June 24, 2013

Journey to see God: what Jesus used His power and authority for

说信心的言语We have read how Jesus used His power and authority to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the sick and cast out demons. We have not previously discussed how He did not use His power and authority. So here are some of the objects/actions on which He did not use His power and authority.

  1. He did not use them on producing food and other material stuff for Himself.
  2. He did not use them to destroy His earthly opponents.
  3. He did not use them to steal, kill and destroy human.
  4. He did not show off His superior position as the Son of God, by using them.
  5. He did not use them to gain prestigious political, economic, social or religious position, honor, status or popularity.
  6. He did not use them to avoid the tortuous, cruel and painful (body, soul and spirit) death on the cross in a human form.
  7. He did not use them to reduce His mission time on earth and expedite the whole crucifixion atonement process.
Jesus corrected and reprimanded His disciples when they misunderstood the use of authority and power. He spoke very stern words to John and James such as, “What manner of spirit are you?” He even commanded Satan directly to get off when he reprimanded Peter. During all His healing and deliverance of those tormented by demons, He commanded the demons directly. They obeyed His power and authority.

One key goal to remember is Jesus came to save life and not to destroy life. He came to give abundant life. He came to heal the sick and not to give sickness. He came to relieve the suffering of mankind and not to add to the suffering. By His death on the cross, having borne all the diseases and sins on His body, He defeated the power of sin and death. He broke all the curses on human.
Jesus knew exactly what He needed to do on earth, how long and how much. He did not go beyond what He saw His Father in heaven did. He set a clear demarcation between dealing with evil spirits and the human through which those spirits manifested. He was walking by the Spirit and living by the Spirit at all times.

Jesus has thus demonstrated to us the only correct way to use His power and authority as Son of God.

“For as many are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14

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