October 8, 2011

watchman’s adventure: A day before Yom Kippur

The watchman has decided to keep Yom Kippur – day of atonement (full fast of food and water for 25 hours from Sundown to Sundown following Jerusalem’s time) this year. He has prepared his heart and spirit for the past two weeks and now the day will arrive soon. On this eve he carries out the following:

1. Set goal for the day of fast and repentance, as a watchman standing in the gap. His Goal: to seek God and intercede for Israel before God.

2. Ask and listen to the Holy Spirit on how to spend the next day. Activities: Fast, repent, read and proclaim God’s words.

3. Prepare himself in his body: He has two main meals to stock up on protein, carb., fibre and plenty of water. (During the previous year’s Yom Kippur, he had a hard time when he fasted water as well as food. Fasting water was very tough for him!)

4. Prepare himself in his soul and spirit: He rests before the Lord, reads the word of God, prays, and receives guidance from the Holy Spirit. Aligning himself with the Lord prepares him to enter the spiritual realm the following day.

Some of the Bible books and chapters he will read and proclaim as led by the Holy Spirit on the following day are as follows:
whole book of Hebrews ; whole book of Matthews; psalm 141-150 ; Isaiah 42-66 ; Ezekiel 33-48; Micah; parts of Jeremiah; Lamentations.

Why does he want to do the Yom Kippur observation? He asks. The answer is he believes the calling and choosing of Christians is linked to that of the returning of the elect (the Israelite people) to God as prophesied in the Bible. He has firm conviction in his spirit that the time is near and all Christians watchmen should arise and stand now for the fulfilment of the word of God.

O watchman, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36)
Zechariah 4:14 (NKJV)

14 So he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.” (Both the Jews and the Gentiles Christians)

October 5, 2011

More ‘spiritual’ information on Yom Kippur

More information on Yom Kippur -spiritual aspect (as expressed by those who practise) as follows:

Quote: ” Introduction -Yom Kippur is the spiritual pinnacle of the Days of Awe. On this day, God moves from the throne of Justice (where God was metaphorically “seated” for Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment) to the throne of Compassion. As we approach God on Yom Kippur, it is with the conviction that our sincere prayers will be heard and our sincere repentance accepted. For this reason, there is a Hasidic tradition that Yom Kippur, or Yom Hakippurim, should be K’Purim, as joyous as Purim.”

Inui Nefesh (Afflicting the Body) and Spiritual Rebirth

quote:”The most well-known characteristic of Yom Kippur is that it is a day of fasting. This fasting is actually part of a larger framework created by the rabbis called inui nefesh, the afflictions of the body. There are five things that we are prohibited from doing on Yom Kippur: washing, eating, drinking, having sex, and wearing leather. On Yom Kippur we refrain from activities, like eating, taking care of our bodies and making love, that affirm life. In addition, it is customary in some communities on Yom Kippur to wear a kittel, a shroud – the garment worn by Jews when they are buried. Finally, at the end of the Yom Kippur service, we recite the sh’ma, the words that are supposed to be the last ones on our lips before we die. On Yom Kippur, the peak of the period of self-transformation and teshuva (turning), we symbolize the death of our old selves and a spiritual rebirth as a new, pure soul. ” unquote

Quote: ” Torah Readings -The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning is Leviticus 16, the account of how the sacrificial service was conducted on Yom Kippur by Aaron, the High Priest. The haftarah is Isaiah 57:14 – 58:14, a passage chosen because it discusses the true purpose of fasting. God seeks only the fast that will inspire us to begin to act with more justice and mercy, that will lead us to take greater care of those in need in our society. The Torah reading for Yom Kippur afternoon is Leviticus 18, which describes prohibited marriages and illicit sexual relationships. Some communities choose to read Leviticus 17, the “Holiness Code” in place of the traditional reading. The haftarah is the book of Jonah.”

(internet information from: The Abraham Joshua Heschel School)

October 4, 2011

Watchman's Adventure: Preparing for Yom Kippur's Fast

The watchman learned from last year’s experience that the most difficult part is not drinking water. He can stand the not eating part but needs to really fortify against dehydration. He is one of those who do not take much plain water. So the tips here are very relevant to him.

Here is a number of useful excerpts from various sources on how to prepare for this year’s Yom Kippur Fasting.

