December 3, 2010

End Times Church Countdown: Salmon revelation to apostles and seers

The watchman had a wonderful surprise 2 days ago when he persisted to ask the Lord what the sequence of reading Acts chapters: 20, 13, 16-17 in that order meant. It was a breakthrough in hearing the Holy Spirit accurately.

On the night before, he asked another intercessor to uphold the senior intercessor in prayer and he also mentioned how he was led to read Acts 20 when he interceded for the senior intercessor. Hr did not tell her he was led to read further chapters in an unusual order.

The answer came back shortly that the Lord said the senior intercessor had completed her assignment here and would move on to higher ground – uncharted waters and would not be seen here anymore. The intercessor also mentioned a name of the uncharted waters.

The next morning the watchman asked the Lord again why he was led to read the above chapters of the Book of Acts in that non-sequential order. Then the answer dawned on him!

The non-sequential order and its meaning is summarised as follows:

Acts 20: This is the end and closing of the existing assignment.

Acts 13: This is the beginning of a new assignment.

Acts 16-17: This is the exciting and miraculous events that will happen in the new assignment!!

WOW! This exactly confirmed what the other intercessor has received from the Lord. So the watchman happily prayed for and blessed the senior intercessor further favour from the Lord and favour from kings as well as the kings’ hearts are in the hand of the Lord. Indeed, the answer to Jabez’s prayer is coming to pass for a lot of apostolic prophet-intercessors at the national level.

O watchman, open your eyes and see further and wider and be prepared to intercede over uncharted waters up the ancient waterfalls!

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