Showing posts with label Ruach [Hakodesh]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruach [Hakodesh]. Show all posts

August 28, 2014

Yeshayah 11:11 And it shall come to pass in Yom HaHu

Yeshayah 11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
And there shall come forth a Khoter (Branch) out of the Geza (Stem, Stump, Stock) of Yishai, and a Netzer [Branch [see Tzemach, Moshiach Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zech 3:8; 6:12, Ezra 3:8 which give as Moshiach’s Namesake Yehoshua/Yeshua; compare Mt.2:23 OJBC] shall bear fruit of his roots:
And the Ruach [Hakodesh] of Hashem shall rest upon Him, the Ruach of Chochmah and Binah, the Ruach of Etzah (Counsel [see Isaiah 9:5) and Gevurah, the Ruach of Da’as and of the Yir’at Hashem;
And His delight shall be in the Yir’at Hashem: and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears:
But with tzedek shall He judge the needy, and reprove with mishor (equity, justice) for the anvei eretz: and He shall strike the earth with the shevet of His mouth, and with the Ruach of His lips shall he slay the reshah.
And tzedek shall be the ezor (belt) of His loins, and emunah (faithfulness) the ezor of His waist.
The ze’ev (wolf) also shall dwell with the keves, and the namer (leopard) shall lie down with the gedi (young goat); and the egel and the lion whelp and the fatling together; and a na’ar shall lead them.
And the parah (cow) and the dov (bear) shall feed together; their yeladim shall lie down together; and the aryeh shall eat teven (straw) like the ox.
And the yonek (sucking infant) shall play on the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his yad in the viper’s me’urah (hole).
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My Har Kodesh; for ha’aretz shall be full of the da’as Hashem, as the mayim cover the sea.
10 And in Yom HaHu there shall be a Shoresh Yishai, which shall stand for a nes (banner) for the peoples; to Him [Moshiach] will the Goyim seek; and His menucha (resting place) shall be kavod.
11 And it shall come to pass in Yom HaHu, that Adonoi shall set His yad again the second time to recover the She’ar (Remnant) of His people, which shall be left [as survivors], from Assyria, and from Mitzrayim, and from Patros, and from Kush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Chamat, and from the islands of the sea.
12 And He shall raise up a nes [a banner, i.e., send a signal] for the Goyim, and shall assemble the outcasts of Yisroel, and gather together the dispersed of Yehudah from the four corners of ha’aretz.
13 The kinah (envy, jealousy) also of Ephrayim shall depart, and the adversaries of Yehudah shall be cut off; Ephrayim shall not envy Yehudah, and Yehudah shall not harass Ephrayim.
14 But they shall swoop down upon the shoulders of the Pelishtim toward the west; they shall plunder them of the east together; they shall lay their yad upon Edom and Moav; and the Bnei Ammon shall obey them.
15 And Hashem shall utterly destroy the leshon Yam Mitzrayim (tongue of the Red Sea); and with His scorchimg Ruach shall He shake His Yad over the Nahar [i.e., Euphrates River], and shall break it into seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.
16 And there shall be a mesillah (highway) for the she’ar (remnant) of His people, which shall be left, from Assyria; just as it was for Yisroel in the Yom that he came up out of Eretz Mitzrayim.

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