Tips for Yom Kippur Fasting Don’t make it any more difficult than it has to be; fasting is easier if you prepare your body in advance; there are things you can do to ease your fast after it has started. Above all, set goals before you start. Why do you want to fast? What motivates you to do so?

One of the primary and best-known observances of Yom Kippur is fasting. The purpose of fasting is to “afflict your soul,” a means of repenting. For some people, fasting is easy; for others, it is more difficult. But there is no particular merit in making this fast any more difficult than it has to be. Here are a few tips that have helped in the past.

Everybody’s body is different, and everybody reacts differently to fasting. These tips may or may not work for you. Above all else, you should listen to your own body and do those things that tend to make you less hungry while avoiding things that tend to make you more hungry.

A Week Before Yom Kippur: You can ease your fast by preparing your body about a week before the fast.

Taper Off Addictive or Habitual Substances

Starting on the day after Rosh Hashanah, taper off of the following:

■Coffee, tea or other caffeinated beverages

■Refined sugar and candy, especially chocolate

■Cigarettes, cigars and pipes

■Anything else that you eat habitually or compulsively, that you long for when you can’t have it

Sudden deprivation of any of the above can cause withdrawal symptoms that will make it harder to fast. If you taper off of these things about a week before the fast, you will find that your withdrawal symptoms are not as severe.

Vary Your Meal Schedule

Keep in mind that for most well-fed Americans (and others for that matter), the “hunger” that you feel at meal times is simply a result of your body preparing itself to receive food at the expected time. If you always eat lunch at precisely 12:30 and dinner at precisely 6 PM, your body will start preparing to digest at those times. That is what most people think of as “hunger.” If you vary your meal schedule, you will find that it eases your feelings of hunger at meal times.

Drink Plenty of Water

The need for water is much greater than the need for food (as the watchman has found out personally last year’s Yom Kippur) and if you are like most Americans, you don’t drink enough water under ordinary circumstances. During the last few days before Yom Kippur, make sure you drink plenty of water, so you do not risk becoming dehydrated during your fast.

The Meal Before

Your last meal before Yom Kippur should be chosen carefully.

Don’t Overeat

Some people seem to think that they can “make up for” not eating on Yom Kippur by having a big meal the night before. This is a very bad idea, and actually makes it harder to fast. Have you ever noticed how you feel particularly hungry the morning after a large meal? Eat a normal sized meal.

Eat Foods That Are Easy To Digest

Don’t eat anything that will sit in your stomach like a rock, give you heartburn or leave you feeling hungry. Think of foods that don’t leave you feeling hungry the morning after.

Get Plenty of Protein and Complex Carbohydrates

These are the foods that will stick with you during the next day and give you the long-term energy you need.

During Yom Kippur

Even after the fast has started, there are things you can do to ease your fast.

Go to a place of worship/prayer Aside from the fact that you’re supposed to be there praying and repenting anyway, this will actually make it easier to fast. Being with people who are also fasting, will make it easier for you to fast. Most importantly you will find that when you focus on the matters of God, your spiritual man rises and your body’s craving subsides. Live by the Spirit and not the flesh! The watchman has found that the presence of God makes him forget about food and the Bible verse “man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord” is real!

Don’t Talk About Food or Hunger

Talking about your hunger will only focus your attention on it and make it harder to fast. Don’t talk about or think about what you are going to eat after the fast. You should also avoid being around people who are talking about these things. Be with people who are spiritual and Spirit-led.

Take a Nap in the Afternoon

During the break between services in the afternoon. Have you ever noticed that full feeling that you have when you wake up from an afternoon nap? Do not exert yourselves much physically. For those who do not nap, reading God’s Word and meditating on His Word as led by the Holy Spirit will refresh you.

