October 5, 2010

End Times Church count-down: one wedding, three venues, a bride-to-be


A lay believer since 1985 has been faithfully seeking and worshiping the Lord closely, reading the Bible, attending church services, serving in various capacities. During the last five years she personally witnessed and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit (in healing and deliverance) following the preaching of the Word of God.

Recently she asked the Lord to give her visions and dreams. Two nights ago she responded to a pastor’s altar call to receive fresh and more anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The same night she had a detailed dream. On the following night she had another detailed dream. Both dreams are on the theme of WEDDING, which will take place THE NEXT DAY, AND SHE (THE BRIDE) WAS NOT READY!!!
She dreamed that she was getting ready for her WEDDING which will take place THE NEXT DAY and the two of them went to see two seaside cottages to rent one for the wedding.
The first venue: this is a tiny one room shack and there is one bed in the center of the room. A man was sleeping on it. He opened his eyes and he did not bother to get up. He was not that interested in the use of his place for the wedding. The room is very untidy and there are rubbish around. So the couple decided that this place is not suitable for the wedding. There is no time to clear the rubbish and tidy up the room.
The second venue: this is a more spacious cottage. A lady in her sixties is in charge. She was pleasant and friendly and was interested in renting out her place for the wedding. Her place is clean and furnished but the furniture are old and need to be replaced. She said she had five children and all had grown up and left. Only one son (her favorite) called her daily and kept in touch. However her children let her bring up all the grandchildren and she had brought up a lot and they all had left when grown up. Three infants were int he house. One was carried by a dark (foreign) maid. Another two were lying in a cot. The two were the surviving of sextuplets (of whom four died at birth). They had deformed facial features so severe that the couple thought these babies needed surgery when grown up. There was an altar with incense burning for foreign god at the wall facing the entrance. The old lady showed the couple a drawing block on which she had been asked by her favorite son to practice drawing (more like stick-on crafts) of pictures (like butterflies but not butterflies etc) and English words. She seemed happy doing such laborious childish and meaningless tasks.
The couple at first thought they could use this place for the wedding only and not to stay overnight as they needed to go back to work after the wedding day. They also thought of going to buy new furnitures as the present ones were not suitable. They thought of giving the old lady the new furniture as gift after the wedding. Then the bride realized that it would be easier to use a hotel reception than using such a remote and unready place. She also realized that she was already married and wondered why she needed to go through the wedding again. She woke feeling puzzled.
On the second night she dreamed of another wedding scene. Again she was GETTING MARRIED THE NEXT DAY and she was back to her old childhood home. It was a big house with old and young and lots of normal daily activities going on but none related to preparation of a weddingNo one seemed to be aware of or interested in the next day’s wedding. The house was not decorated and no one seemed to care. The following then happened:
1. She went into the toilet and saw a lot of long dresses hanging there. It was totally clustered from ceiling to floor. On top of the toilet bowl a long red dress was dripping onto the toilet seat drops of red dyes.
2. She looked out of the window and saw her grandmother and her elder brother were walking in the garden. They examined the plants and noted that the lady fingers were too old and could not be eaten. So the brother said that they should be cut down and thrown away.
3. Then she looked into the mirror and saw that she had white hair patches and needed to dye them. She also realized that she had not bought her wedding gown. So she drove alone (as she could not find any friend to go with her) and rushed to town to shop for her wedding.  On arrival she went to a room and saw the groom (an old high school mate whom she hardly knew)already getting almost ready, with wedding suits and hairdo etc.). Whilst she wondered why she was to marry this stranger, she noted that he was ready but she was not ready so she rushed out for her shopping.
4. She walked for a long time and could not find any shops selling wedding gowns.She noted that she was carrying several bundles of cash and car key in a bag casually slung on her shoulder and started to worry someone might come and snatch it from her. She reminded herself she should be careful with her valuables and hold it near to her chest.
5. The shops were all ancient and sold food or other ordinary provisions. There was no shop that sold wedding gown. She thought of calling the groom and ask for the address of a shop that sold wedding gowns. So she switched on her hand phone but pressed the wrong button. A screen came on with lots of numbers. One number kept changing. She thought it was a game program but she could not change the screen and return to the main menu. The screen was stuck there and one number kept changing very fast. She could not use the phone and she realized that she did not even know the groom’s phone numberIt was already getting dark by then.
6. She thought to herself, she did not even know the groom, she did not love him (no intimacy whatever), so how could they ever get married? Then she woke.
Interpretation: This is a wedding that is coming soon in heavenThe groom (Jesus) is coming tomorrow (THE NEXT DAY) and the bride (His church) has to be ready. Every believer has to be ready with suitable attire for the wedding.
Alas, all three churches in the above two dreams are not ready. One is sleeping and not interested. One is interested but has been busy doing activities that had nothing to do with the kingdom of heaven and the wedding of the Lamb. Her children and grandchildren were “strange children” and not the children of God. ” She even had an altar offering incense to other gods/idols. The third church had useless fruits that could not be eaten. Like Noah’s days, old and young people carried on their ‘daily normal’ physical activities and not even know or concern that the Lord’s wedding was imminent! 
The worst thing is that the third church uses fake ‘blood’ (which is red color dye) to try to cleanse their sins! There is no genuine repentance and conversion there and thus no salvation.
When she went somewhere else, a town (more well developed and established churches), to buy the wedding gown, she found that none of them sold the gowns.
(The dreamer indeed had a shock.  Asking for more anointing means more responsibilities. The next step is to ask the Lord what He wants her to do. )

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