March 3, 2010

Chapter Seventy-Seven: A watchman cries, "Your face, Lord, I will Seek!"

Jack is led by the Spirit to share a series of his action steps for END TIME SURVIVAL WITH JESUS OUTSIDE THE CAMP complete with Scripture verses to help to cast out unbelief and let mustard seed faith come forth and produce tangible result.
Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action One: Seek God diligently daily. Why? By end time, Christians would have realized that they just have to depend on God to get them out of the horror. There is no one but God Who can save them. All who choose to follow and identify with Jesus will need to know how to seek God and hear His voice.
SEEK GOD NOW. This is the Number One preparation action for end time survival. You need to TRAIN NOW in worship, prayers and reading of His word.
God wants us to seek Him. In Psalm 27:8 David declared to God: "When You said, seek My face, my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek." (Psalm 27:8)
Indeed, God looks down from heaven to see if anyone who understands, who seeks Him. (Psaalm14:2; 53:2)
God even says He rewards those who diligently seek Him! (Heb.11:6)
God is our refuge, fortress, and strength in the day of affliction (Psalm 46; Jeremiah. 16:19).
He is our protector against evil, destruction and pestilence. (Psalm 91)
God delivered His people from evil for the purpose of meeting with them and dwelling among them as their God! (Exodus 20:24; 29:42-46)
Jesus said He needs to know you first before He will allow you to enter into heaven. (Matt. 7:21-23) Get used to seeking and meeting God (The Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) now daily so you would not be caught in end time without knowing Him.

Jack has over many years, with intensity building up in the last 12 months, been seeking God consistently. The result is indeed amazing and rewarding. What God has promised in His word have come true! What happened?
1. He started by reading the Bible as a young Christian. A lot of Christians do this as a routine. Over many years, the word of God has been stored in his heart (spirit).
2. He meditated on God's word. He memorized them. But he was not satisfied when he could not receive any illumination from the word. So he persisted in seeking. He listened to sermons with his whole heart. He thirsted and hungered for the word of God to feed his inner man.
3. After many years, he realized that the problem was with his mind and not his heart. The mind is well trained, to analyze, rationalize and organize. All these actions have no input from faith and/or from the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth.
God says, without faith it is impossible to please Him. (Heb.11:6)
Jesus says, the Holy Spirit comes to guide us into all truth. (John 16:13)
4. A breakthrough came last year. Jack was asked to sign up to pray for the churches and the city he lived in. So he did. That was  the beginning of a journey in the Holy Spirit. He found that the prayers were empty and lifeless and came from mechanical recitation of written guides from his church or a copy from somewhere in his mind archives. His heart was sincere but his flesh (body and mind) blocked him from really reaching the level that God has intended for him.
5.  He recalled how he was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago, the joy and love he felt flowing from God's presence to him then. He read the Bible day and night then with zeal and passion, believing that the word of God was real and they spoke to him. However when he started going back to church he was soon caught in the snare of man's tradition. He built up considerable Bible knowledge. He clocked in numerous hours of ministering to others. But he soon became malnourished spiritually.
6. So Jack started to practice worshiping God and waiting upon the Lord. That was the breakthrough. God's presence becomes real to him. He read the word of God afresh and listened to the still small voice within if any. God started to get through to him. He saw visions. he dreamed dreams. He saw Bible verses in his heart. He receives Biblical confirmations for the visions and dreams.
7. When he prays, he no longer utters familiar routine words that sound good to hear but empty (which the Lord Jesus described as babbling like pagans), knowing that he is in front of the great, awesome and holy God. How can he simply say things? When he hears his own previous prayers he feels ashamed.

END-TIME SURVIVAL is all about knowing how to hear God and follow His voice. The Holy Spirit will lead you in your spirit to listen and follow. The word of God that you have stored in your heart will rise to the occasion and become alive, bring forth life as you pray it and meditate on it and proclaim it by faith.

How else do you think Jesus has expected you to overcome? Just practice now. You will hear God. You will see what God wants you to see in your spirit. You will become real. A son of God. A kingdom of God citizen. A royal priest. A special national. An elect. A victorious remnant. A faith person. Jesus becomes your real life.

It is a marvelous and wonderful life in Christ Jesus. A divine lifestyle on earth as it is in heaven. No fear for end-time.

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