March 5, 2010

Chapter Eighty: "Sons of God are led by the Spirit"

Living and walking according to the Holy Spirit is no simple task. It takes practice. As Jack has experienced, often one is not sure whether he is walking by the Spirit or not. This applies especially to those who are very proud of their own mind and the work of their mind. For example, he is trained in using his mind to collect data, organize and analyse them. He uses such skill over a lot of things, including his social and religous life. There are advantages to use such skill efficiently and effectively. On the other hand, such skill is not applicable in God's matters.

Living by the Spirit requires learning entirely new living principles and skill, centered on God's word, faith and the Holy Spirit.
Some of the practical spiritual living examples are: Believe in divine healing and divine health. Proclaim God's word by faith on all aspects of life. Take up your legal authority as a son of God and use the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by faith. Cast out your unbelief (worldliness). Align your desire with the will of God. Fast and pray to subject your body and soul (mind and emotion) to the control of your spirit (which is to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ Himself)!

There is no way one can suddenly acquire the principles and living skill of the Spirit at End-Time. You just have to prepare now. For family (with or without children) it will be essential to start learning as a family unit. You will need each other to sustain the new living which is entirely different from the living you use to know and live. Father (or mother, in the case of single mother) needs to be responsible for your whole household's spiritual life.

1. You need to practice living by faith. For example, you need to practice praying the word of God by faith now, believing in the power of the name of Jesus Christ and take authority over the headache instead of reaching for the painkillers. You need to build up the faith practice until you can take authority over more serious chronic diseases. You will find that you save a lot of money and worries that way (even if end time does not come during your lifetime)!

2. You need to become a word person and household. Everyone reads the Bible and memorize God's word. Jack has done this through systematically using Scripture Memory Cards in (various topics) his younger days. Now he just uses the Bible. Both works. You can store a lot of word for future use. Do not underestimate your children. They are led by the Spirit too. Follow the instruction given to Joshua (Joshua 1:8).

3. You need to become a worshipful person and household. Lead your children to worship and praise God. Take Holy Communion as a family unit (and also a body of Christ). This is a must! As you praise and worship God, the war is won as the battle belongs to the Lord. Sometimes Jack is travelling alone in hostile places and he continues to worship God on his own. This is the best weapon against the enemy. He has seen visions of many angels following a worship leader as the leader led the worship singing spiritual songs. On another worship occasion he saw vision of a senior intercessor wearing the coat of a general-commander! (She is an elderly grandma who sings off-key).

4.  You need to become a prayerful person and household. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Listen to your own prayer and ask yourself whether that is the prayer of a Spirit led person. Lead your household to pray in the Spirit. Practice interceding for other Christians (as required in activating the full armor of God).

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." (Romans 8:14)

Remember: Faith + the Word of God + the Holy Spirit + Practice living by faith in the Spirit = keys to your survival.

Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Praying always in the Spirit, being watchful to this end"

End-Time Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action Three: Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Practice by faith praying in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a command from the Holy Spirit who is your commander in spiritual warfare. This is part of your full armor of God for spiritual warfare. Only then you will be able to stay alert (watchful) and be persistent to intercede for Christians (including your own household and others) everywhere. You will definitely need this weapon in the spiritual warfare ahead.
There are three preconditions:
First, the Holy Spirit comes and convicts you of sin, of righteousness and judgment. (John 16:8) you need to repent and turn to Jesus and be born of the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3-8).  Receive power from the Holy Spirit by faith as a son of God. Jesus said the Father in heaven is pleased to give the Holy Spirit to those (of His children) who ask Him! (Luke 11:13) So all you need to do is ask in Jesus name and you will receive. (John 14:13-14) Jesus also promised that He will pray the Father to give the Holy Spirit the Helper to us. (John 14:16)

Second: In Romans 8, the Holy Spirit gave these instructions: You need to practice living in the Spirit and walking according to the Spirit. Your mind must be set on things of the Spirit. Otherwise, your mind will be against God. There is no option. Only the person led by the Spirit is a son of God. The spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. (Romans 8:1-17)

Third: The Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us according to the will of God. (Romans 8:27)
Praying in the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for you even before End-Time. Jude 1:20 "But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." You need to be strong and courageous. Pray in the Spirit builds holiness and faith.

God's Holy Spirit intercedes for us, He guides us in our prayers, He helps us in our weakness. When you pray in the Spirit, God's Holy Spirit guides you, He leads you in prayer. It can be done through speaking in tongues, but it can also be done through speaking your own language. But how do you know you are praying in the power of the Holy Spirit if you are speaking your own language? This is something serious to ponder upon. Remember what the Bible says about our lawless and rebellious unbelieving minds.

