April 29, 2021

an incredible yet most credible witness for the accused Lord. Who is this brave good man?

You guess rightly. Peter the defense witness. One look at his resume before the resurrection you would not normally elect him to be the spokesman for the accused, Jesus. And yet Jesus deliberately chose him to be His spokesman. Did Jesus choose wrongly?

Peter’s credential and defense (narrated as Peter himself)

I am Peter. I was the first to call Jesus the Son of the Living God – the Messiah (Mark 8:29, Luke 9:20, Matt. 16:16-17).   When Jesus called me to follow Him, I knew that He was of God and felt unworthy to be in His presence (Luke 5:6-8).  

As required to stand as His witness, I shall be honest about my credential good and bad. Here is what others (especially the prosecution) would have said of me.


Peter is a well known fisherman boss and displays all the qualities of a leader: bold, brave, upfront, strong, self-confident, knows his trade very well, wants to be player in the winning game, but does not take failure easily. He is not a follower. Jesus manages to convince him to join Jesus’ team, by a massive unprecedented display of power and the depth of knowledge of the natural elements and creatures beyond what Peter can ever fathom, giving him and his team of fishermen the catch of the year! From Peter’s perspective, being a team mate to such a master is a far better investment than his fishery industry.

Peter believes that whatever Jesus can do so can he. Jesus walks on water. So can Peter. Jesus heals the sick, casts out demons, makes the lame walk, and raises the dead, so can Peter. Peter trusts Jesus’ strength. He sees Jesus’ display of strength and not weakness. And Peter respects strength.

Jesus knows what Peter is made of and his potential as a post-resurrection witness. The Bible has recorded that Peter has more interaction with Jesus than the other disciples. He walks on water. He testifies that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and he is among the three (with James and John) whom Jesus has selected to walk with Him and experienced more of Jesus’ revelation of His true status, power and authority.

When Jesus chose the twelve, did He give the indication that they would be ruling the new Israel with Him? It was the understanding of the apostles, of which Peter was one. With Jesus’ calibre, Peter had all the confidence that he would do well to follow Jesus. They were all prone to mistakes, misstatements, wrong attitudes, failures of faith, and bitter resentment toward others when it came to competing for positions and favors. Peter even reminded Jesus that they had all given up all they had to follow Him.

It was easy to follow Jesus as long He continued to show His power and strength and His fitness to be the king for His kingdom. Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Jesus when Jesus told them His upcoming death and events that would lead up to that. It was tough to continue to believe and follow when Jesus allowed Himself to be weak, subdued, arrested, submitted to unjust trial and be sentenced to death like a common criminal. Peter lost heart to the point that he denied Jesus three times when he could not bear to face the failure-associated humiliation and mockery.

Peter was just like the rest. Jesus rebuked them of foolish, slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken about Him, the Messiah. “Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” (Luke 24:25-26) Their repeated unbelief was recorded by Mark who transcribed the teachings of Peter. Even after Jesus had resurrected and shown Himself to various disciples, the women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome), two disciples who walked and went into the country (Cleopas and a companion who lived in Emmaus), Peter and others could not believe their testimonies that Jesus is alive. Jesus appeared to the eleven later and rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen from the dead. John recorded that Peter even led a few others back to their old trade, fishing at the Sea of Tiberias, and Jesus had to appear to them to speak specifically to Peter, reminded him three times about his calling, and appointed him as a shepherd for the believers.

All in all, the above illustrates an unacceptable and unreliable credential for Peter as a defense witness for Christ.


Here is what his peers and all the converts spoke of Peter in the early churches:

Peter emerged as the earliest leader for the 120 disciples who waited with him at the upper room in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come upon them, on the day of Pentecost, and receive the power from above, as Jesus had instructed. After the Holy Spirit came upon him, Peter became a changed man, back to his leading role. He preached powerful gospel messages to the public and led many to Christ. He braved the arrest, intimidation, and punishments of the religious leaders and officials. He ministered to the multitudes with the power of the Holy Spirit, and performed healing, and many signs and wonders, including raising the dead. People laid the sick on the streets so that the shadow of Peter’s passing by might fall on them. He was walking and doing what Jesus said they could do, just as He did them, and even greater.

Peter was one of the boldest apostles of all.  He willingly suffered persecution, imprisonment, beatings, and even rejoiced at the fact that he was worthy to suffer disgrace for the Lord‘s sake (Acts 5:41).

There is reliable evidence through church tradition and early church historians that the Gospel of Mark is actually the gospel of Peter.  Peter is said to have dictated his discipleship with Jesus to John Mark, who was a companion of his for many of the later years of his life. Peter also authored two epistles in the New Testaments, First and Second Peter, wherein we see that the formerly independent, self-willed, strong-willed, presumptuous, brash and bragging fisherman boss became a role model of a humble servant-leader, having a shepherd’s heart —self-described as a bond servant, an apostle of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:1) He declared that the power he displayed did not come from his own power or godliness he had. Peter became a role model apostle evangelist and pastor.

Here is his witness for Jesus after his spectacular healing of a lame man (lame at birth) at the gate of the temple.

“God glorified Jesus, the Prince of life, the Holy One and the Just, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses. And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Jesus, has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.”


