The watchman yesterday found this book again after it disappeared mysteriously. He was led in his spirit to give this book to someone and the person read it just in time. He was asked to read it too so he agreed. However, the book disappeared after he read a few pages. It was very unusual as he just cleaned up his whole house and everything was in order. There was no where a book could hide. However, yesterday he took out a briefcase to look for some office document and to his amazement this book was hidden among his documents! The Lord told him to finish reading. So he did. Here is the book. It is a must read for all serious intercessor and altar builders. DEMANDS OF LOVE Song of Solomon A Devotional Study SUSAN TANG DEDICATION To All the alumni (and future students) of Station of Life: You were (will be) taught spiritual intimacy and communion. Now live it. To the beloved Bride of Jesus Christ everywhere: May we know that we are great only because we are loved. We are loved by Him; therefore, at all times and in every situation, we the greatest! |
Song of Solomon Preface Principles From Song of Solomon A. For the Single Person B. For the Married Person C. For Fruitfulness, Effectiveness and Longevity in Ministry 1. Exclusiveness 2. Spiritual Intimacy and Communion 3. God-Consciousness The 1st Demand : Rise Up ! 1. Rise Up to Achieve Our Full Potential in Him 2. Rise Up and Come Out of All Our Selfish Indulgences 3. Rise Up and Break Free from All Worldly Conformity 4. Rise Up and Be a Standard-Bearer The 2nd Demand : Come Away ! A. Be Separate B. Let Go of the Past C. Be Willing to Lose It All The 3rd Demand : Come With Me ! The 4th Demand : Look From The Top ! The 5th Demand : Open To Me ! The 6th Demand : Return, Return ! ____________________________________ Sample of a chapter: (Bold letters and italics were added in some cases by the watchman) C. BE WILLING TO LOSE IT ALLback to contents |
Showing posts with label end times books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label end times books. Show all posts
October 13, 2012
The End Times book -God’s Demands of Love
October 1, 2012
the end times book: God's call for end times
watchman has waited such a book for end times for a long time. It
finally came out and it is entitled “God's Final Call for the
End Times” by
Pastor Susan Tang (Station of Life). The book is a must for
all serious intercessors to read many times over and take heed.
powerful excerpts and quotations from the book:
WORD (by the author)
God's mandate and God's call for every believer is that we fight
for our set apart and apostolic faith, without which we can never
overcome the world. (1 John5:4)”
book of Jude has so impacted me that I know I must be apostolic for
if I am not, I may end up an apostate. I cannot be ambiguous in these
end-times days.”
NOW is the end and the END HAS BEGUN NOW. This is why we
cannot be ambiguous, we must either be apostolic or we will end up as
keep hearing our Lord's warning so clearly and consistently. This is
the reason why this book is written: “watch therefore and pray
always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things
that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke
must know that every form of crisis nations of the world...are
all a buildup or prelude to the unspeakable destruction ahead of
we do not live in awareness of the end, then our present living is
nullified and meaningless -we all live as others live...for self
and to please self.” (Jeremiah 8:7)
we do not have the end in view, we will just flow with the present
antichrist culture;” “Jesus did not need to go to the cross,”
“Is Jesus in the culture or is He above it?”
must live in awareness that society today is not just influenced by
education, industry or technology. It is shaped by demons...sin
has given them so much influence over the human race, including
the Christians. Technology like the mobile phones, the computers and
television (which the prophet Jeremiah called 'windows' in
Jeremiah 9:21) had indeed admitted the spirit of death into so
many lives, especially the lives of our youths.”
Daniel, I must possess both the tenacity and the intensity to pray
and pray and pray even though I do not feel like praying at times.”
the end-time prophet, mourned and travailed until a breakthrough came
into the heavens, a breakthrough which affected him, his nation and
the nations of the world.” (Dan.10:12-14)
are so many troubled Christians. Is it because our faith is not an
apostolic or set-apart faith?”
must the church engage in PURPOSEFUL AND INTENSIVE intercessory
prayers in these end times called the 'beginning of sorrows?' Because
God has called us into it....”
we are the true church we will have the apostolic distinctive of
knowing that the end, or the DAY OF THE LORD is near. All
universal shakings and meltdowns now are just birth pangs of the
coming kingdom of our Lord. There are calamities, upheavals,
crises and great stirrings on earth now because there is war in
and more we can feel it as these present evil days...”
is sad that many Christians are still in denial”
prophets of old saw visions of these dark and foreboding
'tribulation' days...” (Ezekiel 21:7; Zechariah 13:8-9)
purpose of this book is to call you to return to your basic duty
-return to your priesthood and be that house of prayer that God wants
(Isaiah 56:7).”
1 -have we missed the vital signs of the Messiah's second coming?
high priests like Caiphas and Annas could stand in front of the
Messiah and not discern that He is the One.” “Many who are made
to rule in God's house do not know the Lord nor understand His word.”