The apostle Paul explains praying in tongues this way: 1 Cor 14:2 "For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries." 1 Cor 14:14-19 "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind."

What to do if you do not feel like praying or feel that it seems futile listening to your own empty repetitive babbling?

Ps 37:7 "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him." Hos 12:6 "Wait for your God always.". Singing praise songs to God and worshipping out loud will also invite God's Spirit. You will be filled with God's presence and a desire to pray. God's Holy Spirit has come into you to fan your heart into action, make you become aware of God's presence! You will find your prayer life transformed, with joy and power in your prayer.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) When the Holy Spirit guides you in using your prayers to edify yourself, to build up holy faith and as a weapon in the full armor of God, interceding for yourself and other Christians, you can be assured that it will manifest power, love and sound mind!

For the fearful Christians who fear that they may be exposed to demons instead of the Holy Spirit, a further assurance is from 1 John 4:4 "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." The Holy Spirit is in you if you are a child of God. He guides you into all truth and the truth will set you free. (These are the promises from Jesus Himself!).

March 3, 2010

Chapter Seventy-Eight: "For then, you shall make your way prosperous"

Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action Two: Read the Bible and believe every word of God by faith and act on them.

Seeking God will lead you to hear God more clearly. Often God speaks through His word. Jack has never heard audible voice of God. He saw words (verses from the Bible) either in his heart or as he read the Bible, certain word stepped out and caught his attention and he knew they were meant for him in that occasion. It is therefore essential to read the Bible with a heart to hear God. He also tries to keep the word of God in his heart. He normally prays for the Holy Spirit to work on him as he reads and reveal to him his future, and the work of the hands of God.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to our remembrance all things Jesus has said to us. (John 14:26) The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, and He will tell us things to come. (John 16:13) Jesus further promised: “All that belongs to the Father (God) is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” (John 16:15) Wow!

In End-Time every Christian would want to know what belongs to God and how to take hold of them to survive. He who knows the word of God will be guided by the Holy Spirit in him. The word is like a road map to treasures. Without the word of God, one has no direction, no resources (to produce physical supplies), and no weapon for the Spirit to work on (the word of God is the sword of the Spirit).

Joshua 1:8 “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” it is God’s command to read the Bible and meditate in it and act on it. The promise of God comes from the word.

The word of God is God’s will. Know His word means know His will and the promises therein. For example, when you know that God declared Himself in the Bible verse in Exodus 15:26 as “I am the Lord who heals you”, you are assured of God’s will for you to be healed from sickness. You can then act on it by faith to get well supernaturally (without reliance on medicine which you will not have access without the chip at End-Time). You will have faith if you have read that three million Israelite who believed this verse indeed enjoyed divine health! You will have faith when you know and believe that Jesus had born your sickness on the cross, as the Bible declared, “By His stripes you were healed.” (1Peter 2:24)

Jesus left a very important command (key to End-Time survival) to His followers. “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” (John 15:7)

Jack prays that all who read this blog will be stirred by the Holy Spirit to read God’s word fervently, meditate in it day and night and practice acting on them. You will definitely need this for all your supplies at End-Time.

The Holy Spirit says, "For then, you shall make your way prosperous!"

(Indeed, this is what Jack has experienced!)

Chapter Seventy-Seven: A watchman cries, "Your face, Lord, I will Seek!"

Jack is led by the Spirit to share a series of his action steps for END TIME SURVIVAL WITH JESUS OUTSIDE THE CAMP complete with Scripture verses to help to cast out unbelief and let mustard seed faith come forth and produce tangible result.
Survival Step One: How to live by the Spirit?
Action One: Seek God diligently daily. Why? By end time, Christians would have realized that they just have to depend on God to get them out of the horror. There is no one but God Who can save them. All who choose to follow and identify with Jesus will need to know how to seek God and hear His voice.
SEEK GOD NOW. This is the Number One preparation action for end time survival. You need to TRAIN NOW in worship, prayers and reading of His word.
God wants us to seek Him. In Psalm 27:8 David declared to God: "When You said, seek My face, my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek." (Psalm 27:8)
Indeed, God looks down from heaven to see if anyone who understands, who seeks Him. (Psaalm14:2; 53:2)
God even says He rewards those who diligently seek Him! (Heb.11:6)
God is our refuge, fortress, and strength in the day of affliction (Psalm 46; Jeremiah. 16:19).
He is our protector against evil, destruction and pestilence. (Psalm 91)
God delivered His people from evil for the purpose of meeting with them and dwelling among them as their God! (Exodus 20:24; 29:42-46)
Jesus said He needs to know you first before He will allow you to enter into heaven. (Matt. 7:21-23) Get used to seeking and meeting God (The Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) now daily so you would not be caught in end time without knowing Him.