Peter continues : Well, I have lived my case before all the world to see. I am a changed man. I have given my testament before the authority and the public. If I had to live my life all over again, i would have no hesitation. As all who read my story would have known by now the reality of my Lord and Savior, the risen Son of God to me and many of my flocks. I have not lived my life in vain after all. And I shall now move on to Rome and meet my destiny without regrets. For our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me that I must soon leave this earthly life, so I will work hard to make sure you always remember these things after I am gone.

Last words from the second epistle of Peter to all those who have received the same faith with him, who are partakers of the divine nature given by God: what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Watchman’s Notes: Peter is a changed man. The most significant change is in his being Spirit-led and spiritual minded after the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on him and the 119 others who waited with him in Jerusalem as instructed by the risen Christ Jesus. The seed of God’s word sown by Jesus in his heart finally burst forth in harvesting, hundred folds many times over, just as Jesus has said. Jesus’ words did not fall on hard ground. Peter has a heart of good soil after all.

Peter was born about 1 B.C. and died sometime around A.D. 67. Peter knew he was going to be martyred. ((John 21:18-19) A street-wise, shrewd, brash, self-confident bossy business-man became a humble, willing, obedient servant of the Lord even to death. He rejoiced in that day of his death, knowing that he would be reunited with his beloved Savior. Peter had been sure of the reality of Jesus being who He said He is, the Son of God, because he was an eye witness.

This is what he testified as a most credible witness:

2 Peter 1:16-19 For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;

References: The four Gospels, The Acts of the Apostles, first and Second Epistles of Peter.

Seeing the dead Lord coming back to life: post-resurrection shock and transition

What do we normally do after a burial? How would we react when we see a dead man come back alive from the tomb after three days or more?

Jesus’ resurrection is stunning! It is only a beginning. He stayed on for forty days. What did He do? What did His disciples do? Let us start at the dawn which heralds in the beginning of a new world order for the believers of Jesus. Just as the apostle Paul has boldly declared, “therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Jesus Himself has foretold this supernatural reproduction, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.” (John 12:24) The crucifixion and death of the Son of God had destroyed the power of sin and death. His resurrection had given birth to the new life of many believers, who must receive by faith in Jesus and nothing else. One significant truth is that we are not His clones. We are born again of the Spirit as God’s children, with the life of Jesus in us.

What did Jesus do to make sure His believers know and understand and believe? Let us read the Scriptures to see what happened in those crucial new days, His last forty days on earth prior ascension into heaven to sit at God’s right hand. Was it easy for the disciples to accept the sudden requirement to enter into the faith zone, that is, what Jesus has been telling them are all true? Or were they not all shocked to the core to see Jesus in real life, coming back from the dead?

What happened in John 20-21?

These are the scenarios after resurrection of Jesus recorded by John: the empty tomb discovered by Mary, Peter, and John. Mary saw two angels and Jesus who talked to her. Jesus also showed Himself to the other disciples and Thomas.

Mary Magdalene: She came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. (She saw the empty tomb first and went and told Peter and John)

Peter and the other disciple (John): started out for the tomb. They were both running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he didn’t go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. (peter and John saw the empty tomb after Mary. They noticed the way the linen wrappings and head cover were lying there and believed.) for until then they still hadn’t understood the Scriptures that said Jesus must rise from the dead. 10 Then they went home.

Mary11 Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. 12 She saw two white-robed angels. (The angels talked to her) 14 She turned to leave and saw someone standing there. It was Jesus, but she didn’t recognize him. (She saw Jesus and He talked to her too. Jesus instructed her, 17 “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” (She went and told the disciples.)

The other disciples: 19 That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said. 20 As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! 21 Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” (Jesus showed Himself. He also instructed them. He breathed on them and sent them out to witness for Him).

Thomas, the doubter24 One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), was not with the others when Jesus came. (And he did not believe them when they told him they saw the resurrected Jesus. In their second meetingJesus came and showed Himself again to His disciples27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” 28 “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.29 Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.

Truly Jesus also did many other signs in the presence of His disciples. (John 20:30)

At the sea of Tiberias: Peter and other disciples returned to fishing, and that night they caught nothing. when the morning came Jesus appeared, standing on the shore and told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, and they caught 153 large fish. He also cooked and gave them breakfast and ate with them. (John 21:1-13) This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead. (John 21:14)

Jesus asked and instructed Peter specifically about love: 15 After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He asked Peter three times the same question with a variation of the word “love” when He asked Peter the third time whether loved Him. the word love in the first two questions referred to the God’s kind of love “agape” (which implies sacrificial). And twice Peter answered Jesus using the word “phileo” (friendship kind of love). The third time Jesus came to Peter’s level and used the word “phileo” to stand for love, when Jesus reiterated His entrusting Peter to feed/tend to His flocks (the believers). Jesus also predicted what would happen to Peter. (21:18-19)

Additional information in Matthew 28

  1. Some guards went and told the leading priests who decided to give the guards a large bribe to lie that Jesus’ disciples came and stole the body.
  2. the eleven disciples left for Galilee and met Jesus, who gave them the Great Commission and promise that He would be with them always, even to the end of the age. (28:18-20)

Additional information from Mark 16

  1. Mary Magdalene saw Jesus and went and told the disciples but they did not believe her.
  2. 12 Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers who were walking from Jerusalem into the country. 13 They rushed back to tell the others, but no one believed them.
  3. 14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead
  4. Great Commission: 15 And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe…20 And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.
  5. Jesus’ ascension19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.

