Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts

July 14, 2009


The powerful Sermon of the Mount got Jack into thinking. Previously he assumed it was meant for strong
Christians to follow the footsteps of Christ and served the world like saintly Mother Theresa. Then he also thought it was meant for Jews to wake up to a new reality of belief which was to be purer in quality and higher in morality than Moses Laws in the Old Testament. Whatever it was, the requirement on a Christian was out of this world and impossible for an ordinary man to apply in daily life.
However, this could not be. Why would Jesus waste time in speaking the ideals to the multitude? He was puzzled. Thus he wrote in his journal.
“It is not for me to turn to the world and see its needs (social, political and economic) and be self-righteous. Does that mean I would lose my salvation, disqualify me from my inheritance, seeing God (appreciating His presence), being filled with all good things, be comforted and obtaining God’s mercy? Certainly NOT!” (He cried)
“I discovered yesterday that the blessings requirements stated therein by Jesus were for us to minister to God, be God-focused, know God’s heart and identify with God.” He declared.
This was indeed a breakthrough revelation. Jack was no longer bound by what he had learned previously. Was he led by the Holy Spirit? Or was this deduced from his rational mind? His rational mind would have led him to follow the broad and easy road to destruction (like any man not led by the Spirit of God). The Spirit of God led him, however, on a difficult and narrow way to Life, the Life of Jesus.
He was led by the Spirit of God to focus on God, no longer on his own human effort.
I took two days to review what I learned on the previous days. I realized that it was not as simple as I had thought and written on the first three days. My heart was not at peace when I wanted to proceed further. So I read the eight important verses again and again in Matthew 5:3-10. Why was Jesus saying these to the crowd on that mountain at the beginning of His ministry? Why were they recorded at the beginning of the first book of the New Testament?
What was the most important thing Jesus had to say before He could carry on to other matters? Jesus Himself provided the answer. He came to save the world (Jews and non-Jews). He brought salvation. The above verses were His declaration of purpose and method of achieving the purpose. The purpose is salvation to all who believe. The salvation content include: eternal life for the present and the future, meeting our needs for food, security, belonging, and social, emotional, mental (self-esteem, actualization), and spiritual goals.
Yes, salvation brings the believer citizenship in the kingdom of heaven, membership in the household of God, inheritance of property, fulfillment with all good things, comfort and peace with God (and with men), receiving mercy and compassion from God (and forgiving relationship with other men), intimate relationship with God (having the reality of God’s presence in life).
What are the requirements? Yes there are things each one must do to receive all the above.
1. Be humble (acknowledge not just in one’s mouth, but in one’s heart too that one really needs God)
2. Be real about one’s miserable condition (without God and without hope) and wants a change desperately.
3. Be gentle and thankful that God is willing to free one from all the miseries and give one a more abundant life.
4. Be truly yearning (as in hunger and thirst) for Jesus and the righteousness He brings!
5. Be merciful and forgiving to others (grateful that God has forgiven you).
6. Be God-focus in one’s heart (not distracted or diverted by things of the world, including financial/business/marriage/relationship failures, sickness etc.).
7. Be helpful to others, lead them to reconcile with God too!
8. Be dignified as the citizen of the kingdom of heaven (not afraid of others’ ridicule or even persecutions).
Application: Now that I know it is all about God’s plan, I find it easier to think of application. On the other hand, the requirements are not a one off act, but an ongoing process, a life-long process that demands consistency in actions and steadfastness of the heart. It is not easy at all!
AAA Jack

July 10, 2009


Religion Blogs

One man’s journey in the Holy Spirit
chapter one: prologue- in the beginning
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was God. (John 1:1)

Jack was a man who loved reading and could spend all his time submerged in the ocean of knowledge without knowing other desires. After all he had reached an age the conventional world called retirement and had time in his hand. He was new to this city and had kept a low profile, living like a hermit. Not because he was very religious, but because by nature he was a detached man and socializing was not his favorite word. Neither was any pastime that did not have any meaningful purpose able to draw him. To him, meaning could only be derived from the depth and breadth of knowledge. Socializing or engaging in anything superficially, however satisfying to the emotion, was meaningless. To him, the mind ruled. Anything not of the ration was to be viewed with suspicion and skepticism.

He performed his religious duty alright, including attending a church weekly and giving whatever small sum of money he could to charity. He read the Bible and duly treated other brethren with respect and kindness. He lived humbly with his wife and kept a mongrel dog as a guard dog. He liked to have trees around as a green shield that blocked off the dust and noise from neighbors and traffic that passed by. So he maintained a small garden with lush green trees lining its outer walls. The garden was modeled after an English courtyard for practical purpose so it would not demand much time and effort to up-keep.

Having no good library around, he relied a lot on buying seasonal discounted books in bulk so that his appetite might be satiated for a season. However, his all time favorite was the Bible. He collected not less than ten Bibles and had spent scores of years as far as he could remember reading the Bible daily without fail. He read books on religions, politics, philosophies, literature, economics and management (which happened to be his first occupation), health psychology (his second occupation), medicine (his wife’s occupation), classic children stories, classic detective stories, classic science fictions, lastly, poetry and fictions written by a few favorite writers.

However, this book was not about Jack. This book was based on what Jack had recorded in his journal when he was taken over completely by the Holy Spirit along a journey in the Holy Spirit.

