August 9, 2024

突然痊愈 a month of healing suddenly



Some of you have spent the last several months asking God when and why. I know that you believed in your heart that things would be different by now. I pray that this month is a month of healing, suddenly, and restoration to all that you have been through these past few months. Amen. 

Quote from My painted bear

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坟墓不是你的终结目标 the grave is not your goal

  耶稣很少提到“死亡”;这个词太人性化了。他更喜欢用“睡眠”或“摆脱”这些更柔和的名字,从而使死亡成为生命的加速器,或将其比作从束缚到自由的胜利进军。对耶稣来说,“死阴幽谷”也不是一个陌生的地方。他知道它所有的秘密,所有的曲折。这是他自己的领地,他的意志至高无上。 “ 复活节的...