However he started to talk to God. He was supposed to intercede for a critical case of a man who had again lost consciousness after being resuscitated in the afternoon at a rural hospital. But he was out of words and could not proceed. he prayed awhile in the Spirit. He asked God to reveal to him word of knowledge and wisdom, together with discernment in spirits.
He also committed his own problem, i.e. the dull ache on top of his left eye. Then he opened his Bible and read. He was led to read Psalm 103. Normally he would have read verse 3 about forgiven and healing. But today he was led to read verse 5, describing the Lord God “who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Then he was led to note verses 20-21, which he had previously read without noticing anything. “Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure.”
He suddenly realized that the angels who minister to the believers (as stated in Heb.1:14), listen only to the word of God and put the word of God into action when the believers proclaim the word of God!
It was indeed a bonus! The next thing that happened further demonstrated to him how close to him and how much the Holy Spirit is willing to impart important wisdom.
As he pondered over the obstacle to the intercession for that very sick man, and bothered by his own nagging ache, he saw a book lying around. It was a classic book on divine healing, a recent gift which he had not been able to read yet. He took it up, opened and glanced through the contents just to see what are inside. He was looking for “eyes” ailment, but he was disappointed.
However, he read on and found something relevant. It was on “Stress disorders, anxiety and fear”. He turned to the section and found what he was looking for. It described how the brain affects the body (including health). The author used certain medical and physiological information and links them to emotional manifestations and spiritual causal factors.
The author then quoted one crucial verse, “1 John 4:18 is the functional Scripture for the healing of many fear, anxiety and stress disorders“. He concluded and summarized his recommendation for healing: reconciliation with God and His love; reconciliation with yourself; and reconciliation with others.
The verse was exactly the same verse Jack had given to his class last Sunday as the key to casting out fears (which he described as a major hindrance to faith and healing). “There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” In that class, Jack also emphasized the need to reconcile and not harbor unforgiveness which could hinder the participants from experiencing the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Later that morning Jack further saw the unfolding of the mystery surrounding that poor man. The big picture emerged clearly.
He decided to go to the Prayer House to pray in the Spirit. It was a purposeful morning and the Lord was with him just as He promised.
Although this blog series ends here, he will continue to walk in the Spirit and learn from the Anointed One. His life remains that of a man who travels on in the Spirit.
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