Two Weeks Before the Fast: Kick Your Bad Habits

Caffeine: For caffeine addicts, going without any caffeine on Yom Kippur can make the fast particularly challenging. Caffeine is technically an addictive drug, causing a chemical dependency that can trigger unpleasant withdrawal symptoms (headaches, fatigue, nausea, poor-motor skills, irritability, inability to concentrate, etc.) that compound the ordinary physical challenges of fasting. If you have a caffeine habit, it is best to prepare yourself for a caffeine free Yom Kippur several weeks in advance. Beginning at least two weeks before the holiday slowly reduce your caffeine consumption with the goal of stopping your caffeine intake 3-4 days before Yom Kippur. If you drink two cups of coffee a day, start by reducing this to one cup, then after a few days switch to half-caffeine before switching to decaf. This way you’ll experience the withdrawal more gradually and hopefully be through the worst withdrawal symptoms before the actual day. Be sure to drink plenty of water during this time and get extra rest if you need to. You may even consider quitting altogether after the fast to avoid this problem in the future.

Fatty/Sugary/Salty Foods: Generally these are the foods people crave during a fast, by reducing or eliminating these types of foods in the weeks before you’ll help to reduce cravings during the fast.

Hydrate: While a healthy adult can generally survive for weeks without food, dehydration can set in within a few days. It’s no surprise then that most of the discomfort of fasting is caused by lack of water not the lack of food. To help reduce the effects of dehydration during a fast it is critical to properly hydrate beforehand. Most of us do not drink enough water in our normal day-to-day routines, so it is even more critical to begin hydrating in the week before the fast. Generally an adult at rest should be drinking about half their body weight in ounces of water per day (i.e. A 150 lb. man should be getting 75 ounces of water per day, or about 9.5 cups of water). The best source for hydration is water, though fluids can be obtained from a variety of sources. Beware caffeinated beverages and soft drinks though, caffeine actually causes your body to use more water, and so caffeinated beverages and soft drinks do not have the same hydrating power as an equivalent amount of water and can actually contribute to dehydration.

Prescription Medication: Should you fast If you take any prescription medications (or have any health conditions that fasting may impact or worsen)? You would need to ask your doctor for answers.

Day before the Fast: Final Preparation

Stay On Target: All of the steps taken to prepare in the week or two leading up to the fast should still be followed the day before:

■Avoid caffeine, alcohol and salty foods that will worsen the effects of not drinking and contribute to dehydration.

■Drink sufficient water. Stocking up on extra water will help stave off the effects of dehydration during the fast.

Eat Normal Sized Meals: While being well hydrated will help stave off the effects of dehydration, over eating will not stave off the effects of hunger and may make you more uncomfortable. The excess fluids needed for your body to process large meals may also lead to dehydration.

Focus on Complex Carbs: Complex carbohydrates like those found in pasta, breads, rice, fruits, vegetables, and beans (legumes) are best for maintaining your body’s muscle energy levels during the fast. This is why runners stock up on pasta the night before a marathon, but your body will get a similar benefit prior to a fast. In addition carbohydrates help your body absorb water more efficiently, so eating carbs will aid in staying hydrated during the fast. Proteins and fats do not have this same hydration benefit. Whole-grain products and fruits/vegetables that are high in fiber are best, as these will not only provide energy but are slower to digest and will keep you feeling fuller the longest.

Yom Kippur Pre-Fast Menus and Recipes

Meal of Cessation

Jews traditionally eat a Meal of Cessation – called Seudat Mafseket - before the Yom Kippur fast. A family may eat a meat meal for lunch, and then eat a hi-carb dairy dinner directly before the fast. The meat menu includes low-salt vegetable soup, breaded chicken, potatoes and dessert. The dairy menu includes egg souffle, whole wheat bagels with various spreads and fruit salad.

Yom Kippur Post-Fast Menu and Recipes

At the end of Yom Kippur, Jews traditionally share a joyful Break Fast meal with family and friends. The Yom Kippur Break Fast is generally a festive breakfast menu consisting of foods such as eggs, cheese, bread.

________________Lastly, be watchful and prayerful. Continue to stay in the presence of the Lord.

September 30, 2011

Two Prophets' Shana Tova Greetings

Zechariah 12:10-14

10 “Then I will pour out a Spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on Me Whom they have pierced and mourn for Him as for an only Son. They will grieve bitterly for Him as for a firstborn Son who has died. 11 The sorrow and mourning in Jerusalem on that day will be like the great mourning for Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddo.

12 “All Israel will mourn, each clan by itself, and with the husbands separate from their wives. The clan of David will mourn alone, as will the clan of Nathan, 13 the clan of Levi, and the clan of Shimei. 14 Each of the surviving clans from Judah will mourn separately, and with the husbands separate from their wives.

Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our message?

To whom has the Lord revealed His powerful arm?

2 My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot,

like a root in dry ground.

There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance,

nothing to attract us to Him.

3 He was despised and rejected—

a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.

We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way.

He was despised, and we did not care.

4 Yet it was our weaknesses He carried;

it was our sorrows[a] that weighed Him down.

And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God,

a punishment for His own sins!

5 But He was pierced for our rebellion,

crushed for our sins.

He was beaten so we could be whole.

He was whipped so we could be healed.

6 All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.

We have left God’s paths to follow our own.

Yet the Lord laid on Him

the sins of us all.

7 He was oppressed and treated harshly,

yet He never said a word.

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter.

And as a sheep is silent before the shearers,

He did not open His mouth.

8 Unjustly condemned,

He was led away.

No one cared that He died without descendants,

that His life was cut short in midstream.

But He was struck down

for the rebellion of my people.

9 He had done no wrong

and had never deceived anyone.

But He was buried like a criminal;

He was put in a rich man’s grave.

10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush Him

and cause Him grief.

Yet when His life is made an offering for sin,

He will have many descendants.

He will enjoy a long life,

and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in His hands.

11 When He sees all that is accomplished by His anguish,

He will be satisfied.

And because of His experience,

my righteous servant will make it possible

for many to be counted righteous,

for He will bear all their sins.

12 I will give Him the honors of a victorious soldier,

because He exposed Himself to death.

He was counted among the rebels.

He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.

September 26, 2011

End Times Witnessing: What will you do in the appointed day?

The watchman prepared his class notes on Saturday but by Sunday morning morning he was led in the spirit not to teach that day. He was told instead that he should allow the disciple class to put all that they have learned into practice that afternoon.

So he told the class to enact the end times scenario, wherein all their leaders are gone and they are left in the sanctuary alone. They were required to do three things:

1.Worship God: be in the Lord’s Presence for protection and shelter, as in Psalm 91. Be led by the Holy Spirit.

2.Preach the Word: save the lost souls who would pour into the prayer house in the end times.

3.Healing and Deliverance: Many will need to be ministered in these two main areas resultant of the Holy Spirit out pouring

The leaders acted as the lost souls who rushed into the sanctuary during the worship. The were determined to make it tough on the novice disciples. It was a time of chaos and distress for the class to fulfill their new roles.

They were required to worship and stay in the presence of God, be led by the Holy Spirit, whilst feeding the poor, heal the sick, cast out demons, preach the Gospel and save the lost. A number of important lessons emerged:

1.During such a crisis, when disorderly ‘strangers’ crashed in, the orderly Christians were caught without adequate preparation.

2.Although they were all eager to help and perform the full range of duties, they were at a loss when confronted with practical realities, despite knowing the ‘theories’ so well.

3.The practical exercise/simulation was eye-opening for many, seeing how inadequately prepared we are. There is no way we can cope with the end times harvest when the Lord pours out the Holy Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28-29).

4.Resolution: we need practice hands on training, complete with user friendly materials for sharing the Gospel, memory verses and proper steps of healing and deliverance. Practices of worship and sharing the word of God are needed too.

5.Positive outcome: Nearly all admitted the need for training and more personal preparation.

6.One revelation: The Lord uses ordinary people. The class who turned out that afternoon consisted of the most ordinary people of all ages who are indeed the end times workers for the Lord, who could easily disappear and blend into any crowd.

7.Negative discovery: Only one brethren remained praying in the Spirit as he had difficulty walking. The rest were too busy ministering and forgot to listen to the Holy Spirit and be led by the Spirit.

It was a rather hilarious time because all knew that they were acting. Only one lone worshipper was singing all by herself when all the commotions were going on. A leader was accused of having a stubborn spirit that refused to be cast out because the deliverers decided to do the casting despite the fact that she came in asking for a cigarette and later some money and not manifesting any demon at all! Another man was asked to repent and recite a sinners’ prayer which omitted ‘in Jesus Name’ (the 'sinner' had to prompt them on the omission!). The Gospel sharers had to ask each other what the next sentence would be. The helpers ignored the ‘poor stranger’s’ remark that he was dying of physical hunger as they were busy praying for him. When he told them his leg was badly injured and bleeding they told him to ignore the bleeding and not to look at the external symptoms! One man was ‘manifesting’ but no one gave him any plastic beg/container to cough into. He had to ask them to give him one! This happened to another man who 'manifested.

