January 20, 2010


A time has come for Jack to take stock as a watchman.

He has gone on this journey in the Holy Spirit for almost a year during which he has experienced the reality of the spiritual and supernatural realm as described in the Bible. He has also discovered the ability of man to communicate with the Holy Spirit. He has encountered God.

The year can be compared to that of a class conducted by the Holy Spirit. Although he was not exactly the responsive and sensitive student, he has managed to see and hear important messages at random and responded accordingly. He knew that there had been times he failed as watchman and other watchmen must have stood in for him. He is grateful for that.

Even now he is still not sure of how he could receive the interpretations and explanations to some of his visions. He relies on others to interpret for him if possible. Otherwise he takes a long time to decipher the message by reading relevant passages in the Bible over and over again and asking for more signs from the Holy Spirit. He used to think that it would get easier as he continues his quest. He is wrong. When he first sought God in the Holy Spirit, he saw visions easily and had the related interpretations almost immediately. As the year went by he lost momentum and could not settle down to seek God’s presence quietly. He did not even enquire of God and he saw less and less visions. Lately when he resumed his quest he found that he saw visions without any clue to interpret them!

The recent events were good illustrations of how he had to go through a lot of channels before he understood the message the Holy Spirit was trying to pass to him. On this subject he still has promptings in his heart that the message is more than just a personal one for the young man who is seeking to become godly. He needs to look further beyond the walls of Nehemiah. He needs to search his heart and see if there are walls there to be pulled down as well. He needs to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His greater purpose if any for making him read the book “Walls of my heart” after reading the book of Nehemiah.

Surely it was no coincidence that he was led to read both books. He has determined in his heart to find out more about this message which he is yet to decipher. Indeed, he has been listening to teachings about a Christian being the temple of the Holy Spirit and that the body of Christ consists of individual Christians together becomes a church. Church building is in fact body building for Christ. Each member of the body of Christ needs to be built up. The walls are made up of each brick (member of the body of Christ). Hence, re-building the ruined walls require regeneration and rebuilding each individual member of the church.

What is a watchman’s role in this rebuilding effort? He needs to really listen and watch. When he receives a message it is his role to pass it faithfully to the intended target. Like in the rebuilding project in Nehemiah, the job of a watchman is never completed until the walls are completed. But he dared not presume anything, knowing the serious consequences of human presumption.

Apostle Peter warned us of this, “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:19-21)

Carry on watching and praying!


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