Jack was in the habit of keeping a journal about ideas that interested him from the reading he made daily, mostly from the Bible. Sometimes he recorded some passages from other books too when he found them interesting to remember. Perhaps he was thinking of using them as quotations later. Sometimes around the middle of the second month of the ninth year after the second millennium, Jack started a new religious venture. He signed up as an intercessor for the churches of the city where he resided.

He happened to attend a worship service one Sunday morning and he was asked to sign up for a 7/24 weekly Friday-Saturday 6am-6am prayer chain. He only needed to choose one hour slot out of the 24 hours. He chose to pray at 6am-7am every Friday. It seemed easy enough as he was an early riser. He was given a little guide booklet to read and prayed the model prayers if he ran out of words of his own. So armed with the booklet and a little pamphlet of songs he felt ready to embark on this noble project on his own in the comfort of his home.

Of course, he was mistaken. That was how his amazing journey began.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

July 9, 2009

July 7, 2009

day 123: one man’s journey in the Holy Spirit

Three months have passed with a lot of drastic changes in my life. Looking back, the journey was all about God the Holy Spirit. When I first started I never expected the shift moving of events and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. I was full of my own ideas of doing some religious services on my own. However, as I went through them, day after day, I realized that they were not as simple as I initially thought. For example, the momentum would have slowed down and died off if I had to carry on depending on my own effort to live Biblically and interceding as a church member performing his religious duty.
Thank God it was not like that. The Holy Spirit began to emerge and take charge as I continued to seek Him. The Holy Spirit took charge of the time, the length of time, the contents, the forms (methods), and the outcome. The Holy Spirit was the teacher, the motivating factor, the initiator, the power supplier, the master. It was indeed an exciting journey.

Most of the events happened in the inside. Some manifested in the outside of my being. Signs and wonders. For example, prior to the transformation, I dreaded singing. During church worship most times I maintained my silence. Occasionally I sang when the songs were familiar and meaningful to me. In the past three months I developed a liking for singing and even sing songs in the Spirit and some are really nice to my ears.

Another area of dread was prayer (when I had nothing to pray for). I stopped joining a group of business men who met during lunch time to pray, many years ago, not because I could not spare the time, but because I did not quite believe that those prayers worked. Many years ago one brother in Christ made it a point to come to my office during lunch time to pray and we were enthusiastic for awhile. After sometime we reduced the frequency and finally we stopped the prayer session entirely. I had led cell groups for years and prayed the routine prayers week after week, month after month, until none of us felt them really helping much. Singing and prayers became part of the rituals we did as part of the religion.

When the Holy Spirit took over, I was revamped inside out. Songs and prayers could stretch from one hour to two and half hours! All by myself! Sleeping four hours and not feeling tired the next day was not rare. How did the Holy Spirit take over?

I believe it started when I started to take God seriously. My early morning worship time helped me to be focused on God and the more focused I was the more I could sense the reality of His presence. At first I used faith to believe whether I sensed anything or not. Then I learned to appreciate the songs I sang. Then I became bold enough to ask the Holy Spirit to choose songs for me and subsequently prayers for me. Lately I asked Him to show me verses to read. God helped me a lot in this progress. He let me see some pictures, some words, and hear some tunes in my mind/heart. As I received messages through all these mediums (words, pictures, dreams, songs) I grew bolder and more confident of receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit and answers from God.

Yes, it takes time and effort to seek God. However, it is worthwhile to give all to this quest. I never thought I could hear God’s voice before. But now I can even persuade others that they too can hear God’s voice. Believe me, it is wonderful.

Jesus has promised very clearly the following:

1. He will show Himself to those who love Him.

2. He will come and stay with those who love Him (those who keep Jesus’ commandments).

3. God will send the Holy Spirit to teach us all things and about what Jesus has said.

John 14:21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”

AAA Jack

July 2, 2009

Time to hear God's voice

How To: Hear God's Voice
By Andrew Wommack

One of the greatest benefits of our salvation has to be that of hearing God speak to us personally. There can be no intimate relationship with our heavenly Father without it. But, as easy as it is for us to speak to Him, the average Christian has a hard time hearing His voice. This is not the way the Lord intended it to be.

Learning to clearly distinguish God's voice is invaluable. Instead of going through life blindly, we can have the wisdom of God guide and protect us. There isn't a single person receiving this letter who couldn't have their life radically transformed by hearing the voice of the Lord better. The worst marital problem is one word from the Lord away from a total turnaround. If you have sickness or disease, one living word from the Lord will instantly heal you. If you are in financial crisis, the Lord knows exactly how to turn your situation around. It's just a matter of hearing His voice.

The Lord constantly speaks to us and gives us His direction. It's never the Lord who is not speaking, but it's us who are not hearing. Jesus made some radical statements about hearing His voice in John 10:3-5. He was speaking about Himself as the Shepherd of the sheep and the only way to enter the sheepfold.

"To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."

Notice that He said in verse 3, His sheep hear His voice. He didn't say His sheep CAN hear His voice or SHOULD hear His voice. He made the emphatic statement that His sheep DO hear His voice. Most Christians would question the accuracy of that statement since their experiences don't line up. But it's not what Jesus said that is wrong; all true believers can and do hear the voice of God; they just don't recognize what they are hearing as being God's voice.

Radio and television stations transmit twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; but we only hear them when we turn the receiver on and tune it in. Failure to hear the signal doesn't mean the station isn't transmitting. Likewise, God is constantly transmitting His voice to His sheep, but few are turned on and tuned in. Most Christians are busy pleading with God in prayer to transmit when the problem is with their receivers.