Additional information from Luke 24: Luke recorded in great details what transpired between the resurrected Jesus and the reaction of His disciples when they saw HIm. They were still full of unbelief!

  1. The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and several other women came to the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus. They saw two angels who reminded them what Jesus had told them about His resurrection on the third day.  So they rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples—and everyone else—what had happened. 11 But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it. 
  2. 12 However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look. Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; then he went home again, wondering what had happened.
  3. 13 That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village of Emmaus. Then Jesus (whom they did not recognize) appeared and took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. Later, as they sat down to eat, he took the bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to them. 31 Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And at that moment he disappeared!
  4. Peter also saw Jesus: They went back to Jerusalem and found the eleven disciples and the others who had gathered with them, 34 who said, “The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Peter.” 35 Then the two from Emmaus told their story of how Jesus had appeared to them. 
  5. Jesus appeared to all36 And just as they were telling about it, Jesus himself was suddenly standing there among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. 37 But the whole group was startled and frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost!
  6. 38 Why are you frightened?” he asked. “Why are your hearts filled with doubt? 39 Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do.” 40 As he spoke, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 Still they stood there in disbelief, filled with joy and wonder. Then he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he ate it as they watched.
  7. Jesus had to remind them of what He had told them before that He had to fulfill the Scripture. He also gave them the great commission to be His witnesses, proclaiming His name to all nations.
  8. He promised them the Holy Spirit and instructed them not to leave Jerusalem until they received this power from above.
  9. The Ascension: 50 Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven. 52 So they worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy. 53 And they spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God.

(to continue)

Kainotes, 2021-04-05

a skeptical and condescending half brother of our Lord as a defense witness? a most misunderstood man


I found it difficult to put up a case for him. So I put on hold for quite sometime and prayed about it. The answer finally came. “Heureka! Heureka!” (I have found it!) I will write about his relationship with Jesus, his half brother.

Prologue: James, the half brother of Jesus

Jesus grew up in a sizable family that included four half brothers—James, Joses, Simon and Judas (who would later write the epistle of Jude)—and sisters, at least two (Matthew 13:55-56). James did not seem involved in Jesus’ ministry and yet became a prominent figure in the early New Testament church. He is most likely the author of the Epistle of James. He appeared a somewhat indifferent and even a skeptical, condescending sibling to Jesus. So why was he chosen as another leading witness for the risen Christ Jesus? Here is his own account (as read and constructed mainly from the Scriptures, some historical references, and my own understanding).

James’ narrative account of his relationship with Jesus

One of the men, a brethren, from the Jewish counsel came last night, and told me urgently that the Jewish religious leaders have decided my death sentence secretly, and they are coming to take me for stoning soon. Strange to say, I am at ease and have peace and joy in my heart. As my last farewell, I would like to talk about my relationship on earth with Jesus.

I am James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of you already know that I am also the younger half-brother of Jesus (Yeshua). I was born after my parents returned from Egypt with Jesus, who was five years my senior. As you probably know, there is little record of me in the four gospels of Jesus Christ. And all the records therein about me (as a family members) did not show a close relationship between us (his half-siblings) and Him. As you also probably know by now, having read my letter to the twelve [Hebrew] tribes [scattered abroad among the Gentiles] in the dispersion, I am a man of few words, and am careful with my tongue.

The age gap between Jesus and the rest of us was not a barrier in our sibling relationship. But it means that Jesus had to undertake more responsibilities for the family. Our parent(s) were very pious and made sure that at five years old one was fit for the Scripture, at ten years the Mishnah (oral Torah, interpretations) at thirteen for the fulfilling of the commandments, and at fifteen the Talmud (making Rabbinic interpretations).

Jesus was full of the Spirit of God: full of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, might, and the reverential fear of the Lord. We always know He is special and unique. And He was gifted and anointed in teaching. As required of all Jewish boys, He learned a trade in addition to teaching the Scripture. My father Joseph has taught Him all about our family trade: stone masonry and building construction. At thirteen, He started working with my father and traveled daily to work on large building projects in the capital city of Sepphoris, about an hour’s walk from Nazareth. At twenty he decided to continue the vocation with my father, who became frail and frequently ill. My father died when Jesus was twenty-five and he handed over the legacy to Jesus.

However, when Jesus reached the official maturity age of thirty for authority (able to teach others) He handed over the family business to me and became a full time teacher. Although my desire was to be a teacher supervisor of a synagogue, I had to continue the family trade. Strictly speaking, according to my mother Mary, I am the first born of Joseph and have the right to Joseph’s legacy.

My mother told us much later about the prophecies from two godly prophets at the temple when my parents took the baby Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. A just and devout man named Simeon confirmed that Jesus would bring salvation to all peoples. And a prophetess, Anna, also confirmed that Jesus would bring redemption. My mother too, was a woman with few words, and she kept all the things about Jesus in her heart. She taught us to respect Jesus as the eldest and much older sibling in the family. And we observed that He was very different from us from young.

When Jesus taught, He showed the kind of authority that no one did. He was anointed. He even taught the religious teachers themselves (the pharisees, scribes, and teachers). I saw the miracles and divine healings He performed. I was at the Cana wedding where He turned 180 gallons of water into the choicest wine. Any sibling of such a powerful person would have expected Him to get rich quick and bring the family to a life wherein we each could choose to pursue our own desires. But, alas, He stayed aloof and away from the family.