Jack has over many years, with intensity building up in the last 12 months, been seeking God consistently. The result is indeed amazing and rewarding. What God has promised in His word have come true! What happened?
1. He started by reading the Bible as a young Christian. A lot of Christians do this as a routine. Over many years, the word of God has been stored in his heart (spirit).
2. He meditated on God's word. He memorized them. But he was not satisfied when he could not receive any illumination from the word. So he persisted in seeking. He listened to sermons with his whole heart. He thirsted and hungered for the word of God to feed his inner man.
3. After many years, he realized that the problem was with his mind and not his heart. The mind is well trained, to analyze, rationalize and organize. All these actions have no input from faith and/or from the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth.
God says, without faith it is impossible to please Him. (Heb.11:6)
Jesus says, the Holy Spirit comes to guide us into all truth. (John 16:13)
4. A breakthrough came last year. Jack was asked to sign up to pray for the churches and the city he lived in. So he did. That was  the beginning of a journey in the Holy Spirit. He found that the prayers were empty and lifeless and came from mechanical recitation of written guides from his church or a copy from somewhere in his mind archives. His heart was sincere but his flesh (body and mind) blocked him from really reaching the level that God has intended for him.
5.  He recalled how he was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago, the joy and love he felt flowing from God's presence to him then. He read the Bible day and night then with zeal and passion, believing that the word of God was real and they spoke to him. However when he started going back to church he was soon caught in the snare of man's tradition. He built up considerable Bible knowledge. He clocked in numerous hours of ministering to others. But he soon became malnourished spiritually.
6. So Jack started to practice worshiping God and waiting upon the Lord. That was the breakthrough. God's presence becomes real to him. He read the word of God afresh and listened to the still small voice within if any. God started to get through to him. He saw visions. he dreamed dreams. He saw Bible verses in his heart. He receives Biblical confirmations for the visions and dreams.
7. When he prays, he no longer utters familiar routine words that sound good to hear but empty (which the Lord Jesus described as babbling like pagans), knowing that he is in front of the great, awesome and holy God. How can he simply say things? When he hears his own previous prayers he feels ashamed.

END-TIME SURVIVAL is all about knowing how to hear God and follow His voice. The Holy Spirit will lead you in your spirit to listen and follow. The word of God that you have stored in your heart will rise to the occasion and become alive, bring forth life as you pray it and meditate on it and proclaim it by faith.

How else do you think Jesus has expected you to overcome? Just practice now. You will hear God. You will see what God wants you to see in your spirit. You will become real. A son of God. A kingdom of God citizen. A royal priest. A special national. An elect. A victorious remnant. A faith person. Jesus becomes your real life.

It is a marvelous and wonderful life in Christ Jesus. A divine lifestyle on earth as it is in heaven. No fear for end-time.