The first thing we need to do is fix our receivers — believe that God is already speaking and start listening. However, that takes time, effort, and focus. The average Christian's lifestyle is so busy, it isn't conducive to hearing God's voice. For instance, what is your typical answer to the question, "How are you?" Many of you probably answer something about being very busy. I often say, "I'm busier than a one-arm paper hanger." All of us seem to be busier than ever, and that's one of the BIG reasons we don't hear the voice of the Lord better. We're just too busy.

Psalm 46:10 says,

"Be still, and know that I am God."

It's in stillness, not busyness, that we tune our spiritual ears to hear the voice of God. The Lord always speaks to us in that "STILL, small voice" (1 Kings 19:12, emphasis mine), but often it's drowned out amid all the turmoil of our daily lives.

Second, and this is very important, most often we mistake the voice of the Lord for our own thoughts. That's right. I said the voice of the Lord comes to us in our own thoughts.

John 4:24 says,

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

This is saying that communication with God is Spirit to spirit, not brain to brain or mouth to ear, the way we communicate in the physical realm. The Lord speaks to our spirits, not in words, but in thoughts and impressions. Then our spirits speak to us in words like, "I think the Lord wants me to do this or that." The Lord doesn't typically say "You do this or that," but He will impress your spirit to do something, and then your spirit says, "I think I should do . . ." Therefore, we often miss the leading of the Lord, thinking it's our own thoughts.

Every one of us has done something stupid and afterwards said, "I knew that was the wrong thing to do." We didn't feel right about our decision, but we followed logic or pressure only to find that our impression was actually the Lord speaking to us. I learned this the hard way while pastoring in Pritchet, Colorado.

All the elders of the church were custom combiners. Six months of the year, they were gone following the wheat harvest. They insisted that we ordain another elder who would always be there. Their choice for eldership, I had nothing against, but as I prayed about this man and his wife, I didn't feel right ordaining him as an elder. However, being a man, I went with logic instead of my heart.

Within two weeks of the others leaving for wheat harvest, this new elder turned into the devil himself. In his reports to the elders, he accused me of stealing money from the church, committing adultery, drinking, smoking, and everything else you can imagine. It was a terrible experience. As soon as this man showed his true colors, I knew in my heart that the feelings and thoughts I had were the Lord speaking to me, and I had dismissed them as my own. I made a decision right then and there that I would never ignore my heart again.

Psalm 37:4 says,

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

This verse has often been interpreted to mean that the Lord will give you whatever you want and has been used to justify selfishness, greed, and even adultery. But it doesn't mean that the Lord will give you whatever you want; it means that when you are seeking the Lord, He will put His wants or desires into your heart. He will make His desires become your desires. The Lord changes your "want to."

I once was planning a trip to Costa Rica, a place I had been before, and was excited to be returning to. Yet, as I prayed about it, I lost my desire to go. Instead, I actually felt dread about going. The first thing I did when that happened was make sure I was really seeking the Lord with my whole heart. While on a road trip, I spent seventeen hours praying in tongues, and the more I got my mind stayed on the Lord, the less I wanted to go back to Costa Rica. On the strength of that alone, I canceled the trip.

When the people of Costa Rica asked why, all I could tell them was I didn't want to go. That was hard to do, and I'm not sure they understood. The plane I had booked my flight on crashed on take-off from Mexico City, killing all 169 persons onboard. The Lord warned me of that and saved my life, not by saying, "Don't go to Costa Rica," but, by communicating to my spirit and taking away my desire to go. That is the dominate way the Lord speaks to us, and we often miss that kind of communication.

One of the most important decisions of my life came in 1968. I was in college when the Lord radically touched my life, and all my desires changed. I didn't want to be in college anymore, and following those new desires, I made the decision to quit school. Then all hell broke loose. My mother didn't understand, and she quit talking to me for a time. Leaders in my church told me I was hearing from the devil. I stood to lose $350 per month in government support from my father's social security, and I would lose my student deferment from the draft. Without the deferment, I stood a good chance of ending up in Vietnam.

Because of these adverse reactions to my decision, I backed off for a while and was absolutely miserable. This continued for two months until I couldn’t take it anymore, and one night the Lord finally spoke to me through Romans 14:23, which says,

"Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

I realized I was in sin because of indecision. I determined to make a faith decision that night and stick with it. As I prayed and studied the Word for guidance, I found Colossians 3:15, which says,

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts."

The Lord spoke to me that I was to head in the direction that gave me the most peace. To be truthful, I didn't have total peace in any direction, but just as an umpire has to make a decision and stick with it, I needed to make the call. I had the most peace about quitting school, so I made the call and stepped out of indecision into faith, to the best of my understanding. Within twenty-four hours the Lord gave me such confirmation and joy that I have never doubted the wisdom of that decision since. That one decision, possibly more than any other, set my life on a course that has brought me to where I am today.

I am convinced that our gracious heavenly Father speaks to every one of His children constantly, giving us all the information and guidance we need to be total overcomers. There isn't a problem with His transmitter; it's our receiver that needs help.

I have a three-part teaching album called How to: Hear God's Voice that expounds on this in greater detail. I teach this every year to our second-year CBC students and see powerful results. Most people are imploring God to speak, when it's our hearing that needs to be adjusted. Taking this faith-stance that God is speaking and then learning to listen and obey will transform your relationship with the Lord. It could save your life just as it did mine.

July 1, 2009

day 118: time to repair and rebuild the altar

Today I listened to a message about Elijah the Prophet. The passage (1 Kings 18:30-39) attached below is a narration on how he followed the Lord’s instructions and showed to the unbelieving people and their king that the Lord God is the only true God. As I have been worshipping God at home I am interested in a number of things that happened in this event.

