This is a strange journal of me being called to be a watchman who cannot rest and must sit on walls and cry out day and night!
Normally I am a happy man. I enjoy a good life as a management consultant, a health care and wellness coach and trainer in personal development and character building. I have been a Christian all my life, and a born again Christian since 1983. This journal is not about me.
I have been called to be a watchman on walls (as in Isaiah 62:6-7). I have been through God’s miraculous signs and wonders when I obeyed the call. As I obeyed, I read the Bible with fresh revelations. It has been a wonderful journey with the Lord all the way.
This is a record of God (the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit) and His Word (as written in the Bible) as revealed to me in my personal quest to seek to know God. I shall share my personal experiences and the life that the Spirit has led me to live as I proceed on this journey.
I have seen visions and words and composed songs in unknown languages in new tunes as led by the Holy Spirit.
I have written four stories in this blog, based on the visions, experiences and the Word of God, as led by the Holy Spirit:
1. Ari and Great Grandma’s Jerusalem Gates Gold Adventure Story
2. One man’s Journey in the Holy Spirit
3. Ari’s Quests (Stress Mountain Rescue Story)
4. Living Biblically by One Man – A Novice Manual
I pray that all who read these pages will be deeply touched by God (the Holy Spirit) and be fired up to seek God yourself.
Jesus promised, “Seek and you shall find.” Jesus indeed is the Saviour and Lord of all who seek Him!
Believe and you will not be disappointed.
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