December 20, 2016

christian sociopath and criminals

BE WISE IN OUR COMPASSION: Judas Iscariot, sociopath (updated 12/20/16)

12/20/16: I am led to read this article again today as it appeared suddenly in my top ten list. Why? Is it because a case involving the same lawyer who seemingly has chosen to live by flesh has recently emerged? Previously after the incident I described in my following older blog I had noted a personality type described as sociopath but I did not really look at the subject much as I knew that my loss of money on this individual was due to my love of God (through my foolishly believing so).
But today I remember another more prominent case concerning a high ranking individual and the subject came up again in my conversation with an elder loved one while discussing dysfunctional human being. Like Judas Iscariot, there are persons in this world we cannot understand. They are human. But there seems a lacking in their make-up. Something inside is missing. When I tried to explain to the elder I could not find an exact word.
The closest I could say was there seemed a lack of humanness (which includes conscience , kindness/compassion and a sense of shame in doing wrong and or causing harm to others) in these individuals. According to the Bible, they have no fear of God. Yet they are purportedly Christians. Are they saved? Or do they belong to the brood of vipers Jesus had warned? Are they the tares sown in the churches by the enemy of God? I have no answer. Was Judas Iscariot capable of loving Jesus? It appeared he wasn’t. The apostle Paul placed a curse on anyone who could not love Jesus.
1 Corinthians 16:22 If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!
Originally posted on  03/21/2016
Today’s word is: “BEWARE OF THIEF-JUDAS ISCARIOT”. My personal inability to hear and obey the Holy Spirit in spiritual discernment which impacted my decisions in worldly matters was indeed very costly! The thief is not someone who comes from outside. The culprit is fellow Christian whom we are close to and trust like family. Let us read this message from the Holy Bible (NKJV), John 12:4-6. (Boldness added)
But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, who would betray Him, said, “Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii[b] and given to the poor?” This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it.
Several years ago I was alerted when the Lord opened this verse about Judas Iscariot to me when a friend and I decided to financially bail out a Christian lawyer who was dishonest in handling her clients’ money. The clients found out and demanded restitutions. She had by then squandered off the money to satisfy her personal lifestyle. I chose to ignore the Lord’s warning because we trusted then the other Christians who were associated with her. We paid a significantly large sum out of our love for God. It later turned out that our decision was wrong and foolish.
I made the same mistake of compassion for the poor a year ago for another Christian. I got my kind Christian friend involved too to bail out a Christian woman from loan sharks. The same verse came but I chose to ignore out of love for God. I was proven wrong immediately after the transfer of money.
In both the above cases I heard the word “witchcraft; sorceries”. I later realized that we were blinded by witchcraft and sorcery. The wrong spirit was there when they opened door to evil. Being Christians who are always too trusting my friend and I chose to ignore the Lord and gave them the benefit of the doubts in a humanistic way. Our inability to hear and obey the Holy Spirit in spiritual discernment which impacted our decisions in worldly matters was indeed very costly!
 Two days ago I was warned of this term “beware of pickpocket” as I was approaching a bus-stop. My spirit received the message not to use the bus. But my companion was adamant as we had to learn how to live humbly to prepare ourselves to serve in poor places. I did not like the look of three men sitting there alone. The warning in my sprit was clear and loud. So I took precaution. But I did not warn my fellow traveler for fear she would feel insulted because why should I hear the Lord and she could not hear? True enough she became the victim. The thieves ran off after their successful stealing when boarding the bus.
.But this morning again I was alerted to this verse. Because of the urgency and repetitions, I decided to put this down in writing.
I love Christians. Because they are God’s people. Because I love God. Jesus must have loved Judas Iscariot. But the ending for Judas Iscariot was horrifying. He did not repent to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. He went another way, opposite to where Jesus went. You see, Judas Iscariot was not unloved. He was not rejected. He was treated well and equally as the other disciples were. He was given a high and responsible status as someone entrusted with the money bag of the whole ministry of Jesus Christ. He was the financial controller of the first Christian ministry on earth. Lots of followers of Jesus put in their money. Lots of people wanted to be the disciples of Jesus. Living together with Jesus and the other disciples, what kind of lifestyle did Judas live? Where could he have spent the money he stole from the bag? what did he do when he purportedly went out to give the money to the poor? Surely many people would have seen and noticed his different lifestyle. Surely the other disciples knew of his spending habits and tastes for more expensive stuff. But no one said anything. Not one record in the Bible of any other disciple advising him or counseling him or suggesting to Jesus to make another the money custodian.
In the corporate world we look at the lifestyle and taste of an employee and take note. Is his or her lifestyle incongruous with his net earning? Where does he get his money from? is he to be trusted with the corporate account? We check police records prior employment. We ask questions and take instant remedial or precautionary steps immediately. Jesus says that the manager of the world is wiser than the Christian manager. (“For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.” Luke 16:8) We practice good and accountable stewardship in the corporate world I know of.
I pray that the born again Christians whom I know and love continue to abide in Jesus and let God’s words abide in them. Don’t go the opposite way. It’s not worth it. I pray each encounters God in reality, as Spirit. I have personally encountered my God in the Spirit. He is real. No amount of enjoyment in the flesh (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) is worth giving up God for. With God, everything is possible. You can be changed to wholeness in Christ. Even Judas Iscariot. Be changed. PUT TO DEATH YOURSELF. 
Colossians 3:4-6 New King James Version (NKJV)
When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,
Jesus says, 
Matthew 16:26
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
The above is
calvary-jesus_hands_nailedrelevant today
I quote below additional online resources on this matter:
Question: “What does the Bible say about a person who is a sociopath / psychopath?”
[Answer: The terms sociopath and psychopath do not appear in the Bible. However, the Bible does mention behaviors that are characteristic of those that today are described by the nearly synonymous terms sociopathic and psychopathic.
In today’s criminal and psychological literature, a sociopath or psychopath is identified as one who is characterized by extreme self-centeredness and immaturity, shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy and remorse, low tolerance for stress, and little response to positive motivations), cold-heartedness, superficial charm, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, a parasitic lifestyle and a desire to manipulate others. A psychopath is one who compulsively performs criminally selfish acts with no apparent conscience or concern about the welfare of his victims.
The Bible identifies such sociopathic and psychopathic behavior as among the severest moral and spiritual effects of man’s fall into sin. Jesus described such sins as arising from evil hearts (Mark 7:20–23). The apostle Paul identified godlessness as the root of such a deadly heart (Romans 1:28–32). The sociopathic heart produces the worst characteristics of sinful man’s nature (Romans 8:5–8), the worst effects of both genetic and environmental moral degradation. Early in human history, God wiped out all but eight people because of such universally incorrigible behavior (Genesis 6:5–13). Deuteronomy 21:18–21 prescribes for the Old Testament nation of Israel the legal consequence of such behavior: execution by stoning. Apparently, such behavior was considered by God to be so disruptive and damaging to the family and to society, so contrary to the character of the people that bore His name and supposedly reflected His image, as to be intolerable.
The New Testament does not offer specifics on civic dealing with these serious problems. Its teachings about morality and immorality of every kind, and its hopeful appeals and invitations to repentance, conversion, and transformed life in Christ, certainly apply to a psychopath as to any sinner. Paul, describing conduct that included sociopathic characteristics, wrote to one congregation of believers in Jesus Christ, “Such were some of you” (1 Corinthians 6:9–11, emphasis added). God is able to rescue and restore to righteousness the most corrupt heart. See Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:1–17; Romans 7; Romans 8:1–17 and 28–30.]
The above quote is from this link: ( 

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