What we could not understand and accept was that He chose to travel most of the time, followed by an ever increasing multitude of all sorts of people. He did not appear to bother about His own care, like having proper meals and rest. We were doing well in our family business and had our own house and the women could cook and clean for him. He could have led a comfortable respectable teacher’s life at home. But He seemed to forget that He even had a family. My mother was especially upset at one time when He rejected our looking for Him and offer to take Him home for food and rest. He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him, and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.” We just could not understand Him.

Mary, my mother however, did not give up. She joined a few women and followed Him whenever He was nearer home. Later, she joined the group of women, and followed Him to Jerusalem and saw Him to the end. She got to know Mary Magdalene, Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herold’s steward, Susanna, Mary the mother of James, and many others who provided for Jesus from their substance. Jesus indeed had many mothers and sisters and brothers. They took good care of Him. Our worldly concern for Him was proven unnecessary.

I did not follow Jesus physically. I tried to occupy myself with the family business while trying to live a normal life with normal expectation. By then I knew Jesus had not ambition to be a ruler of the Jews. I have kept updated of His teachings as many have heard and circulated them by word of mouth. I heard of all the good deeds and compassions he had shown to the multitudes. I had done a lot of thinking. Either He had lost His mind or He was just bluffing. But I knew Him from young, and I knew He was neither. Whilst I could not accept His claim that He was the Son of God, because that was against what I had learned from the Jewish religion, I could not deny that He was an honest, upright, just, moral, and righteous man of utmost integrity. His life was His proof. His teaching and His work were those above any human.

I skipped going to Jerusalem on that fateful holy week. I did not believe or expect that it would come to much despite the rumors going around about the people wanted to make Him king. Yet, the most important history for mankind was written that week by my half-brother, Jesus. He was arrested and sentenced to be crucified. And he resurrected on the third day and appeared to many people, all in all, the eleven remaining apostles, 500 disciples, those who knew Him personally and could witness for Him.

I was told later that while looking down from the cross, Jesus entrusted my mother to His apostle John, a faithful young brethren, who followed Him all the way to the crucifixion, and witnessed the empty tomb later, after the resurrection of Jesus on the third day. Why not me? Because I was not there? I was ashamed. I not only missed witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus and the earth shaking resurrection, I also missed HIs last words on the cross. Later I knew deep within Jesus did not do anything without His Father’s instruction. I accepted the Lord’s decision. I must say that John had treated her as his own mother, also named Mary. The two women became like blood sisters keeping each other company for many long years.

Jesus looked for me and called me out. Yes. After I knew of His death and burial, I sat alone in darkness, mourning for a brother I deeply missed. I no longer cared for worldly riches, status and political power. I was not disillusioned because He chose a sacrificial path instead. Why did I ever doubt Him? On one hand I wanted to believe and trust Him. On the other hand I doubted. I was like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. I kept listening to His enemies, those proud, religious hypocrites with whom I have associated myself. I have sent people to warn Him about their scheme. But He did not listen.

Jesus came to me when I was in despair. The resurrected Jesus, my Lord the Christ. He revealed to me, not as a ghost, but someone with flesh and bones I could touch and He showed me His hands and feet as well. He opened my understanding, that I could comprehend the Scriptures, and realized that all things that were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning the Messiah had been fulfilled in Him. He asked me to bring the whole family to join my mother and all the other apostles and disciples to wait in Mark’s mother’s big house in Jerusalem for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit.

And I did. We all did. We obeyed and waited. The rest is history. Jesus, the Son of God, proved exactly the Scriptures about Him are all true, and He is the long waited Messiah of Israel, the Christ for all mankind.

Here ends my farewell, James, a born again man of faith, humility, and prayer.

Kainotes, 2021-04-27


Notes: Not long after writing his epistle, James was martyred in Jerusalem in A.D. 62. According to the first-century Jewish historian Josephus, James was accused by the high priest and condemned to death by stoning (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 20, chap. 9, sec. 1). Eusebius, a fourth-century church historian, adds details of James’ death. He states that the scribes and Pharisees took James to a public place, the top of a wing of the temple, and “demanded that he should renounce the faith of Christ before all the people . . .” But, rather than deny Jesus, James “declared himself fully before the whole multitude, and confessed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, our Savior and Lord” (Ecclesiastical History, 1995, pp. 75-76).

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Five hundreds credible eye-witnesses, all hand-picked by the Lord Himself

While being prompted to write this episode on the five hundreds eye-witnesses, I asked the Lord who they are. Then I realized that they had to be honest, reliable, accurate, living persons who knew Jesus personally, and because of their own personal miraculous experience with the supernatural Son of God, they became credible as witnesses for the risen Christ because many people already knew of them and their previous significant encounters with Christ and the resultant transformation in their lives! They were still alive when Paul and/or Luke interviewed them and recorded down their testimonies as eyewitnesses. They were alive in the aftermath of Jesus’ resurrection and subsequent ascension. Why do I posit that the risen Jesus Christ had shown Himself to them? Because He would want to reassure them and further built them up to be His eye-witnesses. Since they had already faithfully given their healed testimonies to many about Him before, they could be entrusted with this greater work, testifying for the risen Jesus!

In 1 Corinthians 15: 3-7 Paul had this to say:

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles.