Elijah followed the exact instructions of God.
He repaired and rebuilt the altar according to the exact requirement and specification of God.
Similarly he prepared the sacrifice accordingly.
He eliminated the possibility of unbelievers rationalizing that the fire could have been caused by the dry weather etc. He made sure that the whole place was practically soaked in water.
He offered the sacrifice at the time of offering of the evening sacrifice.
He testified to the people that he was praying to the true God, the Lord God.
The fire of the Lord came to the altar at the above time-at the right time and the right place only.
Today’s application:

None of the things I do in seeking to know God could originate from me and be acceptable. All that I do in relation to worship, singing praises, praying in understanding and in the spirit must be led by the Holy Spirit Himself. I have grown to be more and more aware of this important requirement. In 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, the Holy Spirit plainly stated through the Apostle Paul that the natural man (as contrasted with a spiritual man) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, but he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself id rightly judged by no one. “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:16)

The fire of the Holy Spirit falls on the altar and at the time of the sacrifice (prayer) as prescribed by the Lord. When I was in my natural state, I could not receive any revelation or any message at all. Only after I have worshipped for sometime I began to discern clearly what the Holy Spirit had led my spirit to see or read or sing. Once that happened I knew and could testify the presence of God.

I must admit that I still lean heavily to being a natural person instead of a spiritual person. That is why I could spend a lot of time doing religious activities in vain. (I cannot fool myself for long and when I realized that, I stopped the activities.) But God is a merciful God and He likes us to seek to get closer to Him to know Him better. That is why I am still on this quest of Biblical living, making baby steps.

AAA Jack


1 Kings 18:30-39 (New King James Version)

30 Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come near to me.” So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. 31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had come, saying, “Israel shall be your name.”[a] 32 Then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD; and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seahs of seed. 33 And he put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “Fill four waterpots with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood.” 34 Then he said, “Do it a second time,” and they did it a second time; and he said, “Do it a third time,” and they did it a third time. 35 So the water ran all around the altar; and he also filled the trench with water.

36 And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, “LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. 37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that You are the LORD God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.”

38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!”

June 30, 2009

day 117: Holy Spirit, fire of God

One of my latest favorite songs is, “Holy Spirit, fire of God, fill this temple of Yours. We are waiting for You Lord, to fill all of our hearts. Holy Spirit fire of God, come and fill this whole world. Holy Spirit fire of God, come and fill our hearts.”

John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would come and baptize the believers with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11)

Every believer receives the Holy Spirit when he believes in Jesus and makes a commitment to follow Jesus. Before Jesus left this earth He promised to send the Holy Spirit in His place to every believer. The Holy Spirit in us is a guarantee and identity that we are the children of God and belong to Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives a lot of supernatural gifts to believers and the gifts will help them live and serve God in supernatural power and in truth. But not all believers believe in or have made use of these gifts.

What has happened to me and my family recently is directly linked to the Holy Spirit. An old acquaintance of ours met us and exclaimed that we look so different now compared to what he has seen before. “You both look so well and happy, so… (he ran out of words) what has happened?” He was expecting us to say we have just struck the first prize of the national lottery or something. To his disappointment, we merely smiled and thanked him and said we were just happy in Christ. How not be overjoyed, knowing that the Holy Spirit is real and does work in us? How not to shine in light when we know for sure that the God who is light is shinning in us? How not to look contented and fulfilled when the God who is love has filled us to the brim?

We are not newly converted Christians. Both of us have gone through more than twenty five years of solid Bible teaching in traditional evangelical churches. But this is the first time we know our God is real not only in head knowledge but also in our spirits. When one knows the supernatural God truly lives, and He is a good God, one cannot help but be overjoyed, because all that He has promised is true too. Both of us have been driven to read the Bible with fresh interest and zeal to know Him more. The words of God are alive in our lives. We are no longer spiritual orphans. We need no longer fear the unknown out there and beyond, this life or next or forever.

Every morning we wake to expect God talking to us and walking with us the whole day. Every night we go to bed secured in the arms of God. Sometimes we soar on His wings too. Many times we stand on high grounds with Him looking at the world out there with a totally elevated perspective of life.

Our combined economics, management, health psychology, wellness, counseling and medical professional training and experiences had never given us such security and rest before. The natural can never compare with the supernatural. This is all I can say in mere words.

Believe me, it is worth the effort to seek God and ask to be Spirit-filled and continue to abide in Christ by living in the Spirit as commanded by Jesus. If you are a Christian, do not forget to put on your whole armor of God daily: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the readiness of the gospel of peace on your feet, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, and praying in the Spirit without ceasing. You can note that all these relate to Jesus.

