January 5, 2012

End Times Witnessing: Watchman's 2011 year end and New Year 2012

The watchman started the New Year with more revelations. A week before the New Year he went to a place where prayers, reading of the Bible, and worship are being carried out 24 hours daily for three days. He rested and sought new directions from the Lord. His prayer was answered.
After he returned he invited a few friends (housewives and children) and relatives and had daily Bible reading for the last three days of 2011. They managed to read the whole New Testament and the five Books of Moses. They read slowly and paused when received promptings to explain one or two words/verses.
The Bible reading was a breakthrough for his neighborhood. The 'supernatural' selection of the two group of 12 readers from 7 families who turned up randomly is amazing. It was like a model for the End Times Church!
1. watchman's own 'household' : six persons from five families.
2. neighborhood friends: six persons from two families
3. The 12 participants were from five different decades: one from late 1940s,  4 from 1960s, 3 from 1970s, 1 boy 1 girl from 1990s and 1 boy 1 girl from 2000s.
4. the random volunteers consisted of persons ranging from 9 year old to 63 year old.
5. two different persons dreamed of two similar dreams before the year end. Both were scenes of crowded outdoor 'churches' which they had not seen before. In one dream the house church was packed and new people kept arriving so they packed the outside courtyard as well. All were unfamiliar faces. None of the regular church members were around except the dreamer and another brethren.
In another dream the church consisted entirely of children and the dreamer was leading them in open places navigating narrow and difficult terrains in between ruined and deserted buildings. The enemies were around but could not see or detect them!
Words received in the spirit by the watchman:
26th-27th December: John 4:21-38 The message is: Be Sowers of seeds (the Word) and Reapers of harvests for the Kingdom of God -do the will of the Father in heaven. (He shared this teaching with his house group on 27th evening)
(Depression set in around 27th and the watchman received the word "Faith" Heb,11:1 and 6 (confirmed again  on 31/12/11 by a text message from another intercessor). He however took sometime to prepare and fortify himself with this shield of faith (which quenches the fiery darts from the enemies). He suffered the cut of his finger, getting into strife and the loss of all his accounting data base when the New Year arrived.)
 29th-30th December: The word was "READ" and "READ" (the Bible)
31st December: The word was "OPEN" (ears, eyes, understanding, effective door, the Scriptures) for the coming year.
(However, there is a warning verse: Heb.4:13 "...but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him  to whom we must give account.")
 1st January 2012: Preacher's confirmation of John 4:21-38! (the watchman's house group members noted this confirmation and felt strengthened in their spirits)
2nd January: Ezekiel 10 and Revelation 8. 'WHEEL', 'FIRE' = PRAYERS
3rd January morning: Christ = God's Love (Read John 17)
3rd January evening: Matt. 5 with house group. "Kingdom of God" life, Son of God life, Spirit-led life = sons of God lives. As the Father in heaven is perfect, so is the Son of God (Jesus) and so are we.
 4th January morning: Encounter the Holy Spirit. New tongues (unutterable sound in the spirit)."REST".
4th January afternoon: Read Luke 19 on treadmill. "Recognize the time of God (Jesus)'s coming to you!" (Zacchaeus of Jericho in contrast to Jerusalem)

 Overall Message for 2012: "KINGDOM" (of God) is advancing!

What an awesome way to start the New Year!

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