1 Corinthians 15: 3-7

After being prompted of the criteria, I am led today to read through the four gospels and the book of Acts to identify them and compile the following list: (Including those who were named and in addition to the five hundreds)

Mary Magdalene, the other Mary (mother of James and John), Mary the mother of Jesus, Salome, Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herold’s business manager, and many other women from Galilee who followed Jesus to the cross and later visited the tomb, the two disciples who walked back to Emmaus (Cleopas and a companion), Peter (Cephas), the twelve apostles* (minus Judas Iscariot who hanged himself), and the others who have gathered with the eleven in Jerusalem while hiding from the authority right after Jesus’ arrest (and death), and James the half-brother of Jesus. (The twelve apostles included a new addition, Matthias.) Jesus lastly appeared to apostle Paul.

The five hundreds (Some of them)

At Capernaum, Galilee: a man in the synagogue, formerly possessed by a demon and was delivered and set free by Jesus right in front of a crowd in the synagogue. The news about Jesus spread through every village in the entire region. Many would have heard of this healed man’s testimony and got to know him.

Simon Peter’s mother in law. Jesus healed her of fever and she immediately got up and prepared a meal for Jesus and others in Simon’s house. People throughout the village came to her house after that to be healed by Jesus. Those who did not know her before got to know her and her testimony.

A man with an advanced case of leprosy in one of the villages. he was healed instantly by Jesus. Despite Jesus’ instructions this man not only went to the priest and certified his being totally healed and cleansed, this man spread the report of Jesus’ power everywhere, and caused vast crowds to go to Jesus to hear Him preach and be healed of their diseases.

The paralyzed man on a sleeping mat who was carried by four friends with faith who lowered him from the roof through a hole after removing the tiles, and Jesus saw their faith and healed the man instantly. The house was packed with religious leaders and teachers as well as a crowd. The healed man jumped up, picked up his mat, went home praising God. Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, praising God, exclaiming, “we have seen amazing things today!”

A man with a deformed right hand in the synagogue was healed and fully restored by Jesus on a Sabbath day, while Jesus was teaching. The enemies of Jesus went wild with rage and began to scheme how to get rid of Jesus. After that, large crowds from all over Judea, Jerusalem, even the seacoasts of Tyre and Sidon came to hear Jesus and be healed, because healing power went out from Him and He healed everyone.

Capernaum: A Roman officer who loved the Jewish people and built a synagogue for them, sent respected Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal his valued servant, who was sick and near death. The officer was later commended by Jesus for his great faith and belief that Jesus could heal by saying the word from where He was, instead of going to the man’s house physically. Jesus did exactly that.

At the village of Nain: Jesus raised a dead young man, the only son of a widow, at a funeral procession. The dead boy sat up from his coffin and began to talk. Jesus gave him back to his mother. Great fear swept the crowd, and the news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding countryside.

The immoral woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with an beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume at the pharisee Simon’s house, wiping Jesus’ feet with her hair and tears. Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases and became His followers. Many women who followed Jesus and contributed from their own resources to support Jesus and His disciples.

Family of Jesus (younger half-brothers and sisters) who, in addition to James, became converted after the death of Jesus and joined Mary, their mother to Jerusalem, among whom Jude (his youngest half-brother) who later wrote the epistle of Jude.

A demon-possessed man in the region of the Gerasenes, across the lake from Galilee, who was homeless, naked, and living in a cemetary outside the town when Jesus went over to deliver and set him free from a legion of demons. Jesus commanded the demons to come out from the man and they entered a large herd of pigs who plunged into the lake and drowned. A great wave of fear swept over all the people in that region. The healed man with sanity completely restored, went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him.

A sunagogue ruler, Jairus, his wife, and their only daughter, raised from the dead (at twelve years old) by Jesus. The parents were overwhelmed, but Jesus insisted that they not tell anyone what had happened. Obviously they could not help but witness. The house-full of people who were earlier weeping and wailing would have been stunned too.

The father and the boy who had an evil spirit that kept tormenting him, making him scream, and threw him into convulsions. The disciples failed to cast out the evil spirit. The father came to Jesus for help. Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and healed the boy. Awe gripped the large crowd of people as they saw this majestic display of God’s power.

The little child who was brought to Jesus’ side, and He told the disciples, “anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf, welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me also welcomes My Father who sent Me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.”

The Bethany family with a big house: Martha (who was a caring and capable hostess showing regular hospitality to Jesus and His disciples), her sister Mary (who liked to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His teaching, and anointed Jesus’ feet with a twelve ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, prophetically in preparation for His burial), and their brother Lazarus, who was raised from the dead (after buried for four days) by Jesus.

A woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit and had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight. Jesus saw her while teaching in a synagogue on a Sabbath day, called her over and healed her. The leader of the synagogue and those who opposed Jesus were indignant and shamed, but all the people rejoiced at the wonderful things Jesus did, such as setting this woman free from Satan’s bondage.

A man whose legs and arms were swollen in the religious leaders’ house. Jesus was invited to dinner there and saw the poor man. He immediately healed the man after questioning the religious leaders and people who were watching Him closely, “Which of you doesn’t work on the Sabbath? If your son or your cow falls into a pit, don’t you rush to get him out?” They could not answer.

The one leper (out of ten lepers who were healed by Jesus) who came back to thank Jesus, falling to the ground at Jesus’ feet, shouting, “Praise God!” This leper was a Samaritan.

