September 26, 2011

End Times Witnessing: What will you do in the appointed day?

The watchman prepared his class notes on Saturday but by Sunday morning morning he was led in the spirit not to teach that day. He was told instead that he should allow the disciple class to put all that they have learned into practice that afternoon.

So he told the class to enact the end times scenario, wherein all their leaders are gone and they are left in the sanctuary alone. They were required to do three things:

1.Worship God: be in the Lord’s Presence for protection and shelter, as in Psalm 91. Be led by the Holy Spirit.

2.Preach the Word: save the lost souls who would pour into the prayer house in the end times.

3.Healing and Deliverance: Many will need to be ministered in these two main areas resultant of the Holy Spirit out pouring

The leaders acted as the lost souls who rushed into the sanctuary during the worship. The were determined to make it tough on the novice disciples. It was a time of chaos and distress for the class to fulfill their new roles.

They were required to worship and stay in the presence of God, be led by the Holy Spirit, whilst feeding the poor, heal the sick, cast out demons, preach the Gospel and save the lost. A number of important lessons emerged:

1.During such a crisis, when disorderly ‘strangers’ crashed in, the orderly Christians were caught without adequate preparation.

2.Although they were all eager to help and perform the full range of duties, they were at a loss when confronted with practical realities, despite knowing the ‘theories’ so well.

3.The practical exercise/simulation was eye-opening for many, seeing how inadequately prepared we are. There is no way we can cope with the end times harvest when the Lord pours out the Holy Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28-29).

4.Resolution: we need practice hands on training, complete with user friendly materials for sharing the Gospel, memory verses and proper steps of healing and deliverance. Practices of worship and sharing the word of God are needed too.

5.Positive outcome: Nearly all admitted the need for training and more personal preparation.

6.One revelation: The Lord uses ordinary people. The class who turned out that afternoon consisted of the most ordinary people of all ages who are indeed the end times workers for the Lord, who could easily disappear and blend into any crowd.

7.Negative discovery: Only one brethren remained praying in the Spirit as he had difficulty walking. The rest were too busy ministering and forgot to listen to the Holy Spirit and be led by the Spirit.

It was a rather hilarious time because all knew that they were acting. Only one lone worshipper was singing all by herself when all the commotions were going on. A leader was accused of having a stubborn spirit that refused to be cast out because the deliverers decided to do the casting despite the fact that she came in asking for a cigarette and later some money and not manifesting any demon at all! Another man was asked to repent and recite a sinners’ prayer which omitted ‘in Jesus Name’ (the 'sinner' had to prompt them on the omission!). The Gospel sharers had to ask each other what the next sentence would be. The helpers ignored the ‘poor stranger’s’ remark that he was dying of physical hunger as they were busy praying for him. When he told them his leg was badly injured and bleeding they told him to ignore the bleeding and not to look at the external symptoms! One man was ‘manifesting’ but no one gave him any plastic beg/container to cough into. He had to ask them to give him one! This happened to another man who 'manifested.

The leaders who acted as lost souls had a field day with the novice disciples who were at first required to minister for one hour. After 20 minutes they were too ‘distressed’ to carry on and so the watchman agreed to halt and let everyone share his/her experience and finding.

Conclusion: No one can predict what ‘the appointed day’ will be like. The most important thing is to get ready now and not be caught by surprise. When the real thing comes it would not be hilarious. It would be real and painful for those caught unprepared.

Prior the class the watchman was led to turn his Bible to this verse, Hosea 9:5a ”What will you do in the appointed day”? Indeed, it aptly describes how one may be caught not knowing what to do. The class had later demonstrated this scenario. On the other hand, he was encouraged as all hands were on deck that afternoon. Everyone who turned out participated. He could perceive the eagerness and commitment to obey and be disciples of Jesus Christ!

Relevant Bible Verses —————————————

Matthew 10:1 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. 7-8 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Luke 9:1 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

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