AAA Jack

June 10, 2009


Reading what I have recorded lately, one cannot help but wonder how such a lot of unusual things could have happened to one ordinary person? Perhaps the person is just bragging or exaggerating. Perhaps the person is indeed a multi-talented or very knowledgeable person. Perhaps the person is a bit loose in the head etc. of course I would have thought of the person that way too if I were not the person involved here.
I have taken pain to record as best I could of each encounter with God. There are times when I could not remember the exact details but the gist is there. I am interested in learning new things but I am not that knowledgeable. I like creative things but I am not that creative. For example, I used to sketch a lot when very young but I have never developed beyond simple caricature. I can hum a song but I cannot read the proper music scores. I cannot compose music or write songs. My hearing is good but my visual is poor. I do not play any musical instrument. I like reading and listening to spoken words more than words sung. I am a rational sane person. In fact I have avoided spiritual matters until recently when I started this Biblical living quest.
As I have written before my goal in this quest is to know more about God and what His plan is for my life. I am prepared to live out my destiny. I am learning to live Biblically and be real spiritually.
I had not expected much when I first started this series of blogs three months ago. I was not aware of what I had let myself into. Someone may wonder why God had allowed an ordinary believer to experience such a lot within such a short time. I marvel too. If I have to give an explanation, I can only come to the conclusion that it is because I want to know more about God. God cannot be limited to one aspect or one talent. God is multi-talented. When I did something unusual like singing a spirit song and even writing the tune and lyrics, I knew that is just another one of His many ways of revealing Himself to me.
When I sang those songs in spirit and later in words, I was touched by them. This morning I could sing how much I adore God, really meaning what I said. How have I been changed? I believe it was during all those hours of waiting in God’s presence, seeking to know Him more.
I pray that by sharing my experience with you, I may encourage you to seek God too, my friend.
AAA Jack
June 10 2009

June 5, 2009


I have heard the best testimony today. A close relative’s landlady, a middle aged housewife who has been depressed and suicidal for sometime, has uttered these amazing words one day recently, “Alive! Alive! These words are alive!”
When the lodger moved into her new lodging in February this year, the landlady was a severely depressed Chinese housewife who sat whole day by herself and hardly spoke a word. The two ladies could not communicate with each other much because they could hardly speak the other’s language. The lodger is a Spirit-filled Christian and often sings in tongue. Sometimes she and her visitor would sit in the room and prayed in tongues. When the landlady heard the tongue she recalled the time when she was converted from an idol worshipper to a Christian, about two years ago. She could speak in tongue then but only for a short period. After that she could not utter a sound. She sank into depression regularly and became suicidal. The lodger shared with her some Biblical truth and encouraged her to read the Bible.
At first the landlady said she could not read or understand the Bible and she hardly read any books for that matter. The lodger brought her to her prayer group meeting where a few elderly people attended regularly to pray in tongues quietly. They have no other agenda. After the landlady attended the prayer meeting for three times, she started to pray in tongue. She spent whole day and days coughing. She coughed out a lot of stuff. Then one day she regained her ability to pray in tongue. She started to read the Chinese Bible fervently and one day she ran to the lodger with the Chinese Bible in her hands,and exclaimed, “Alive! Alive! These words are alive! They speak to me!”
She was overjoyed and her whole countenance changed from gloom to peace and joy. Then she developed the gift to sing spiritual song as well. She went to cell group meetings and shared her wonderful recovery and supernatural healing. Although she could not understand English she asked her son to buy her a New King James Version Bible and has started to read Genesis in English with the help of her son every night. As her husband has lost their fortune (including their home), her dream was to have another house of their own.
One day she asked the lodger to join her in prayer for the nation. She told the lodger that she heard the Spirit told her that “without a nation, how can you ever think of having your home?” So she fasted and prayed for the nation regularly.
This is an amazing testimony. I can share her joy about the Bible being alive and real.
AAA Jack


“Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord.” (Hosea 6:3)
I have returned to this prophetic book as it was the first word I heard from the Lord. I heard the word “Hosea” very clearly when I woke from a dream after much prayer, asking God to let me know more about Him. Although at that time, I thought I had the answer then in the last verse (“Who is wise? Let him understand these things.”), I now believe there is more in this book for me to ponder on.
When I have started this quest I asked the Lord to let me know Him and know Him more than what I thought I knew before. During the quest, I was led to use the spiritual gift of knowledge. I could see a word in my mind or hear a word of God in my spirit and knew it was from God. I did not know the meaning of the ‘knowing’ but I know it is a way God shows me Himself or something He wants me to do. In short, it is a way of communicating with me. He is Spirit and I am flesh. Obviously I find it very hard to receive His communication. He can hear me and I cannot hear Him.
Only by living in the Spirit, I can receive His communication. That is why Jesus told His disciples that the Holy Spirit will come and tell us everything. Indeed those who live close to God, living in the Spirit and walking by the Spirit can receive His message accurately.
Hosea saw a sad situation among the people of Israel and Judah: they did not know the Lord. Therefore they ran here and there instead of running to God to seek help. Hosea described them as being sick and wounded. God can rescue them. God can heal them. But they had no knowledge of Him, so they did not ask Him to save them.
Today many Christians run here and there in time of troubles. They do not seek God first. Seeking God may be their last resort. Because they do not know God. Recently a man collapsed and died suddenly outside a Christian gathering place. With his last breath, he screamed the name of a Christian worker for help, and he uttered in horror that the devils were coming to get him. He did not even call out to Jesus to save him. He called the wrong name instead. In your utmost danger, whom do you call first? In your extreme trial, whom do you turn to first? In desperation where do you run to first?
Let us know God. Let us pursue the knowledge of God diligently before it is too late.
AAA Jack

June 4, 2009


In this era of lean and hungry years, what an average man worries most is whether there will be a next meal when the savings run out in the budgeted time frame (assuming inflation remains unchanged). Will there be food or not? Reading “The Road”, a 2006 novel by American writer Cormac McCarthy, a post-apocalyptic tale of a journey taken by a father and his young son over a period of several months, across a landscape blasted by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed all civilization and, apparently, most life on earth, makes one realize how important food is.