March 2, 2010

Chapter Seventy-Six: A Watchman's Vision of End Time Survival Kit

A dream came to the watchman in vivid details which he could remember clearly when he woke. It is about end time survival for God’s children.
Indeed he has thought about this matter previously. He thought of finding a piece of land on high ground which can be cultivated for self-subsistence. But he is no farmer, or even gardener. He has one pet dog and that is all he knows about keeping animals. He cannot do carpentry, mud shelter construction, handle heavy manual hand tools, not even basic plumping. He has never done a hard day’s manual labor before. When he realized the need for manual labor practice, he thought it better to put the idea (or vision) aside.
But this dream is a different sort. It has opened his spiritual eyes and mind. It tells him how wrong he has been all this while thinking of surviving end time using mere physical resources and skills. He woke knowing that this is what the Bible has been teaching him all this while!
In the dream, an organization controls all goods and services. Every one with a chip implant can buy whatever supplies they require. There is constant surveillance on all economic and social activities.
A man without a chip implant has no legal identity and social right and cannot access any of the world supplies. How can one survive without such access? For the followers of Jesus, survival is ‘outside the camp’ as they choose to identify with Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:13)!
On waking he was led to search the Bible for the way out  and found this: Put on the full armor of God: “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all these, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the fiery arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:14-18)
There are three important components in this full armor for all Bible believing Christians who have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (and thus have the helmet of Salvation, breastplate of Righteousness and gospel of Peace): The Holy Spirit, the Word of God and Faith. Praying in the Spirit is the essential operational tool for working in the spiritual realm.
Living in the Spirit is not optional for Christians.
It is compulsory. Without living in the Spirit you would not be able to rise above the physical elements and live outside the camp. Jesus and His disciples had demonstrated this truth. The Apostle Paul has written on this at great length and clarity. You already have the supernatural power in you to live accordingly. Read this following important truth:
Read 1 Corinthians Chapter two. God has revealed His mystery to us by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. We have received the Spirit of God and understand what God has freely given us. The spiritual man makes judgments about all things but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment. We have the mind of Christ.
How to live by the Spirit? Read the Bible and believe every word of God by faith and act on them. Seek God diligently daily in worship, prayers and His word. Pray in the Spirit as often as the Spirit leads you. Practice by faith praying in the Spirit. Receive power from the Holy Spirit by faith as a son of God. The Holy Spirit will come and help you when you ask.
Some of the practical living examples are: believe in divine healing and divine health. Proclaim God’s word by faith on all aspects of life. Take up your legal authority as a son of God and use the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by faith. Cast out your unbelief (worldliness). Align your desire with the will of God. Fast and pray to subject your body and soul (mind and emotion) to the control of your spirit (which is to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ Himself)!
For those who fear hunger, here is another verse of truth to dispel your doubt as to how your physical food will come.By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” (Hebrews 11:3) This makes sense as who can see a small atom?
For those who think they can wait till the last minute to practice divine living, the watchman’s advice (through personal experience) is you really need a lot of practice to let the faith in you come forth. For example, you need to practice praying the word of God by faith now, believing in the power of the name of Jesus Christ and take authority over the headache instead of reaching for the painkillers. You need to build up the faith practice until you can take authority over more serious chronic diseases. You will find that you save a lot of money and worries that way (even if end time does not come during your lifetime)!
Another reminder is to memorize the word of God. You would not have a Bible ready for you at end time. The word of God in your heart must rise as resources (materials) for the Holy Spirit to bring forth produce that you need in the physical world.
Remember: Faith + the Word of God + the Holy Spirit + Practice living by faith in the Spirit = keys to your survival.

March 1, 2010

Chapter Seventy-five: A watchman's prophetic acts

Often Jack has found that the things he is required to do are insignificant and at times foolish in others' eyes. When he read the Bible he found that many faithful watchmen were asked to do ridiculous acts. He lists some of the more prominent ones as follows:
Noah was asked to build an ark on dry land based on God's specifications for his family and two of every sort of living things (possibly becoming the greatest laughing stock among the inhabitants of that land then). (Genesis 6-7)
Moses was asked to lift up his rod and stretch out his hand over the Red Sea in front of at least two millions of panicky people under death threat by the powerful enemy army close at their heels. (Exodus 14)
Joshua was asked to march daily once around the Jericho city walls  for six consecutive days, with seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark silently in front of his entire armies , and on the seventh day march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. (Joshua 6)
Samuel gathered all Israel to Mizpah, drew water and poured it out before the Lord, then took a suckling lamb and offered to the Lord as a whole burnt offering, while their arch enemies the Philistines armies drew near to battle against Israel. (1 Samuel 7)
When three nations' armies came to battle against Judah, King Jehoshaphat led his people to worship the Lord and the Levites praised the Lord with loud voices. On the day of the battle, Jehoshaphat appointed those who should sing to the Lord and those who should praise the beauty of holiness to go out before the army saying, "Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever." (2 Chronicles 20)
Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up and struck the water of the River Jordan. (2 Kings 2:8)
Elisha cut off a stick, and threw it into the River Jordan where the axe head had fallen into. (2 Kings 6:6)
Naaman, commander of the army of the King of Syria, dipped seven times in the River Jordan, at the instruction of Elisha the prophet. (2 Kings 5:14)

What happened when men did the foolish things in obedience to their callings by God? God acted and performed the great things. God sent the great flood, rid the land of evil and gave Noah and his family a fresh new life as promised. Moses and his two million people saw the Red Sea parted and they were delivered from the Egyptians. The tall and mighty walls of Jericho fell down flat and Joshua captured the city without fighting. Samuel and his armies saw the defeat of their enemy armies. God thundered with a loud thunder upon the Philistines and so confused them that they were overcome before Israel. When King Jehosaphat's men began to sing and praise God, the Lord sent ambushes and defeated their enemies.  Of course the River Jordan parted and even iron axe head swam to the surface! Namaan, an alien leper, who chose to obey the watchman/prophet, was instantly healed after the seventh dip.

1 Corinthians 2:13-14 "These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man (the man without the Spirit) does not receive (accept) the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned". v16 For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ."