Some parents who brought their children to Jesus to be blessed. And He told the disciples not to stop them, and the truth that anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”

The very rich young ruler who came to Jesus to ask what he should do to inherit eternal life. When he heard that he had to let go of everything he treasured and follow Jesus he became very sad. Jesus used his example to illustrate how the things of the world could become an obstacle for discipleship.

A blind beggar who sat outside Jericho. He shouted loudly for Jesus to give him sight. Jesus responded and instantly the man could see., and he followed Jesus from then onward. And all who saw it praised God, too.

Zacchaeus, the very rich tax collector, who climbed up a tree to see Jesus. Jesus called him by name, went to his house and be his guest. That same day, Zacchaeus became a changed man, donating half his wealth to the poor, giving back to those he had cheated on taxes four times as much. He became another true and faithful disciple of Jesus.

The Roman officer overseeing Jesus’ execution who saw what had happened at the crucifixion—the signs (darkness fell at noon time until three o’clock, temple sanctuary curtain torn down the middle), was converted and worshipped God, and said, “Surely this man was innocent.”

The two Jewish Sanhedrin counselors, also secret followers of Jesus: Nicodemus, who came to Jesus at night to find out how to enter the Kingdom of God, and Joseph from Arimathea in Judea, who went to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body for burial in his own new tomb.

The Samaritan woman at the well: She became an instant evangelist for Jesus after encountering Jesus at the well. Jesus told her about worshipping God in Spirit and in truth, as God is Spirit, and that He is the Messiah. She believed and witnessed to many Samaritans who became believers too.

In Jerusalem, A lame man at the pool of Bethesda, with five covered porches. The man was lying there together with crowds of sick people, and he had been sick for thirty-eight years. Jesus saw him, asked him whether he wanted to get well, and healed him instantly. The man stood up at Jesus’ command, rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking. This miracle happened on the Sabbath, in the sight of many, creating objections and investigations from the Jewish leaders. When questioned, Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, who is above the Sabbath, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”

A woman was brought to Jesus for jurisdiction while He was teaching: Her accuser charged that she was caught in the act of adultery and they put her in front of the crowd at the Temple court. They charged that the law of Moses says to stone her and wanted to know what He said. He replied, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” They all left her alone. Jesus acquitted her and said, “Go and sin no more.”

A man born blind was healed by Jesus. He believed that Jesus was from God and argued His case before the Jewish leaders. They threw him out of the synagogue after that. Jesus appeared to him later and told him that He was the Son of Man. The man said he believed, and worshipped Jesus.

A woman who suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind Jesus in the crowd and touched the fringe of His robe, thinking that she would be healed if she touched his robe. Power came out from him and she was instantly healed. Jesus commended her for her faith.


End notes: There are many more. I managed to list just a few whom I believe will stir us to think and ask ourselves: What had the Lord done for me? How may I witness for Him at this crucial time, which is like Noah’s time…

Kainotes, 2021-04-28

January 21, 2021

God’s last words —His best solution to end the curse on earth (six last prophets)

What is God speaking today? Can we hear through the prophets? Today we read some “last words” from God through six prophets as recorded in the Bible (735-430BC). Let the timeless words from God speak to our heart and give us the power and strength and hope we need. I have included the last few prophets here, who were confident to speak because they walked with God closely and listened to Him only.

Note that the book of Malachi closes the time for four hundred years before God speaks again through John the Baptist. The beginning key verse and the last verse reveal the heart of God toward us, His children. He starts by declaring, “I have loved you” and He ends by saying, “and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and hearts of the children to the fathers.” (1:2, 4:6) It is clear that when men do not reconcile their hearts with God, they fail and the earth continues to suffer the curse that the first fall of mankind brought upon it. The solution from God is, “turn around, turn back” to God. Why? Because mankind were created according to His image and our lives originated from Him, and His ultimate purpose for us is to have that close relationship with Him as father and son. How can this be? God sent His Son.

Micah 735 BC       The Word of the LORD to Micah       1 – 7
Snapshot: Micah confronts the leaders of Israel and Judah regarding their injustice, and prophecies that one day the Lord himself will rule in perfect justice. Micah concludes with the prophet’s call on the Lord as his only source of salvation and mercy (7:7), pointing the people toward an everlasting hope in their everlasting God.
Key Verse: 4:5 For all people walk each in the name of his god,
But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
Forever and ever.
LAST VERSES: Micah 7:19-20 (NKJV) 19 He will again have compassion on us,
And will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.
20 You will give truth to Jacob And mercy to Abraham, Which You have sworn to our fathers From days of old.

Habakkuk 625 BC       The Oracle to Habakkuk 1 – 3
Snapshot: Habakkuk pleads with God to stop the injustice and violence in Judah, but is surprised to find that God will use the Babylonians to do so.
Habakkuk was a frustrated prophet. The book contains an extended dialogue between Habakkuk and God (Habakkuk 1–2). The prophet initiated this conversation based on his distress about God’s “inaction” in the world. He wanted to see God do something more, particularly in the area of justice for evildoers. However, he finally turned to praising God regardless of the external circumstances. God actually answered his questioning God. 2:1-2
Key Verse: 2:4 but the just shall live by his faith. (Romans 1:17)
LAST VERSES: 3:17-19 Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls—18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.19 The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.