Sometimes I think of how I should best prepare myself for contingency. When a global food shortage occurs, those who are used to fasting and praying will come out as winners. I know of a Bible school requires the students to fast three days before they are awarded the certificate of graduation. Students often think of all sorts of excuses but the alternative is to quit the Bible school. The amazing thing is no one quits and all go through with flying colors! All the sicknesses and weaknesses they had earlier feared did not occur. A more amazing thing is that after they personally experience the benefits of fasting, they volunteer to do more of it and in their own time. Some have acquired this as a life long habit.

I have not yet acquired this wonderful habit. My dream is that one day I could overcome the psychological and spiritual hindrance and make my faith leap.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them to His bosom,, and gently lead those who are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11)
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

Jesus knows our fear. He gave the above assurance. Prior to deliberate living Biblically, I had lived a simple life. During my quest to live Biblically, I have learned even simpler living. Yet I live without any lack. I live on the lifestyle equivalent to that of an ordinary office clerk and I live comfortably.

When my fortune is restored fully (i.e. all my larger debtors pay up), I shall continue to live the same simple life. I have no desire for a wasteful and abusive life, binging on food and drink and luxury stuff. What do I want my original fortune restored for? I believe when the Lord restores, He will show me His purpose as well.

The Bible is full of clues left behind by those who really knew the Lord as their shepherd. The rich and famous King David is one who has left a lot of such clues. As a king he needed not worry about where his next meal would come from, yet he continued to look to God as his provider and focus on God day and night as his ultimate source of security. Read psalms and know what I mean.

I pray you too find you need not want or lack by making the Lord (Jesus) as your Shepherd. Be secure as His sheep.

AAA Jack (a sheep of Jesus Christ)
June 4, 2009

June 3, 2009


I return to Matthew today because I had a dream. In the dream I was given another word, “harvest”. I now have a number of words: “Hosea”, “glory”, “precious vessel/jar”, “holy”, “harvest”. I have been reading the Bible with my eyes on the kingdom of heaven. My focus has been on God. And now I have come to the word “harvest”. This time I got out of bed without hesitation and rushed downstairs to record down the word. I do not want to miss a thing.
When I recorded the word, I had the bible in front of me and I realized that I could look at the alphabetical index at the back of the Bible. It then dawned on me that I had been reading and meditating on a lot of words starting with “H”. I list here the words that I have meditated on in this quest of Biblical living: hallowed (hallowed by God’s name, as in Lord’s Prayer), harlotry (spiritual harlotry of Israel in Hosea), hear (the Spirit), heart (God sees our hearts), heaven (kingdom of heaven), holy (God), House (of prayer), hymn, hymns, hypocrisy (of the Pharisees and gang), hunger (blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled), and hell (fear God who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell).
So I am hearing God through the Holy Spirit after all.
Jesus told His disciples why He spoke to the multitudes in parables. “Because it has been given to you to know the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” (Matthew 13:11) “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled…” (Matthew 13:13_14a)
Then Jesus assured the disciples, “But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.” (Matthew 13:16)
The people were not blind or deaf. But they did not perceive in the spirit the things of God. Jesus explained that He spoke the truth (God’s words). Those people could not understand because they could not listen to His word. Therefore they could not believe Him. “He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” (John 8:47)
The good news is, as Jesus has assured His disciples, blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear. People of God can see and hear of spiritual matters relating to God. I have been receiving such assurances and signs and evidences of this truth.
I have come to the conclusion that as a novice, we can ask God to show us words and signs to help us to understand Him more and to learn to hear the Holy Spirit. God is willing to help us know Him more. He will find ways to reach us and reveal Himself to us as I have recorded before. Every one will find his or her own way as the Holy Spirit leads. I have heard testimonies of the different ways that the Holy Spirit guides different people.
So far I have seen pictures and words (in my mind), heard words (in my heart) and dreamed dreams with a specific message for me to read the Bible. Now I realized that when I read the Bible, the Holy Spirit in fact is guiding me as well. I cannot see or hear Him but He is here guiding me to read and understand and give attention to the right passages that He wants me to see and know God. These are all ways that God has answered my prayers.
However, I have prayed to God that when I am no longer a spiritual novice, I do not need to be guided by God consciously. One day I should live so much in the consciousness of God that I do not need to ask what His will is, or how to choose or decide on certain choices in life.
Oswald Chambers advised that “if we are saved and sanctified, God guides us by our ordinary choices, and if we are going to choose what He does not want, He will check, and we will heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once.”
AAA Jack