“All the
vital signs of Christ's second coming (in heaven and on earth) are
pronounced today and yet we carry on as usual; not wanting to make
preparations for these coming evil and devastating days that we may
be 'counted worthy to escape all these things that will come
to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36)”
Christ warned us that the day of destruction will come to us like the
days of Noah...when people carry on as usual.” “Their time was
never deliberately prioritized for God.”
days when Nimrod arose in defiance against God to form his 'one world
government' and to build his high towers and monuments.”
“also be
like the days of Lot” “when fire literally fell out of heaven
suddenly!” “Iran and Israel also have nuclear bombs pointed at
each other and should one go off, the entire world will be affected.”
2 -The end has begun and the beginning of the end, ('the
beginning of sorrows') is already here
we too, have talked much about the end times but unfortunately we
have also failed to discern that the time is now -it has now come
upon us! The next change will be terrible, for almost without
warning, the 'tribulation' days will come upon us.”
couldn't they discern? Because their hearts were not right. Ambitions
and ego-centrality have often robbed men of spiritual discernment.
These ambitious men seem to have enough spiritual light to prophesy
and sit in their position as the nation's spiritual leaders (John
11:49-53), but they definitely did not have enough light to carry
themselves through to salvation!” “Caiphas prophesied
accurately that Jesus is the Saviour but he himself remained
are many modern Caiphases and Annases today” “They have enough
light to teach others and to prophesy but they do not have enough
light to acknowledge their own sin so that they can be saved.”
light that comes from one's scholarship, study, degrees, etc., must
be tempered with the light that comes from our prayers, revelation
knowledge and personal experiences with God which must result in
self-denial, humility and servanthood.”
3 -Intensified prayers from the remnant will evict the enemy out of
the heaven
Israel as a nation, did not want to keep their distinction as God's
people...the prophet Daniel and his three undefiled friends did it
for them.”
God, in His mercy, in these troublesome and turbulent days of much
spiritual upheaval and natural disasters, also raise up a
'Daniel-like' group of people who will remain distinct and whose
spirit and intercessory travail will be of the same pattern, in order
to reach out to God.”
proclaimed that when there were leaders (leading by examples) then
the people would willingly offer themselves (Judges 5:2). She was
commissioned and she was willing so she just got in there and led by
example! And people were willing to follow her. Do you want prayer
groups set up? You need to lead by example.”
time to pray and travail is NOW, not later when the heat is on
because our ability to stand will come from the sum total of the
times we have spent in the presence of God.”
went after God when they were in the wilderness because they had
nothing. (Jeremiah 2:2)” “You may find this hard to believe, but
God is definitely going to bring both the church and Israel back
to the 'wilderness days' again.”
4 -Halt the enemy's activities to accelerate God's work in the
spiritual realm
is vital we pray with prophetic declaration to declare what God
Himself has already declared in these end times.”
“We need
to do what Ezekiel did -speak directly into the situation (Ezekiel
36). “
“Such is
the power of God's word! Jesus taught His disciples to speak to the
mountains, not pray, if they want the mountains to shift.”
puncture these times of great deception, desertion, depression,
darkness and desolation with God's spoken words, God's
declarations that are true and right!”
5 -To know the end we must know the beginning
“We have
no excuse of not knowing the end because God has taken the end and
hidden it in the beginning!”
“To me,
the key that unlocks end times is found in Isaiah which says:
Remember the former things of old...there is none like Me;
declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times
things that are not yet done...” (Isa.46:8-10)
6 -Intensified suffering means intensified miracles, signs and
Daniel travailed in prayers on earth, angelic activities prevailed in
'open heaven' coming our way when God's fullness is experienced is as
sure as the coming of the days of tribulation!”
must recognize that Daniel symbolizes a corporate group of God's
people who must rise up in these end times to engage themselves in
purposeful and relentless prayers.”
is why God told us to be a generation of priests -why have we
forsaken our destiny? If the church is not a kingdom of priests
ministering to God and apprehending His fullness for the nations of
the world, what then is the church?”
as long as the hands of Moses, representing the prayers of the
nation, were lifted up towards heaven, Israel has the upper hand over
the Amalekites.”
“To watch
and pray means we pray with the word of God into every situation and
see all present situations as God sees them. We keep our spiritual
antenna up and we are to be alert to present signs and world events.”
with intensity and pray fervently, which means your spirit, soul and
body must be in agreement.”
-we are now in the end times
“The end
has certainly begun...twenty-four hours a day God's ears are
bombarded by the outcries of sin in the nations of the world but He
wants to hear prayers, confessions, supplications but they seem to be
getting lesser and lesser.”
God...also give you the courage to change and prioritize your time
to pray, to be 'thrown in' together with this great network of
intercessors spanning both heaven and earth.”
must heed the final call to fight, to enter into godly travail by
praying, pleading, declaring...”
“So many
people complain of being lonely...But when we are bonded up with
God and threaded together into His prayer network and are aware that
prayer has eternal validity, it will rid us of all loneliness.”
is definitely not the absence of danger but the presence of God, but
this presence is not to be taken for granted. We need to spend time
to be connected with Him and to bring His presence into where we
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