Zephaniah 638 BC        The Word of the LORD to Zephaniah 1 – 3
Snapshot: God warns that he will judge Israel and the surrounding nations, but also that he will restore them in peace and justice.
The prophet Zephaniah’s main message was concerning the “Day of the Lord” which he mentions continually throughout the book. On that day the Lord will personally deal with those who had forsaken him and become corrupt. The day of the Lord is a day of destruction, a terrible day, a day in which very few will escape. Zephaniah saw in the day of the Lord the destruction of his country Judah, his neighbors, and eventually the whole earth (Zephaniah 1:2,14,15,17; 2:10), and that ultimately it would result in the blessing of God’s presence among His people (3:17).
Key Verse: 3:9 (NKJV) “For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, That they all may call on the name of the Lord, To serve Him with one accord.”
LAST VERSES: Zephaniah 3:20 (NLT) On that day I will gather you together
    and bring you home again.
I will give you a good name, a name of distinction,
    among all the nations of the earth,
as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes.
    I, the Lord, have spoken!”

Haggai 520 BC The Word of the LORD by Haggai 1, 2
Snapshot: The people have abandoned the work of restoring God’s temple in Jerusalem, and so Haggai takes them to task.
The prophet Haggai was the first of the three prophets during the Persian period who prophesied to the Jews who had returned from captivity, the other two prophets were Zechariah and Malachi. Haggai’s message was directed to the nobles and governor Zerubbabel. The time was 18 years after the king of Persia allowed them to return to rebuild the Temple. Samaritans from the north had caused all the work in the Temple to come to a halt. 16 years had gone by and people were more interested in beautifying their houses than rebuilding the Temple. The prophet Haggai encouraged God’s people to finish rebuilding the Temple that Zerubbabel had started. During the re-building, Haggai continued to preach to the Jews, encouraging them with the hope of future glory in the temple and a victory to come over the enemies of God’s people (2:7–9, 21–22). His message was effective, and the Spirit of the Lord stirred up the leaders and people to continue building and completed. 1:13-14. God speaks through him to the governor Zerubbabel, according to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’ (2:5)
Key Verse: 2:7 (NLT) I will shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple. I will fill this place with glory, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
LAST VERSES: Haggai 2:23 (NLT) 23 “But when this happens, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I will honor you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant. I will make you like a signet ring on my finger, says the Lord, for I have chosen you. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”

Zechariah 520 BC    The Word of the LORD to Zechariah  1 – 14
Snapshot: The prophet Zechariah calls Israel to return to God, and records prophetic visions that show what’s happening behind the scenes. His name means, “Yahweh (God) remembers.”
He is both a priest and a prophet. Zechariah’s message is very messianic and future-looking, and reveals much about the end times in which we are living. Looking at the eight visions together, you can see it is God’s message to restore Israel and the nations to their right relationship to one another, and to Him as the God of the world.
The re-building of the Temple was halted for 16 years. Two months after Haggai delivered his first sermon, Zechariah began his prophetic ministry (Hag. 1:1 and Zech. 1:1). He encouraged the people to spiritual renewal and motivated them to rebuild the Temple by revealing to them God’s plans for Israel’s future. With this encouragement, the Temple reconstruction was completed in 515 BC, five years later.
Key Verse: 4:6 (NKJV) So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.
LAST VERSE: Zechariah 14:21 (ERV) In fact, every dish in Jerusalem and Judah will have the label, holy to the lord all-powerful. All the people offering sacrifices will come, take those dishes, and cook their special meals in them. At that time there will not be any merchants buying and selling things in the Temple of the Lord All-Powerful.

Malachi 430 BC       The Word of the LORD by Malachi    1 – 4
Snapshot: God has been faithful to Israel, but they continue to live disconnected from him—so God sends Malachi to call them out.
Malachi prophesied during the Persian Empire. The Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt and many Jews had returned but they had neglected the things of God. They were skimping on their sacrifices and failing to give their tithes, and the priests of God did nothing to encourage them. There were mixed marriages and divorce had become a common practice. He told them not to neglect the things of God and repent right now if they ever expect to receive the blessings of God and prosper.
Malachi also speaks of the coming day of the Lord, and prophesied the coming of John the Baptist (who came as the fulfillment of his prophecy about Elijah preparing the way for the Messiah) (Matthew 3:1-12 and 11:14). The Book of Malachi closes the Old Testament and there was not another prophet for nearly 400 years until John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness.
Key verse: God reminds that Israel is the Beloved of God: 1:2 (NKJV) “I have loved you,” says the Lord. “Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’ Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” Says the Lord. “Yet Jacob I have loved;
LAST VERSE: Malachi 4:6 (AMPC) And he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the [estranged] fathers to the [ungodly] children, and the hearts of the [rebellious] children to [the piety of] their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly], lest I come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction.