June 2, 2009


No doubt many Christians are familiar with the Bible passage I just wrote about. What is the new thing you have received? They would ask. What I have received freshly is in the heading. Born of the Holy Spirit is spirit. What does this mean? I shall explain using terms and illustrations familiar to me.
Note the clues Jesus gave in John 3:6 and John 6:63.
Clue One: He said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:6)
In God’s eyes, there are two categories of people on earth, those who have life (the life of God) and those who are considered dead (without the life of God). When a person believes in Jesus and comes to Him, Jesus gives him a new birth, in the Holy Spirit. The believer then has a spirit that is from God and this is his identity for entering the kingdom of God.
No one can go to God as flesh. Only as a spirit one can have access to God. Not a dead spirit, but a live spirit. A person may be alive but is considered dead if he has not gone through a re-birth by the Holy Spirit. When he is born again, he has a live spirit (man). This spirit man can align with the Holy Spirit and knows the will of God. This spirit man can access to God through the Holy Spirit (in Jesus’ name).
This spirit man can live the more abundant life that Jesus has come and given to His believers.
Many will ask, “How?” I too used to puzzle over this question. During the past three months of practical Biblical living quest, I have learned the reality of the Holy Spirit beyond my head knowledge.
Clue Two: In John 6:63, Jesus elaborated, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”
The words of God are spirit. They are life. Believers can actually find the reality of the Holy Spirit by reading the words of God. As I read, I learn to discern the meaning and message the Holy Spirit conveys to me. I learn to read in the spirit, not in my head alone.
When this happens, there is something else which tells you the wonder of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 3:8, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Fantastic! This means we can actually go where we wish in the spirit, as spirit man, like the wind. There will be no barrier or obstruction a flesh man normally encounters. A spirit man can access places of wonders. A spirit man can see the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is inside us. As spirit man we can look inside and see it there. We can live it too.
How do we know? We know by the zeal and joy we have in seeking God's presence. We seek His presence in His words, in worship, in prayers, in being still before God, in the quiet little room of our own, in our hearts. No, not by loud music or in the midst of a crowd. Usually it is in your tiny space, just you and God.
That is what happens to those who seek God earnestly and persistently. I pray that you too may seek and find the reality of the kingdom of God by being a living spirit man.
AAA Jack
1 June 2009

May 30, 2009

day 88c: Our Father Who is in heaven

I continue what I have started in my previous record. Pray as if you want it to happen. Pray as if you believe whole-heartedly in what you pray. Otherwise I am just wasting my time. The prayer alone cannot please God. The prayer action cannot achieve anything for me. This is my experience. Even when I pray and hear those Biblically words they are of no use because they are not mixed with faith. The words of God need to be received with faith in the receiver’s heart.

I have read the Lord’s Prayer again and summarize below what I have discovered about the kingdom of heaven on earth (as it is in heaven).

1. Our Father in heaven is the only One (God) we are to worship: As this prayer is a daily prayer, it means the kingdom citizens are to worship God every day.

2. Attitude of worship: our hearts must be filled with reverence, giving honor and glory to God. Kingdom citizens must seek to know Him as we worship Him, see the glory and holiness of His presence, and be awed.

3. Our heart desire is for God: we must be thirsting for the kingdom of God. We want the kingdom to come and we desire the righteousness that comes with the kingdom. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, as Jesus urged the kingdom citizens to do.

4. Take our daily heavenly bread: This means we are to read the words of God daily, (like taking food for our body). We are to take the words seriously as they are divine life and divine health in the words of God for the kingdom citizens.

5. Be watchful for spiritual war:

1. The kingdom citizens do not put themselves in ways of temptations. We are urged to run away when temptation comes. We have been freed from being enslaved by the worldly temptations (including all entertainments, multi-media, popular culture, junk food that abuse the body and bad habits that open door to the devil to come in to steal, kill and destroy) as Jesus has died for us and redeemed us by His blood. We are to remain in Him and not be tempted. We are to take daily action to protect our children too and not to expose them or worse, introduce them to temptations!

2. The kingdom citizens are watchful and are aware that there are evil spiritual beings (principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)

6. Be reconciled with the Father in heaven and with men on earth. Be ready to be a part of the body of Christ. Forgive.

7. Our goal is to give glory to God. The kingdom citizens have only one goal-giving glory to God (our Father in heaven).

All these can only be practiced in our daily living through the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, these would be impossible.

Be filled by the Holy Spirit, my brethren.

AAA Jack


day 88b: on earth as it is in heaven

I return to Matthew and ponder on the Lord’s Prayer (rather, the prayer Jesus taught the disciples to pray). I quote the whole prayer as follows:
Matthew 6:9-13 (New King James Version)

9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

10 Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

13 And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Previously I only touched on the cancellation of debts. Lately I thought of the word ‘kingdom’. Jesus came and preached that the kingdom of heaven was near. He has preached a whole series of kingdom living prior to teaching this prayer. He is showing us how the kingdom of heaven is like and how different it would be from the natural worldly political kingdom built by men.

This prayer is not just an ordinary prayer. I cannot simply discount it as a simple prayer for a beginner Christian to practice praying. The prayer gives a glimpse of how the kingdom of heaven should be lived on earth: daily worshipping and honoring God (just as what we will be doing in heaven), living in His will (reflecting the reality of heaven), living on heavenly manna (the words of God), putting relationship and reconciliation with God and with men priority over possessions and entitlement, overcoming the old self and the devil by the grace of God, and giving glory to God only.

To carry out the prayer contents daily faithfully requires the presence of the Holy Spirit. We can only worship in spirit and in truth. We need Him to teach our spirit how to worship. We also need Him to guide us as we read the words of God. We need the conviction of the Holy Spirit to enable us to live out the will of God. We need Him to strengthen us and fill us with God’s love so that we may forgive one another. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us visions of the greatness and glory of God.

Saying this prayer means you are prepared to live it. Living this prayer requires the presence and filling of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, the prayer means nothing. It would not work any miracles if you merely recite it like a robot does. It would mean you do not really believe in it and in reciting mechanically you are insulting Jesus (the author of the prayer). Unbelief cancels out any faith you may have. Without faith one cannot please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

My application: mean what I pray for or otherwise not pray. Learn to practice the contents of this prayer daily by the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit.

AAA Jack 2009-5-29

day 87: sheep and tortoise

I have been interceding for someone close and whom I love dearly, a little child. I asked God to reveal to me wisdom so I know how to advise her mother. It was not easy as sometimes I ran out of words and I stayed silent before God, who seemed silent too. Then last night the breakthrough came in a strange way.

