“I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem praise in the earth.” (Isaiah 62:6-7)
Jack has been reading these verses over and over. He was woken one morning to re-read them. About nine months ago he was called to pray for his city and the churches therein. He thought he was merely doing his duty as a Christian.
As time went by he was more and more aware that there was a spiritual reality of which he was not aware previously. Prayers and intercessions were spiritual. When one prays, one in fact acknowledges the reality of the spiritual God. When one prays, one invokes spiritual forces. Things happen in the spiritual realm. The reality in the spiritual realm becomes reality in the physical realm.
His awareness of the spiritual became more sharpened. He developed spiritual discernment.
When reading the Bible, which is Spirit and Life, the word indeed became alive and real.
When praying he became more and more led by the Holy Spirit to intercede for things/people of whom he had hardly or never thought before.
But he was still far from a committed watchman on the walls whom God has set to cry out day and night for the establishment of Jerusalem (the ideal city of God which God has designed to materialize for the benefit of all nations on earth). He could not figure out how this call would impact all nations as one city on earth was such a tiny dot on the map.
Today he awoke and read the passage again. It suddenly dawned on him that there were many like him all over the world in every city of the world, awoken daily just to call out to God and give God no rest until the ideal plan of God has been established.
It also dawned on him that the ideal plan will be established all over the world as God is not limited to one tiny dot on the map of mankind!
So when he and the other watchmen cry out and intercede for their respective cities, the plan of God would equally be realized in those cities too (all being the New Jerusalem of God)!
This discovery made Jack’s heart leap up. Yes. This makes sense to his little mortal human mind.
Wherever you are, watchmen on the walls of your cities do not lose heart. Your city will be made praise in earth too as promised.
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