in His Word and begin establishing the course of his life.
Upon his return, Andrew submitted to the call of God to be a teacher of the Word. He and Jamie were married in 1972, and together they began teaching Bible studies. Over the next six years, they would pastor three small churches and complete their family with two sons, Joshua and Jonathan Peter.
In 1976, Andrew broadcast his first Gospel Truth radio program on a little country-and-western station in Childress, Texas. By 1980, Andrew and Jamie had moved their ministry to Colorado Springs. Their vision was becoming quite clear: to teach the truth of the Gospel to the body of Christ throughout the United States and the world, with special emphasis on God’s unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. They were fulfilling that vision by traveling to speaking engagements, producing radio broadcasts, and distributing audio cassette tapes, which were provided at no cost to those who could not afford them.
Andrew Wommack on radio
In 1976, Andrew broadcast his first Gospel Truth radio program on a little country-and-western station in Childress, Texas.
God began speaking to Andrew about 2 Timothy 2:2. In that scripture, Paul told Timothy to take the things that he had learned and commit them to faithful men who would be able to teach others. Andrew knew God wanted him to do the same. In 1994, a cornerstone of the ministry was laid in place with the dedication of Charis Bible College—a college committed to equipping the saints for ministry by providing sound biblical teaching and practical, hands-on training.
In January of 2000, Andrew broadcasted the first Gospel Truth television program on INSP Network. Response to the message was tremendous, and since then, the Gospel Truth has been added to over twenty networks including The Church Channel, Daystar, God TV, and CNL, as well as over 500 television stations around the globe. And the Gospel Truth continues to grow.
But God was putting even bigger things on Andrew’s heart.
The ministry quickly outgrew its first two buildings, in Manitou Springs and on Robinson Street in Colorado Springs. Andrew began looking for a new home for the ministry. Although he saw several move-in-ready properties, he knew the ministry needed more space than they could offer. Instead, he chose the partly finished, but much larger, Elkton Drive location. AWM moved into the Elkton building in 2004, and for years this location was able to accommodate substantial growth for Charis Bible College, the Communication Services Department, Product Services Department, Television Department, Marketing Department, and the other departments that help make this ministry a success around the world.
In early 2011, AWM continued to grow in its reach and started to broadcast the Gospel Truth program on TBN. This nearly doubled the viewership and was a huge answer to prayer!….” (Excerpts quoted from the link below)
Read on for the full amazing and powerful testimony. Be encouraged as you read about how one man heard God and continued to hear and obey and let the impossible God do the impossible in his ordinary life. (This comment is this blogger’s own)

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