Unless a man stops trying to reason the things of God with his mind, he will not see a miracle. This is called unbelief. Unbelief cancels out faith. Faith rests in our spirits. Let your spirit man rise up and you will see miracles! Jack has taken a long time to accept this truth. Now he knows the truth and the truth has set him free just as Jesus has promised! (John 8:32)

A watchman has to see with his spirit and not his mind, to reach God's rich supernatural resources. The Holy Spirit provides the way to such vision.

February 28, 2010

Chapter Seventy-four: The Holy Spirit confirms the same message twice

What Jack has learned since his journey in the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit responds to our prayers quickly and very often immediately. however, it takes us sometime to receive and respond accordingly. It is therefore our receivers that need fixing and not the transmission from God the Holy Spirit. Jack sometimes wishes that there is a shortcut for him to listen to the Holy Spirit.
However, the more he seeks God the more he enjoys the seeking process. It has been a wonderful and often awesome journey for him in the Holy Spirit. So a short cut would have been a waste.
During the last week he has been seeking God more intensely as led by the Holy Spirit. The advance intercessors conference has opened his inner eyes further and he can sense the urgency of the time. He feels like a man racing on a fast moving train going somewhere. He must race against time as all his assignments are urgent and must be completed before the train reaches its destination.

However he does not know each exact assignment until the last minute. He has to focus, watch and listen carefully for the signals. The signals are given in the supernatural. He may receive a vision. He may have a dream. He may have a name or a Bible verse appearing in his heart or right before his eyes when he reads the Bible. He may receive the signal in broad daylight while driving in his car. He may receive it when worshiping God. He may receive it in the midnight hours. All he needs to do is to respond.
When he is not sure he asks the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will speak to him again through another means: a song, a person, a verse, a sermon passage, a phone call, a mobile message, a piece of news etc. Sometimes he asks his spiritual mentor to pray too and see if she receives similar or further clarifications. Sometimes before he asks, she already receives the message for him separately and sends it in the form of a mobile message!

During the last two days he has been reading a very important book. He could not sleep last night so he decided to read more of it. When he reached some verses he meditated on them and prayed as led by the Holy Spirit. He tried to memorize some of them.
This morning he woke from a dream. In the dream he was back in his former company and was shown by an internal office inspector (his junior) of a list of operations under his charge which required his rectification. He only remembered one warning word for him when he woke.
In the morning before going to church, he decided to walk on his treadmill while worshiping and memorizing Bible verses. Then he remembered one verse in the book which he was urged by the Spirit to memorize on the previous night. The verse appeared in his heart strongly with urgency. So he looked through the verse in the Bible. To his surprise he found that just one verse below, the warning word which he received in his dream appeared!
The word relates to handling of God's word. It was not a common word. But it does serve an accurate reminder for Jack as he is trained to use his mind more than his spirit. He used to take pride in his mind as he thought all his former successes in the corporate world were attributed to his mind! So the Holy Spirit knows exactly what to warn Jack! The Holy Spirit confirmed the same message twice!
When he attended church later, another incident happened. He was asked to pray the opening prayer. He was led to pray the verse which the Holy Spirit has already prepared his heart for on the previous night. It occurred that the sermon on that day was on the same topic. Again, the Holy Spirit confirmed the same message twice!
In another incident, he was approached by someone to intercede for her close relative. He did not feel any leading from the Holy Spirit then so he did not commit himself. However, almost a week later while driving on a long distance, after listening to a message about Jesus' completed salvation on the cross, her name appeared and he was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray fervently for her and that loved one of hers. He obeyed.

Jack has discovered that the prayers of an intercessor are not usual. He has become a person who does not pray much in the public. Prayers require the input of the Holy Spirit. Often times he needs to spend time before God and read and meditate God's word before he knows what to pray and intercede. God's word are like seeds. An intercessor needs seeds before he can sow by faith. He also needs the water from the Holy Spirit for the ground before he can sow them.
All in all he has learned to become a novice spiritual gardener. O, how he loves gardening this way, in the cool of the morning and evening, in the gentle presence of the Holy Spirit, knowing that the real gardener is in heaven ensuring the produce of fruits, thirty-fold, sixty-fold and hundred-fold!


  保罗有很多朋友。 有些比其他更接近。 今天我们继续读到保罗的故事,以及他在推进神国度的过程中如何重视与战友的关系。 从中看见他怎样靠圣灵严谨的选择和训练他的属灵同工/“战友”。他与圣灵的亲密关系引导他正确的选择,写成了一部初期教会重要的历史。 点击以下链接去读原文 https...