Kainotes, 2021-01-21

December 13, 2020

A list to reaffirm our position in Christ today


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:” (John 1:12 NKJV) “but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Godand that believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31 NKJV)
“And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.” (John 1:34 NKJV)

MY REAL LIFE IS IN JESUS, THE SON OF GOD. Jesus lives in me. The Holy Spirit dwells in me. His word abides in me.
I am born of God, the Holy Spirit.  Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. (John 3:5 NKJV)
Jesus is the Son of God. I live by the faith of Jesus Himself. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20 KJV)
My real life is in Jesus Christ (in God). I am in Christ.“For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3 TLB) “And when Christ who is our real life comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.” (Colossians 3:4 GNT).
Jesus is the vine and I am a branch. I abide in Jesus. (“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NKJV)
I am the righteousness if God in Christ.“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV)

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit live in me.
I do the will of God by believing in Jesus, the Son of God. I belong to the family of God. I am one of the children of God. Jesus said, “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:35 NIV). “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:40)
Because I belong to God, I have the Holy Spirit in me and have overcome the spiritual wickedness of the world. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 NKJV)

Because God loves me so He has given me the status of a ‘child of God.’ “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” (1 John 3:1 NKJV).
I am led by the Holy Spirit. I am a child of God. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14 KJV)
As Jesus is, so are we in this world- living like Jesus.“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17 NKJV)
“Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him.” (1 John 5:10 NKJV) I am born of God.

Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil. “The one persisting in sin belongs to the diabolical one, who has been all about sin from the beginning. That is why the Son of God came into our world: to destroy the plague of destruction inflicted on the world by the diabolical one.” (1 John 3:8 The Voice)
I overcome the world by faith. “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NKJV)
I have Jesus as my protection from the evil one. “We know that God’s children do not make a practice of sinning, for God’s Son holds them securely, and the evil one cannot touch them.” (1 John 5:18 NLT)

“12 So, my brothers and sisters, you owe the flesh nothing! You do not need to live according to its ways, so abandon its oppressive regime. 13 For if your life is just about satisfying the impulses of your sinful nature, then prepare to die. But if you have invited the Spirit to destroy these selfish desires, you will experience life. 14 If the Spirit of God is leading you, then take comfort in knowing you are His children. 15 You see, you have not received a spirit that returns you to slavery, so you have nothing to fear. The Spirit you have received adopts you and welcomes you into God’s own family. That’s why we call out to Him, “Abba! Father!” as we would address a loving daddy.” (Romans 8:12-15 The Voice)

Kainotes, reblogged this list which I proclaimed on 2015-12-22 as spiritual auto-pilot when confronting with spiritual fear after waking from a nightmare of the future world —which happens to be now on 2020-12-12.

Have the right “mark” (seal) and win the race: God’s winning strategies in Revelation 2-3

The essence of strategies is to choose what to do. This is a really difficult one unless you have been sealed with the right mark on you. What? Do all who profess to be Christians have mark too? Wait. We shall see who has the mark and who does not, according to Jesus.

Firstly, beware of the wrong mark, the mark of the beast, as warned in the Book of Revelation (13:16, 17, 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, 20:4). Those with the evil mark (on their forehead or on their hands) will be tormented (16:2) and eventually cast into the lake of fire (19:20).

Only the saints, those without the mark of the beast, and instead have been sealed with the mark of Christ, can reign with Christ for 1000 years.

Revelation 7:3 “Wait! Don’t harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants.”

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

What is the mark of Christ and how do believers of Jesus receive it? Here are the Scriptures: The seal (mark) is the Holy Spirit and comes from God through Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:19-22. 19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us—by me, Silvanus, and Timothy—was not Yes and No, but in Him was Yes. 20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 21 Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God22 who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.

2 Corinthians 5:5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.

Ephesians 1:13-14 13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

1 John 2:20 But you are not like that, for the Holy One has given you his Spirit, and all of you know the truth.

1 John 4:13 And God has given us His Spirit as proof that we live in Him and He in us. 15 All who confess that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgmentbut we can face Him with confidence because we liv like Jesus here in this world.

From the above verses we see that the believers of Jesus have been sealed with His mark, which is the Holy Spirit. This mark distinguishes us as belonging to Jesus and not to the devil (the beast) who will also brand his followers with a mark on their forehead or hands. The mark of the Holy Spirit in us enables us to live like Jesus in this world, a victorious overcomer.

The outcome of each group is entirely different. The beast and its followers will end up in the lake of fire. The group who belongs to Jesus, marked by Jesus, and follows Him to the end and overcome will reign with Him. What are the keys given to us to overcome the adversaries and adversities? Let us read Revelation 2-3 again to find them.

  1. Jesus reiterates the truth that He has overcome the NUMBER ONE FEAR in human, that is, DEATH. Jesus has died and resurrected, and He now holds the keys of death and the grave. And He tells us not to be afraid. The Good News is He is alive forever and ever, and so are His followers. (Revelation 1:17-18; Hebrews 2:14-15) The key is to “remain faithful to what we have been taught from the beginning”, the apostle John assures us this in 1John 2:24-25, “If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son (Jesus) and with the Father. And in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life He promised us.”
  2. Jesus also reassures that He knows all the things we do and the situations we are in, and what the enemy is doing. (Revelation 2:2-3, 2:9-10, 2:13, 2:19, 2:24, 3:1, 3:4, 3:8, 10, 3:15-16) All we need to do is to listen to the Holy Spirit and understand and act accordingly.
  3. Jesus says He loves usRevelation 1:5 and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, and the ruler of all the kings of the world. All glory to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. 3:9 Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue—those liars who say they are Jews but are not—to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love. 3:19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
  4. 1 John 4:4 Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.

Our application: Make sure we have the right marking, listen to the Holy Spirit, understand what He is saying and act accordingly.

Kainotes, December 12, 2020

Why did Dr.Luke choose to be with apostle Paul?

  What indeed was the main role of Luke? What did he choose to be? Obvious, a co-laborer sent by Jesus into the vast harvest field, and an i...