May 4, 2010

chapter ninety: An evening in the garden and God waved back

During a night of power failure, Jack diligently carried out his assignment. On this warm evening Jack encountered a sudden power failure. He had his daily main meal without hurry after a day of fasting (taking water only). The day was event less and he was feeling a bit disappointed. It was a windless evening. The garden was very still and stifling.

After dinner, he had a shower and changed into comfortable sports wear. Then he was led to go into the garden. He realized that there was nothing to do but to pray and intercede. He walked about and started praying in the Spirit. The sky looked still and nothing seemed to happen. He continued to pray and sing in tongues.
Then he was led to sing about the Holy Spirit wind. True enough the trees in his garden started to move their branches. He could feel the breeze moving quietly around him. He continued to praise God and give thanks for the Holy Spirit wind. He noted that only the trees in his garden moved. The ones outside remained still. He felt elated and burst into the powerful classic hymn “How Great Thou are!” (Two weeks ago he witnessed a demonized man fled as if in trance when he merely heard the chorus of this hymn!)

Interestingly the wind came to where he stood and surrounded his whole being. As he walked the wind continued to move forward toward the same direction. He decided to walk round his garden and the wind moved ahead as if to lead his steps. So he interceded following the steps of the Holy Spirit.

He did not know the object of his intercession so he decided to pray in understanding. “O Lord, pour Your Spirit over this land, this…” When he came to the name of the land, instead of saying the nation he had in mind, he suddenly cried, “Jerusalem”.
He obeyed and spent the whole time interceding for Jerusalem (partly from Isaiah 32:15-19; 58:6-12, and recalling from Nehemiah), that the Holy Spirit would pour on that land and cause a transformation in line with the heart of God, rebuilding the walls and gates for the City of God.

After that, he watered the garden as a symbolic act of the living water that would flood Jerusalem and fill those who hunger and thirst.

He knew when he had completed his task. The intercession in the Spirit stopped. But he was enjoying the garden walk with the presence of God so much that he wanted to walk another round. So he told God that he really appreciated and felt very honored. He requested that he be allowed another round in the garden just to be with God and not busily interceding. Then he walked by faith. When he finally stopped he lifted up his hands and waved. To his amazement, he saw his two red sealing wax palm trees waving (while all the other trees remained still). There was a gap of clear blue heaven between the two trees.

He believed it was God waving to him and saying goodbye after the evening walk. He waved back with a big grin and the trees stopped after that.

He went back to his house and read this line from Isaiah 2:5, “O, house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

The power immediately came on and the house was flooded with light!

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