The leaders who acted as lost souls had a field day with the novice disciples who were at first required to minister for one hour. After 20 minutes they were too ‘distressed’ to carry on and so the watchman agreed to halt and let everyone share his/her experience and finding.

Conclusion: No one can predict what ‘the appointed day’ will be like. The most important thing is to get ready now and not be caught by surprise. When the real thing comes it would not be hilarious. It would be real and painful for those caught unprepared.

Prior the class the watchman was led to turn his Bible to this verse, Hosea 9:5a ”What will you do in the appointed day”? Indeed, it aptly describes how one may be caught not knowing what to do. The class had later demonstrated this scenario. On the other hand, he was encouraged as all hands were on deck that afternoon. Everyone who turned out participated. He could perceive the eagerness and commitment to obey and be disciples of Jesus Christ!

Relevant Bible Verses —————————————

Matthew 10:1 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. 7-8 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Luke 9:1 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

September 24, 2011

Watchman's Adventure: An evening with two messages

Indeed it was a wonderful day for the watchman. He received two different messages in one evening. The first message was Psalm 47. He was in a ward praying (for an elderly frail man to get well), together with two others in the Spirit. Then he was told to read this psalm, especially verse 2 “For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is the great King of all the earth.”
After that he went to a worship and prayer meeting. Prior the meeting he received Psalm 84 and to his surprise, he was praying part of the psalm on his way there! During the meeting, he was pleasantly surprised that the worship was indeed centred on the kingship of Jesus.

After the worship, prayer started and the time was spent almost entirely praying in the Spirit. He was led to understand why he read psalm 84:5-8. It describes the spiritual journey of an intercessor praying in the Spirit. (Words in brackets are what the watchman received in the Spirit).

Psalm 84

5 What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

(Praying is like a pilgrimage journey)

6 When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,

(it is not easy to start as an intercessor has to know what to pray for and needs to enter the spiritual realm to intercede accurately. Even weeping and tears are expected. In this instance a group of intercessors are praying together)

it will become a place of refreshing springs.

The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.

(But as they allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of intercession, they will soon find that out of their bellies flow rivers of living water!)

7 They will continue to grow stronger,

(the group of intercessors who pray together will pray from strength to strength as they press on together in one Spirit of Christ)

and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.

(But each individual intercessor must appear before the Lord personally. No one can substitute him. If anyone does not pray he will not appear before God. God is Spirit.)

8 O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, hear my prayer.

Listen, O God of Jacob.

(Only after he enters into the spiritual realm, getting into the presence of the Lord, he can pray this verse!)

Psalm 47

For the choir director: A psalm of the descendants of Korah.

1 Come, everyone! Clap your hands!

Shout to God with joyful praise!

2 For the Lord Most High is awesome.

He is the great King of all the earth.

3 He subdues the nations before us,

putting our enemies beneath our feet.

4 He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance,

the proud possession of Jacob’s descendants, whom he loves.


5 God has ascended with a mighty shout.

The Lord has ascended with trumpets blaring.

6 Sing praises to God, sing praises;

sing praises to our King, sing praises!

7 For God is the King over all the earth.

Praise him with a psalm!

8 God reigns above the nations,

sitting on his holy throne.

9 The rulers of the world have gathered together

with the people of the God of Abraham.

For all the kings of the earth belong to God.

He is highly honored everywhere.

September 22, 2011

End Times Witnessing: How not to miss being saved?

There are two characters in the Bible who shared some similar worldly characteristics and yet ended differently in their eternal destinations. Both were men of worldly success in terms of power and wealth.


Pilate was a shrewd governor working for the powerful Roman Empire. He was unpopular, cruel and feared by many. He had the power to put a person to death, regardless whether the person was found guilty or not. Jesus was tried in his court and found innocent but Pilate still sentenced him to death. He was politically ambitious and correct. He knew how to appease his subjects (mostly Jewish) on one historical occasion. He avoided civil upheaval by succumbing to the majority regardless of justice. His concern was to stay out of trouble and keep his governor’s position safe. Jesus gave him three chances to know Him and even receive from Jesus salvation for him and his household. Responding to the three mundane, routine, temporal political questions he asked, Jesus revealed to him spiritual truth leading to eternal life.