I went to bed early and had a dream. When I woke around 3am, I told myself that perhaps I need to look up those verses as they may be the answer God gives me. However, I immediately heard a shout from next to me, the wife is dreaming too and she shouted in a language which she does not use unless necessary. She uttered a full sentence but I managed to catch two words, “sheep” and “negotiate”. I immediately thought of John Chapter 10 (all about sheep) as I thought she was reading this before she slept. So I told myself the next morning I would look up the verses from my dream and hers. I went back to sleep and had another dream.

I dreamed that I cycled to a stationary shop and bought one small inexpensive item. I was asked to pay a great sum. I paid. Then I realized and asked why I had to pay so much. The shop lady showed me a long list of items for which she had billed me. I was puzzled and said I came on a bicycle and could not possible have bought such a lot of stuff. The shop lady explained, “It is because of ‘Yuan-Yuan’ which means ‘round-round’ in Chinese, in your elder sister’s car”.

I woke. This time I did not delay. I went downstairs. I worshipped and sang hymns. Then I prayed and waited for guidance from the Holy Spirit. I saw some pictures.

I had forgotten the verses from my first dream but I remembered the rest. So I read John Chapter 10 about Jesus being the shepherd and He laid down His life for His sheep. Indeed, He had paid a great price for His sheep. He said He has the absolute authority over life (to take and give). Then I was led to read Chapter 11, wherein Jesus said about Lazarus, “This illness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (11:4)

Jesus then resurrected Lazarus saying four key commands:

He commanded the people there “Take away the stone.” (11:39) (Note: The stone is put there by men, to prevent the stench from coming out.)

He told Martha (sister of Lazarus), “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (11:40) (Note: Two conditions are needed, believe, and wanting to see the glory of God!)

He commanded Lazarus, “Lazarus, come forth!” (11:43) (Note: you need to come close to Jesus! Jesus is Life!)

After Lazarus came out he was still wrapped in grave clothes and Jesus commanded, “Loose him, and let him go!” (11:44) (Note: Loose him from all bondages that tie him down. Cut off those hindrances and he shall live as a free man in Christ!)


I record below the pictures I saw before I read the Bible verses:

1. Jesus carries a little lamb (fat) on his shoulder, walking towards me.

2. Jesus carries a tortoise on his back, walking up a hill.

3. Jesus way in front, followed by a weather beaten tortoise (whom I believe, is me), and a long line of tortoises, climbing a mountain.

When the wife came downstairs I asked her whether she was reading John Chapter 10 before she slept. She said, no, she was reading Chapter 15. So it was the Holy Spirit that prompted me to read Chapter 10 after all which confirmed the second dream I had and also the two words the wife uttered.

What a strange but meaningful encounter. God answers prayers!

AAA Jack

May 28, 2009

day 86: hearing God’s words (practical novice guide)

I have learned through unusual (sometimes ridiculous) ways in my endeavor to hear God’s words. So I decide to sum up what I have learned for information and encouragement. Every person must learn to find his own way. When you see how God is so ever ready to be found, you will be comforted and motivated to seek to know God.

Jesus has portrayed God on earth. The best way to start to know God is to read everything about Jesus. Look carefully at Jesus. Read what Jesus says many times until you become familiar with what Jesus says. Read with the single goal of knowing Jesus. Pray that the Holy Spirit guides you.

When I first read Jesus seriously at the beginning of this series of record, I had a difficult time because I was not spiritual at all. I “knew” the Holy Spirit only in my head, not in my spirit. I used my head to read and thought I knew all about the words of God. It seemed a straightforward project like any others. How wrong I was.

However, as I progressed and persevered, things happened. I was changed. A number of things helped.

1. I bought a new Bible (New King James Version, Giant print, words of Christ in red) just for the quest. I started afresh, un-influenced by my past perception, like and dislike. Verses appear now as though I never read them before.

2. I write down notes.

3. As I receive new insights (words, verses, pictures/visions, dreams, hymns, songs, and messages from third parties) I record them (not always immediately as I felt lazy to get up from bed and so missed the chance). But what I had recorded helped me to know God more.

4. I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit, ponder over the thoughts and search the Bible. I sometimes chew on the thoughts for days and wait for confirmation. When confirmation comes I would believe that my earlier thought comes from the Holy Spirit.

5. I practice what that I have learned from godly people. I practice until I find my own way.

6. I changed my life priorities, my goals, my perspectives. In fact, it was the Lord, I believe, who initiated the changes. As I put my quest before Him, He intervened supernaturally, put me on the right path and gave me the strength to carry through.

An entrepreneur told me that when he dreamed of new inventions or bits and pieces of new things, he would jump out of bed, draw the pictures, and jot down notes without delay. He is a shrewd business man who endeavors to keep track of his human thoughts to develop them into something ‘profitable’.

Much more we should keep track and make good use of the supernatural truth from heaven that the Holy Spirit put into our minds, and confirmed by the Bible. The businessman gropes in the uncertain market to find his way. But we have a sure guide and guarantee from the Holy Spirit. We have the certainty of the manual (the Bible) too.

The Holy Spirit guides by ways that He thinks will best suit each individual.

Pray you find the right key.

AAA Jack

May 27, 2009

Why did Dr.Luke choose to be with apostle Paul?

  What indeed was the main role of Luke? What did he choose to be? Obvious, a co-laborer sent by Jesus into the vast harvest field, and an i...