He asked Jesus: “Are you the king of the Jews?” (The Jews had accused Jesus of ‘revolting’ as they wanted Pilate to execute him). So Pilate was asking the accused what he was accused of. It was a pertinent interrogation question.

Jesus answered: “Is this your own question, or did others tell you about Me?” Jesus wanted Pilate to proclaim with his mouth he wanted to know Jesus personally. This is Salvation Truth Number One: Everyone must personally seek to know Jesus, the King of kings, the only Saviour of men!

Pilate missed the spiritual point. He went on and asked: “Am I a Jew? Your own people and their leading priests brought you to me for trial. Why? What have you done?” He just wanted to get the trial over as soon as possible. He had to ascertain the criminal act done by the Jewish accused and then pass the appropriate sentence. Then he would have completed another job. His own wife knew of Jesus’ ministry and even dreamed of Him on the night before the trial. But Pilate was just being ‘practical’ and could not be bothered with foreign spiritual issue.

Jesus gave him a further chance: “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, My followers would fight to keep Me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But My Kingdom is not of the world.” Jesus stated that Salvation Truth Number Two is: Know that Jesus is the King far above human kings, and with far more superior authority and power. Only Jesus has the authority and power to life and kingdom beyond this world.

Pilate again missed the spiritual truth. “So you are a king?” He was still obsessed with earthly politics. He only wanted Jesus’ admission that He was a king so he could sentence Him (as accused by the Jewish leaders for political treason against the Roman ruler, Caesar). He was interested in getting to the earthly ‘truth’, that is, was what the Jews accusing Jesus of the truth?

Jesus gave him the third Salvation Truth: “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is truth.” Salvation Truth Number Three: Genuine Truth-seeker will believe and acknowledge that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The conviction will result in life transformation. The believer will submit to the kingship of Jesus with accompanying life changes toward God and others.

Pilate brushed aside this eternal TRUTH and remarked sarcastically, “What is truth?” In his human experience he knew there was no truth in human society. He knew he had to fit the so-called ‘truth’ to suit whoever in power at any moment.

The words that Jesus had spoken had gone into Pilate’s rational mind. They did not make sense to him. He had enough of worldly power struggle and wealth making worries to occupy his mind and emotion. The words never entered his spirit. So he missed the three chances.


Zacchaeus was a shrewd chief tax contractor-collector for the powerful Roman Empire. He too had wealth and power. Like Pilate he was not socially popular and was feared by those under his oppression. Like Pilate he miss-used his power and caused hardship and grievance.

But Zacchaeus differed from Pilate. He had heard of Jesus and His teachings through others. He determined to seek and know Jesus personally for himself. Undeterred by physical disadvantage he made an ingenuous effort, climbing a tree to position himself higher than anyone. Indeed Jesus noticed him and came to his house as his honored guest! Thus, Zacchaeus fulfilled Salvation Truth Number One!

Zacchaeus knew and believed that Jesus had far superior power and authority than what the worldly kings could offer. He heard and believed. When encountering Jesus personally his belief was confirmed. He submitted to this King immediately! Thus, he fulfilled Salvation Truth Number Two: Know that Jesus is the King far above human kings, and with far more superior authority and power. Believe that only Jesus has the authority and power to life and kingdom beyond this world.

Zacchaeus was convicted and submitted to the kingship of Jesus and responded by repentance and actions following repentance of his heart. He declared publicly his repentance and restitution actions. Thus, he fulfilled Salvation Truth Number Three: Genuine Truth-seeker will believe and acknowledge that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The conviction will result in life transformation. The believer will submit to the kingship of Jesus with accompanying life changes toward God and others.

Why did Zacchaeus respond to Jesus differently? Zacchaeus believed and gave priority to spiritual reality. When he encountered God he knew and submitted. Pilate did not believe in or give importance to the spiritual. Even when God appeared to him he missed God completely.

Some will get to heaven and some will miss heaven. The chance is one hundred percent either way. You choose.

Rejoice with old hymns: He lives!

Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King The Hope of all who seek Him, the He...